Appendix B:
Collected Checklists

A copy of this appendix is also on-line at:

packing checklists from section 1.5.3

what you need to travel
[_] your identification
[_] water bottle and strap
[_] snacks for the trip
[_] maps and directions
[_] contact information
[_] dollar bills and rolls of coins
[_] collapsible duffel and/or backpack           
[_] doorman's umbrella           
[_] coat (with windproof gloves and hat in the pockets)           

if flying

[_] plane tickets

if driving

[_] dictaphone or small cassette recorder
[_] hand cart
[_] books on tape

   earthquake preparedness kit
   [_] $100 pack of five dollar bills
   [_] pry bar
   [_] case of 24 pint or 0.5 liter bottles, with sport top
   [_] bottle of multivitamins and minerals                
   [_] snacks/food:
       [_] beef jerky
       [_] turkey jerky
       [_] salmon jerky
       [_] crackers
       [_] canned fruits
       [_] canned vegetables
       [_] hard candy
       [_] instant oatmeal
       [_] instant soup                
   [_] sturdy cups and spoons                
   [_] non-electric can-opener
   [_] hand/dish soap
   [_] paper towels and toilet paper                
   [_] trash bags                
   [_] 12 volt DC water heating appliance
   [_] small blankets
   [_] beach towels
   [_] sweatshirts                

clothing checklist from section 1.5.3

what you need to wear, and to care for your clothes

    [_] shoes           
    [_] socks           
    [_] belts           
    [_] underwear           
    [_] pants           
    [_] shirts           
    [_] jackets           
    [_] neckties           
    [_] sunglasses           
    [_] watches           

    [_] shoes           
    [_] socks           
    [_] hose           
    [_] skirts           
    [_] dresses           
    [_] blouses           
    [_] belts           
    [_] underwear           
    [_] jewelry           
    [_] purses           
    [_] sunglasses           
    [_] watches           
[_] laundry bag           
[_] stain stick or spot remover           
[_] laundry soap & fabric softener
[_] steamer (wrinkle remover) or travel iron

grooming checklist from section 1.5.3

what you need for grooming and health      
[_] grooming kit      
    [_] brush      
    [_] comb      
    [_] hair gel and/or spray
    [_] shampoo      
    [_] soap      
    [_] antiperspirant      
    [_] toothbrush      
    [_] toothpaste      
    [_] mouthwash (smallest size bottles available, sealed)      
    [_] "sword flossers" dental floss
    [_] razor & spare blades      
    [_] shaving cream (travel size)      
    [_] Q-tips®
    [_] fingernail and toenail clippers and cleaning tools      
    [_] sunscreen      
    [_] emergency sewing kit 
    [_] women's needs
[_] first aid kit:
    [_] gauze
    [_] white tape
    [_] antiseptic
    [_] Band-Aid® adhesive strips
    [_] painkillers:
        [_] aspirin
        [_] acetaminophen or Tylenol®
        [_] ibuprofen or Advil®
[_] medical kit
    [_] two weekly pill cases with vitamins or medications
    [_] Pepto-Bismol® tablets or other nausea/diarrhea medicine      
    [_] Tums® or other heartburn medicine      
    [_] daytime and nighttime cold medicines such as Contac®
    [_] vitamin C      
    [_] fever thermometer      
    [_] sore throat lozenges such as Sucrets®
    [_] Bandaids®
    [_] antiseptic      
    [_] burn cream 

what you need to do your job
[_] alarm clock(s)
[_] toolkit
[_] baggies
[_] pocket or purse stuff:           
    [_] key chains
    [_] Swiss Army knife
    [_] compass
    [_] squeeze light
[_] your laptop bag:                  
    [_] everything your laptop needs
    [_] portfolio
    [_] time management tools
    [_] your cell phone and its charger cords (110 v. & 12v.)
    [_] all software you need on data CDs in a CD wallet
    [_] critical technical documentation and/or a cheat-sheet
    [_] spare sales/marketing literature
    [_] useful work you can do
    [_] napkins
[_] in your luggage:
    [_] documentation                
    [_] third-party reference books
    [_] training materials                
    [_] project information           

what you need to stay sane:
[_] pleasure reading
[_] music CDs or digital music player with your selections
[_] amplifying speakers and/or headphones

fake QA restaurant checklist from section 1.6.5

Store Number: _____________ Location: _________________________________
Time Service Point
________ Arrived in Restaurant
________ Seated
________ Ordered
________ Food Arrived
________ Requested Check
________ Check Presented
________ Payment Taken
________ Change or Credit Slip Presented


© 2014 Alan B. Scrivener