Health & Nutrition

One of my areas of interest is the area of health and nutrition. There is a lot of new, groundbreaking work being done in this area. Below are some titles (listed in alphabetical order by author) that I have found interesting and useful.

DesMaisons, Kathleen, Ph.D. Potatoes Not Prozac -- A Natural Seven-Step Dietary Plan. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1998.

In my opinion, a horrible title for an extremely important book on the links between diet and brain chemistry. DesMaisons is psychotherapist and addictive nutrition expert based in San Francisco, CA and Albuquerque, NM. She focuses on the balance between three systems -- serotonin, blood sugar, and beta-endorphins -- and how these biochemicals react to what we eat and how we feel.

Robertson, Dr. Joel. Peak Performance Living -- Easy, Drug-Free Ways to Alter Your Own Brain Chemistry. HarperCollins, New York, 1996.

Weil, Andrew, M.D. Eight Weeks to Optimum Health -- A Proven Guide for Taking Full Advantage of Your Body's Natural Healing Power. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1997.

This book is also available in audio cassette and VHS video tape formats.