Books - poetry & fiction

Pablo Neruda
e.e. cummings
Walt Whitman
Proust: Remembrance of Things Past
Eliot: "The Wasteland"
(Yeats: A Vision)
Gary Snyder - The Practice of the Wild
William Blake: His Life by James King (St. Martins Press 1991) "looks good"

Mirabai (Hindu poet) - Robert Bly

Changing Light: The Eternal Cycle of Night and Day - j. Ruth Gendler - poem collection

is this the one about the Vietnamese poetess?
Spring Essence - Ho Zuan Huong (John Balaban, editor)

Tao Te Ching - Stephen Mitchell

Collected Poems in English by Joseph Brodsky

Silence of the Country by Kristjana Gunnars (Inuit) - and maybe her earlier works too

Spring Essence by Ho Xuan Huong , John Balaban (Editor) (Copper Canyon Press) - translates Vietnamese woman poet, born ca 1775, with rich double meanings

FICTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Women - Philippe Sollers - ???
Beautiful Women, Ugly Scenes - C. D. B. Bryan
The Dream Girl: The Imaginary Perfect Woman All Men Hide by Anthony Pietropinto / Beyond the Male Myth
My Dream of You
by Nuala O'Faolain - the one I heard on NPR

Veronica - Nicholas Christopher (saw 1/96 - NY with a magical underground)
Quincunx - Charles Palliser / Betrayals
A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters - Julian Barnes
Jeanette Winterson
Sandra Cisneros
Djuna Barnes
Czeslaw Milosz - i.e. Facing the River

(Andre Codrescu)
Proust ?

Tom Robbins
Kurt Vonnegut
Richard Brautigan

A Thief of Time - Tony Hillerman / Coyote Waits +++
The Laughing Sutra - Mark Salzman
A Hall of Mirrors - Robert Stone

Blue Heaven - Joe Keenan
I Haven't Understood Anything Since 1962 - Lewis Grizzard

The Man Who Fell in Love With the Moon: A Novel - Tom Spanbauer (Suzie Bright recommends)

Gore Vidal

Equus by Peter Shaffer

Queen of Hearts - Victoria Nelson (Greenwood Press) - eros

High Fidelity - Nick Hornby --->
didn't they make this into a movie

Geek Love : A Novel by Katherine Dunn - about a carny family

The Butterfly Kid (The Gregg Press Science Fiction Series) by Chester Anderson (almost got a big award
) (first hippie sci fi) - sounds good actually

A Floating Life: The Adventures of Li Po: A Historical Novel by Simon Elegant - sounds good still
Li Po
Gore Vidal likes: Italo Calvino
poetry by Michael Ondaatje (author of The English Patient)
English Well Speeched

Hojoki : Visions of a Torn World
by Yasuhiko Moriguchi David Jenkins (Translator), Michael Hofmann (Illustrator), Kamo-no Chomei (Author)

Ovid's Metamorphoses : The Arthur Golding Translation of 1567
by Ovid , Jonathan Bate (Translator), Jonathan Bate , John Frederick Nims (Editor) - favorite book of Ezra Pound & Shakespeare

Bone by Fae Myenne Ng ("among the most powerful pieces of fiction of 1993")

The Hell Screens: A Novel by Alvin Lu (2001) - a Chinese American roams Taipei collecting ghost stories

Earth by David Brin - sci fi model
The Eight by Katherine Neville - (Danny rec) - good plot ideas
Winona's Web by Priscilla Cogan
- old Lakota Sioux woman winds up teaching psychologist empowering, healing wisdom - I might just want to read this too
Toward the End of Time by John Updike (Jeff Ghent rec)