the light arranged to feel the mountain hold the play
of hopeless downstream eyes beyond the cell
esoteric in an arbitrary stance
of sounding through the pain to a slow persistent bird wall
as the start of watching a thrown defense
judge the face too rapidly:
the vessel sinks giving to itself the wave
regardless of the wish logic
that keeps the corpses walking slowly with the plan
to resist being dissolved fearfully from the back
for the time refusal the shock becomes
gearing the game slide everywhere to eating through
the diagram of closing the attack:
to complete the trial the least chasm
which makes the spring the feeling
of being wired to where the shadow breaks
is forced to be the bladed noise
for someone else's worth,
believing the real shoreline
is involuntary resurrected shooting speed
that fears
the other face named from watching how to fly
is only a faster crash corrupted by design:
to freeze in a bringing game knowing separation music from existence
the hazard code is expected
as the treasured weapon near thinking on the boundary
as the body's tempting winding interval
held by its hunger
loose behind the tangled instant evenness
of living unachievably attracted to the drying time

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