Reenchantment of the World by Morris Berman

James Russell Lowell (poet)
The Golden Day: A Study in American Literature and Culture - Lewis Mumford - the art & life of Thoreau's time
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) - the liveliest, most eloquent apology of Christianity ever written
The Greening of America - Charles Reich
Meditation in Action - Rinpoche

William Irwin Thompson:
At the Edge of History (1971)
Evil & World Order (1977)
Passages About Earth: An Exploration of the New Planetary Culture (1981)
The Mechanists and the Mystics
The Time Falling Bodies Take To Light (1981 / 1982)
(The Imagination of an Insurrection: Dublin, Easter 1916 (1982))
Blue Jade from the Morning Star: An Essay & a Cycle of Poems on Quetzalcoatl (1983)
Islands Out of Time: A Memoir of the Last Days of Atlantis (1985)
Pacific Shift (1986)
Darkness & Scattered Light
Imaginary Landscapes: Making Worlds of Myth and Science (1990) - Utne Nov/Dec 1989 p. 105

Joseph Campbell:
Where the Two Came to Their Father: A Navajo War Ceremonial
A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake
The Masks of God (4 volumes)
x The Flight of the Wild Gander
The Power of Myth

The Portable Arabian Nights
The Portable Jung
Myths, Dreams, & Religion
Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks (6 volumes)
edited from Heinrich Zimmer:
x Myths & Symbols in Indian Art & Civilization
x The King & the Corpse
Philosophies of India
The Art of Indian Asia (2 volumes)

[from Joseph Campbell]:
Spengler: Decline of the West
Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain

The Tao of Physics - Fritjof Capra (Shambhala)

[from Myths to Live By]:
Thornton Wilder's The Skin of Our Teeth - is a takeoff on Finnegan's Wake

Leo Frobenius (Origin of African Cultures 1898) : "the center of mystery now is man himself . . .
as the unique, the unprecedented and induplicable human sufferer" (my own unique reaction to the thing)

great cosmic law: maat (Egypt) / me (Sumeria) / Tao (China) / dharma (Sanskrit)

Rolling Thunder - Doug Boyd
A Book of Men - ed. Ross Firestone
Art & the Occult - Paul Waldo-Schwartz

Andreas Lommel - Shamanism: The Beginnings of Art (NY: McGraw-Hill 1967) - "Turkish artist work like Vicki"

by Michael Ventura
Marilyn Monroe: From Beginning to End (1998)
Letters at 3Am: Reports on Endarkenment (1997)
The Death of Frank Sinatra (1997)
The Zoo Where You're Fed to God: A Novel (1994)
Sitting on moving steel (1992)
Night Time Losing Time (1989)
Shadow Dancing in the U.S.A. (1985)
The Mollyhawk poems (1977)

In a Dark Wood Wandering - Hella S. Haasse - classic in Netherlands
On the Passage of a Few People through a Rather Brief Moment in Time: The Situationist International - Sussman
? Beyond the Curve - Kobo Abe

Idries Shah - Wisdom of the Idios, Caravan of Dreams, The Dermis Probe

The Essential Mystics: The Soul's Journey into Truth - Andrew Harvey
Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy - Gaardner (Norway)

Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals - Iris Murdoch

The End of the Nation-State - Jean-Marie Guehenno

A Brief History of Everything - Ken Wilber (Shambala 1996)

Winona's Web: A Novel of Discovery - Priscilla Cogan

The Book of the Courtesans: A Catalogue of Their Virtues - Susan Griffin

Keeper of Genesis - Robert Bauval

Idiom Savant: Slang As It Is Slung - Jerry Dunn

The Eighth Night of Creation: Life on the Edge of Human History - Jerome Deshusses

You Are Not the Target - Laura Huxley
The Story of Your Life: Becoming the Author of Your Experience - Mandy Aftel
Victor Frankl - Man's Search for Meaning / The Doctor & the Soul / The Will To Meaning

