Excerpt from PART THREE, Chapter Twenty

Copyright 1991 Aya Katz

Chapter 20


[Transcribed from a taperecording made with the subject's consent.]


--"Go ahead, Randy. It's running."

"Okay, so like, I don't want to get anybody in trouble or anything, but, like, this is a real bummer. Like, I don't know if this could get me in trouble or anything, but I was over at Hannah Park, man, the other night for the Judge's barbecue. Like, you know, he has these, every once in a while. And there's lots of us guys over there, that used to hang out with him in Hillsboro, you know, before Judge Jones blew his guts out. And it's all nice and cozy and everything. Mickey's there, acting all uppity. And that crippled kid, Bashful, is riding around in his wheelchair, running into people on purpose, you know, but David doesn't chew him out or anyhting, you know, seeing as how he's a cripple. And the Sheriff shows up."

--"Abner Brown?"

"Yeah. And the Judge and the Sheriff, they're all friendly-like, just like, you know, they were always on the same side, or something. Except that kid, Bashful, he says to the Sheriff: "I heard tell you been messin' with Ritzi. That there's my Daddy's whore. You leave her be." And Abner gets a little riled up, start cussin' at the kid. And the Judge, he tells the kid to run along. Like he could do that, man. But the kid really likes the judge, so he rolls off. Mickey just watches. Sulks, but doesn't say anything.

And then Abner, he starts telling the Judge how he's on his side and all. Like, he'll swing all the Jones votes his way, like it makes a whole hell of a difference, seeing as there's no declared candidate running against him, or anything. But the Judge tells Abner that's swell. Like, he won't give him any trouble. And like, if the people decide to re-elect him Sheriff, like that's perfectly okay, you know."

--"Was he going to endorse him?"

"I don't know nothing about that, man. Okay, so the Sheriff leaves and, like, just as he's going out, why, Joe Moore comes in. And like, man, he's all riled up and he says to the Judge: 'What is that SOB doin' here. Don't you know he's just out here to find out what you're up to. He's no friend.' But the Judge doesn't say much. Just hands Joe a shishkebab skewer, and goes: 'Calm down, Joe. Have a kebab.' so Joe, he calls me aside and he says: 'You go get Abner back here, right now, Randy.' So I go after him. And like, he's in the restroom, and like, I have to wait till he's done. And he says: 'What'd'you want with me, boy?' And I'm like: 'They want you back there.' So he, kinda shrugs and all, and turns back toward the park gate, and Joe's waiting for him there. And Joe goes: 'Word with you, Sheriff.' And the Sheriff, he leans over, like, to hear what he has to say. And Joe, he runs this skewer through him, right through the business end, if you know what I mean, man. I was ready to freak."

--"What did you do?"

"Man, I ran out there, fast. Got into my truck and took off. Like, man, I don't need the trouble. But like, just in case it comes up, man, I wanted you to know. Like, man, I didn't much like that ol' Sheriff, but I didn't have any part that. Okay?"


The subject appears to be suffering from chronic disorientation. The incident file will remain open. No action indicated. But continued supervision is recommended.

Respectfully submitted,

Seth Cain,

Probation Officer

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