
I'm so dismayed about the war, & this morning have been schlumping around the house in a fit of pajama'd depression, until I got an email from Amy about this guy who is working his way systematically through every dish on the menu at Henry's Hunan in San Francisco. So fabulous! Such admirable tenacity! I love people's weird obsessions & the websites that go with them!

More inspiration providing some counterbalance to the war: a triple threat of friends' art openings, starting with Kim Anno's beautiful paintings last night. Heather Johnson up in Santa Rosa tomorrow, Debra Greene on Thursday the 3rd. (Trust me, I've sent you to the right places for these shows; galleries are notorious for slow website updating.)

It also helped a lot to hear Saul Williams delivering the Pledge of Resistance as only he can. Powerful!

In wartime when the destructive stupidity of humanity is so apparent, we really need the creative intelligence that art manifests. All you artists out there, rock on!


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