FROM Jodorowsky:
Sufis: Monsoor/ Mansoor al - Halaj j (poet) - tenth century
Maitre Philippe - teacher of Papus (Tarot)
Essenes: Gospel of Peace
* Rene Guenon (wrote: The Crisis of the Modern World, East and West)
Zanoni by Edward George Bulwer-Lytton (Rosicrucian novel)
Chinese stories
Jung: Metamorphosis of the Soul
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones
Arthur Cravan (poet: Mystery in Broad Daylight) [a Dada suicide]
Andre Breton: Black Humor
Otto Weininger: Sex and Character
the Zohar
Poe: The Rider of the White Horse ???
St. Exupery
the Conte de Saint Germaine
Fulcanelli - the secret societies of the cathedrals
Johan Huizinga's The Waning of the Middle Ages / & / Homo Ludens
(Paolo Uccello
Thomas Mann: The Severed Heads
Raymond Roussel - Nouvelles Impressions d'Afrique, La Doublure, and La Vue
Anais Nin
Milareppa (Tibetan who spoke in poetry all his life)
Julio Cortazar - wrote Blow-Up <----------------------
DeBono / Frank Zappa / Crumb
Aleister Crowley
Wilhelm Reich
Huston: psychedelics
Fariduddin Attar (Sufi)
Eisenstein: Film Sense
Joseph de Voragine = Jacobus de Voragine : The Golden Legend (the popular piety of the High Middle Ages) (lives of the saints)
Anabasis of Alexander the Great: Flavio Arriano - Anabasi di Alessandro by Arrian
= The Campaigns of Alexander by Arrian , Flavius Arrianus , Aubrey De Selincourt
Ezra Pound
Prince of Machiavelli (united Italy)
Alfred Kubin: L'Autre Cote - cf. Kafka: The Castle ---
Mont Analogue by Rene Daumal
Dante: Divine Comedy
Plotinus (good speaker)
Alfred Korszybski
Martin Buber: Hassidic Tales
politics: Le Saude de Bonot / Kropotkin / Rosa Luxemburg / Bakunin

saw in Thames and Hudson catalog:
The Real Camelot: Paganism and the Arthurian Romances by John Darrah
NO - Mystery Religions in the Ancient World by Joscelyn. Godwin ( a "Cliff's Notes" rehash of out-of-date ideas and rampant bias )
Mythras, Cybele, Isis, Dionysus, Orpheus

Ancient Mystery Cults (Carl Newell Jackson Lectures) by Walter Burkert
Lucid ideas about ancient mystery cults. , August 31, 2002
Reviewer: Luc Reynaert (see more about me) from Beernem, Belgium

I recommend this book as an introduction for everybody who is interested in this daunting subject. Daunting, because it was forbidden for the initiated to speak about the mystery. Nearly everything we know (besides artwork - Athens - architectural sites) came to us indirectly (e.g. the formidable play 'Bakchai' by Euripides).
Furthermore, all sanctuaries were destroyed after the imperial decrees (391/392) of Theodosius the Great prohibiting all pagan cults.
The author analyses 5 mystery cults : Eleusis, Meter, Isis, Mithras, and the Dionysian and Bacchian mysteries.
As we can learn from the work of Karl Kerenyi, the influence of Eleusis on Christianity should not be underestimated. Apparently, through the myth of Demeter/Persephone, the initiated were 'shown' that there was life after death. Plato was initiated (as nearly all Roman emperors) and as Hannah Ahrendt tells us in her book 'The origins of Totalitarianism', Plato must be considered as one of the fathers of the Christian creed.
For the mysteries of Mithras, I recommend the work of J. Vermaseren. As Burkert states, most of the mysteries were expensive clubs and the experience was purely individual. That is the reason why they disappeared so rapidly: they lacked any lasting organization as the Christian Church. Another reason for Burkert was the inclusion of the family as the basic unit of piety in Christianity. The Church got the upper hand for demographic reasons. Contrary to Burkert, we know from the work of Kerenyi on Eleusis that the taking of drugs (the kykeon) was important (it was taken after a longer period of fasting).

A great book, but one side of an argument , May 10, 2000
Reviewer: W. Eric Vandever (see more about me) from Chicago, IL United States
Walter Burkert is one of the greatest scholars of the twentieth century in the field of ancient Greek religion, and this contribution is an excellent book which, for the most part, lives up to such a standard. I recommend it to any and all students of Greek religion who are looking to expand their knowledge of the particulars of mystery cults and what they were all about. I do, however, have reservations about recommending it as an overview or introductory work for laymen or students just getting interested in the subject. Burkert's methodology, while a great improvement over the "myth and ritual" debates which dominated earlier scholarship, is very much oriented in a psychological viewpoint which sees ancient mystery religion as somehow fundamentally less psychologically satisfying than religions like Christianity ("confessional" religions). In every chapter he tries to make the point that these cults were nothing like early confessional religions like Christianity because he is responding to another faction of scholars who tried to assimilate the two, but, unfortunately, in doing so Burkert makes a number of misleading (and, some would say, wrong) arguments about the nature of mystery religion and the mentality of its devotees. It is for these reasons that I recommend this book highly to someone who already knows enough to recognize when Burkert is making controversial statements and would not take him at face value.

