Come on across to the Internet.......... "Finally, I have met Milton,"
an ever accelerating hit count.......Saul wrote in CWATER_OFFICE.
on multiple far flung systems......................"He was nothing like I expected.
merged with the screen for days.....We drank ice tea on my screen porch
under the bourgainvilla........ and talked about the database."
beginning with a bang.............It was a long post for Saul whose laconic responses
ancient struggles..... .....usually concerned the details of cgi scripting.
in exactly the same location..............................
had he been there all along?...............shimmering in the afternoon sun.............
the smell of green grass....... from the window empty handed...................... black icy streets........................ working............................ making things.................... blue shirt....................... making love...................... blue jeans......................... potato soup...................... never know why............... nausea.............................. footprints.......................... unwashed windows........... a dark corner.................... walking............................. riding................................ the horizon........................

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