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[As described in the Institutiones of Justinian (I.4.18.4), more than five centuries after the Lex Julia was promulgated by Augustus.]

Item lex Iulia de adulteriis coercendis, quae non solum temeratores alienarum nuptiarum gladio punit, sed etiam eos, qui cum masculis infandam libidinem exercere audent. sed eadem lege Iulia etiam stupri flagitium punitur, cum quis sine vi vel virginem vel viduam honeste viventem stupraverit. poenam autem eadem lex irrogat peccatoribus, si honesti sunt, publicationem partis dimidiae bonorum, si humiles, corporis coercitionem cum relegatione.

Similarly the Lex Julia for the punishment of adulterors, which punishes with death by the sword not only those who profane the marriage beds of others, but also those who dare to practice their disgraceful lusts with males. But by the same Lex Julia the shame of fucking is punished, when, without using force, one fucks a virgin or widow leading a respectable life. As a punishment, the law provides for confiscation of half of the perpetrator's property, if the guilty party is a member of the respectable class, or corporal punishment and relegation as a slave, if he is a lower-class person.