2. In Torment

1) Do I really understand what I chase?
Or am I fiddling around with a traditional phrase
You say even that last iota of  "hope" should go,
Thus all pursuits ended, starts the second show!
2) Driven by a want to end all wants till death we labor,
Not knowing "That" can occur even to your neighbor,
U.G. says cause and effect play a minute role, if at all,
Yet we continue our logical search in the spiritual mall!
3) Deep inside, we hope to become different from what we are,
Thus culture corrupts, creating time and goal forever far,
What conflict we create, living neither here nor there,
U.G dares that the very search causes the nightmare!
4) Culture chimes, "If you do nothing, your life is a waste,"
U.G. rhymes that any pursuit will reduce you to pulp and paste,
Culture is the culprit, flush it out, is U.G'S creed,
Remain as you are, says he, puffing out the very need!
5) To do nothing results in a perpetual fear,
As it ends all the dogmas we held so near,
We only play with fear, not routing it forever,
The instant fear goes, you are finished, he does aver!
--The doomed Sreedhav