Amazon recommendation as best:
The Ancient Mysteries: A Sourcebook: Sacred Texts of the Mystery Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean World
by Marvin W. Meyer (Editor) (Harper & Row 1987 - PB $14.95) - saw it and noted to get to read!

You Shall Be As Gods: A Radical Interpretation of the Old Testament and Its Tradition by Erich Fromm
Jakob Boehme --- --- --- google
Meister Eckhardt ---
Plotinus ---

Ralph Metzner - Maps of Consciousness
Jung: The Secret of the Golden Flower
Borges: A Personal Anthology
Dane Rudhyar
Sir James Frazer: The Golden Bough
Joseph Campbell: The Mythic Image

Europe and the People Without History by Eric R. Wolf (Univ of Calif Press 1982 $29.95)
Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century (also by Wolf)

Emphasized Bible
Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions
Venus on the Halfshell
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values by Robert Pirsig

Revolutionist - Robert Littell (Bantam 1988) - Contra Costa County Planner Jim Cutler recommended
Terra Nostra by Carlos Fuentes

Pig Earth - John Berger

Phantasms of the Living (History of Psychiatry) by Edmund Gurney

They Have A Word For It - Howard Rheingold

Thoreau - In Wildness

was getting ready to buy:
x The Promise of the Coming Dark Age - L.S. Stavriano (SF: W.H. Freeman 1976) (from The Next Whole Earth Catalog)
Rites of Spring : The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age by Modris Eksteins (Houghton Mifflin 1989)

x Reality Isn't What It Used To Be - Walter Truett Anderson


spring 1988:

William Irwin Thompson: At the edge of history (1971)
Bellah: Habits of the Heart
Alvin Toffler: Future Shock (1970) (eh)
---------------- The Third Wave (1980) x
Wade Davis: The Serpent & the Rainbow (1985)
Marija Gimbutas: The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe: 7000-3500 BC (UC Press 1974)
Amory Lovins: Soft Energy Paths
Wentz: The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying: The Spiritual Classic & International Bestseller; Revised and Updated Edition
by Sogyal Rinpoche (Author), Patrick D. Gaffney , Andrew Harvey - good reviews


Jane Jacobs: The Economy of Cities (1969) - WER Spring 1989 p. 67
Empire of the Senseless by Kathy Acker - WER Summer 1989 p. 51
The Riddle of Amish Culture - Donald B. Kraybill (Hopkins Univ Press) - Utne July/Aug 1989 p. 133


Dandelion Wine
Book of the Dead
Georgian cooking
William Morris
George Leonard: Walking On The Edge of the World
Jennifer Stone: Mind Over Media
Dan Millman: The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Hazel Henderson

The Sacrament of the Present Moment by Jean-P De Caussade - 18th century Jesuit - "more Taoist than Lao-tse"

In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology & the Survival of the Indian Nations - Jerry Mander

Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life - Thomas Moore
The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life - Thomas More

The Princessa - Harriet Rubin - I own

Ever since Adam and Eve : The Evolution of Human Sexuality by Malcolm Potts (Author), Roger Short (Author)

Watch the North Wind Rise by Robert Graves

Metaphysics As a Guide to Morals by Iris Murdoch - good reviews


The Year's Best Science Fiction
The Year's Best Fantasy
The World Treasury of Science Fiction
Chung King: The Middle Kingdom - David Wingrove

Vernor Vinge
The Persistence of Vision - John Varley
Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology - Bruce Sterling

Les américains sont passés directement de la barbarie à la décadence sans passer par la civilisation.
(A. Einstein)

Living well is the best revenge - Oscar Wilde

Enivrez-vous - Charles Baudelaire :
Il faut être toujours ivre. Tout est là : c'est l'unique question. Pour ne pas sentir l'horrible fardeau du Temps qui brise vos épaules et vous penche vers la terre,il faut vous enivrer sans trêve.
Mais de quoi? De vin, de poésie ou de vertu, à votre guise, Mais enivrez-vous, Et si quelquefois, sur les marches d'un palais, sur l'herbe verte d'un fossé , dans la solitude morne de votre chambre, vous vous réveillez, l'ivresse déjà diminuée ou disparue, demandez au vent, à la vague, à l'étoile, à l'oiseau, à l'horloge, à tout ce qui fuit, à tout ce qui gémit, à tout ce qui roule, à tout ce qui chante, à tout ce qui parle, demandez quelle heure il est; et le vent, la vague, l'étoile, l'oiseau, l'horloge, vous répondront : "Il est l'heure de s'enivrer! Pour n'être pas les esclaves martyrisés du Temps, enivrez-vous; Enivrez-vous sans cesse ! De vin, de poésie ou de vertu, à votre guise."