My Family finally develops web pages

Now my brother and my parents both have web pages, provided by Webshots. They are simple photo albums, but it is a start!

Some of my Friends' Home Pages

Mary Branscombe - She cooks, she reads lots of science fiction, and she knows far too much about computing and the Internet. Also (needless to say) a jolly nice person. She now has a weblog, as does her partner, Simon. And why not buy a t-shirt with a picture of one of their four cats?
John Chew - One of the main organizers of the 'posl' crowd - a linguist and keen scrabble player among his other talents.
Richard Dyce - Extraordinary renaissance man who can write, sing, play musical instruments and program Macintoshes. Strangely, he seems to prefer to program Macintoshes. The site offers not much information about the man himself but quite a bit about Filemaker Pro.
Reid Ellis - One of many of my 'posl' friends and the host of my weblog.
William Flenley - A Scotsman, a barrister, a cook and Proust fan.
Lewis Graham - Easily my favourite Stevenage resident. Interested in radio? Jazz? Object oriented programming? He's your man! Say hello to his cat...
Jan Hart has a fine new site aimed at introducing classical music from small record labels (like her own) to the general public.
Anita Kilgour - Friend of Harald and Micki's and even though I only meet her at Xmas each year she's a friend of mine, too. She's that special.
Harald Koch - Of all my high school friends who went on to program computers, marry a peach of a woman (Michaela - who now has a weblog), father children and do curling he is my favourite.
William Rucklidge - a friend from university who has moved some 5,300 miles away to California. He is rather upstaged by his cats on this web page.
Peter Kotanen has a Web page that through some oversight totally lacks pictures of polar bears. His partner, Leslie Ambedian, also has one with rather more authors on it and rather fewer snow geese.
Jefferson Ridpath - That most disgraceful of combinations - a wealthy Objectivist (Ayn Rand-o-phile), yet somehow also a nice guy. Married to Debbie. She used to run Inkspot, which was a fine and useful site to help authors but it fell victim to the dotcom meltdown.

Other friends who may get websites one day

Delphine Grynszpan - More than just a friend - we're married. So far she has steadfastly refused to permit me to put up a website for her but I am trying hard to persuade her!
John Bolitho - A Canadian exiled here, probably for good - especially now that he has married a Londoner. One of my oldest friends.
Bruce Macintosh - Another one of my oldest friends. He works at Lawrence Livermore on a big laser.
Tom West - My oldest friend, though a strange multiple personality case. By day, he's a classic "straight arrow". But play a wargame or role-playing game with him in the evening and he turns into a ruthless, sociopathic killer.
Alan Poppleton - A fellow singer (though a great deal more talented than I!) and a computer consultant. His site is "under review" at present...

Friends who used to have websites

Andrew Beaton - One-time scruffy cynic, now happy father and pillar of the community. He has even managed to get a decent job at last.


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