ANCIENT TIMELINE OF CONCORDANCES: Proposal for a new chronology of ancient history
7 - Current Turn Away From Galactic Center: Piscean Age: 727 BCE to 1433 CE [AD] (last age of turn away)

    ++++++++++ Converted to BCE ++++++++++    
Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 7: Day 4: Proliferation - 749 - 355

800 - 600 Hebrew First Temple period -

727 BCE - Pisces became the constellation that rose in the east just before the sun (rose heliacally) on March 21
            (So the winter solstice fell on Capricorn/Sagitarrarius.)

Graves: "200 AD" zodiac: bowman at winter solstice, goat, waterman, fish at spring equinox, ram, bull, twins at summer solstice, crab, lion, virgin at fall equinox, scales, scorpion (page 380-381) [actually 700 BCE - present]

Formation of the little village of Rome that in time was to become the greatest ancient empire before modern times (i.e. before the 15th century AD). Note the synchronicity with the village of Rome, formed at the beginning of the age, and the downfall of its last standing vestige with the fall of Constantinople at the end of the age.

728 BC — Piye invades Egypt, conquering Memphis, and receives the submission of the rulers of the Nile Delta. He founds the Twenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt.
727 BC — Babylonia makes itself independent of Assyria, upon the death of Tiglath-Pileser III.
724 BC — The Assyrians start a four-year siege of Tyre.
722 BC — Northern Kingdom of Israel is conquered by Assyrian king Sargon II. Israel as a nation disappears.
720 BC — End of the Assyrian siege of Tyre.

From the 8th century onwards, the Jews put their religious philosophy into writing (the Old Testament); Ancient Greece evolved out of its Dark Age producing the earliest writers in the Western canon (Homer and Hesiod) and the era of Egyptian might came to an end. The first of the modern salvation or mystical religions appeared soon after the 8th century BC ages cusp with the arrival of Buddhism (along with the later appearances of Christianity and Islam aligned to decan cusps of the Pisces age). It also marks the beginning of the Greco-Roman-Judeo cultural heritage which is at the backbone of contemporary Western society.

" . . . The origin of the Vestal Virgins as an organized cult can be traced back to about 715 BC during the reign of Numa Pompilius, the second King of Rome.' [Quest for the Past] [and lasted 1000 years!!!]

700 Phoenician colonists came to Gades (Cadiz) from Tyre, having been ordered by an oracle to settle near the Pillars of Hercules.

700 - Armorican (i.e. Brittany and Normandy) socketed bronze axes did similar rounds, spreading from the south of France
to the River Elbe in northern Germany. Widespread in the British Isles, but hoards concentrated along; the south coast (OG, 273)

700 - 500 - Balance of the two networks connecting the British Isles to the Continent tipped towards the east. Britain, and to a lesser extent Ireland, was now linked predominantly with powerful chiefdoms in Northern Europe. From 700, the bronze Grundlingen sword of the Hallstatt C warrior aristocracy became popular in eastern Britain, especially the Thames Valley. Copies may even have been made locally. This weapon also appeared in Ireland, although without the horses with which it was associated in Britain. It is possible that Irish gold flowed in the opposite direction, but there is no evidence of east—west people flow, either to or from Ireland. (OG, 276)

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 700 - 250 - Etruscan civilization]

The 7th century marks the start of the Classical Greek civilisations in the southern areas of modern Greece.

"In an excavation below a barrow a wooden mortuary house was built, and therein was interred the uncremated body of the dead warrior. He lies beside, or upon, a four-wheeled wagon, and while horses were still too valuable to be sacrificed in their master's grave, the harness lies there, not only of the two horses that drew the wagon, but also of a third horse, the warrior's charger. The bodies were buried with long broadswords and with spears of iron, for it was at this time that iron was introduced into Europe from the Middle East. The bits of the horses were of the Cimmerian type, and indeed the whole burial was of a type that had been known for a thousand years on the steppes of southern Russia."
"The practice of burying chieftains in rich graves each containing a four-wheeled wagon, continued for about two hundred years. Significantly, the sites of such graves move over westward. In the seventh century B.C. they were located in the areas of the eastern Alps. In the sixth, we find them around the western Alps, in Switzerland, the Black Forest, and the Upper Rhine Valley.

The latest, the most westerly, and the richest of these wagon graves, dating from the end of the sixth century B.C., was that of a Celtic princess at Vix on the upper Seine. Here the body of a woman in her early thirties lay upon a light wooden carriage ornamented with bronze. The carriage was similar to other richly ornamented wagons found in Denmark, and of too flimsy a construction to have been useful for everyday purposes. It has been suggested that it was a ritual carriage used only in religious processions, and that the princess was perhaps a priestess. . . . she bore fine adornment: armlets, anklets, brooches, and necklaces of bronze inlaid with umber and coral, and a diadem of gold. And in her grave were her greatest treasures, vessels of bronze and pottery imported from the civilized world that lay to the south. There were three bronze drinking cups and a bronze jug of Etruscan origin. There were two painted vases from Athens, one with a Greek combat scene that dated it close to 525 B.C. And above all there was an immense Greek krater of bronze, over five feet high and three feet in diameter, ornamented around the neck with chariot scenes. It is probably the most magnificent example of Greek bronzework surviving anywhere."

185 "over the last four hundred years the Urnfield people have become the Celts. . . .[But] the former egalitarian husbandmen were now ruled by a warrior aristocracy, mounted on chargers or fighting from two-horse chariots." [Discovery of Lost Worlds]

"There was probably the pressure of population growth, combined with the exhaustive of marginal lands - for the European climate became quite suddenly wetter in the last 500 years B.C., and the ecological balance of farmland and pasture was disturbed. There was also the emphasis on herding rather than tillage that had come to with the Cimmerians. And there was quite simply the nomad tradition of the steppes. All these combined to make Europe literally an unsettled area in the middle years of the first millennium B.C." [Discovery of Lost Worlds]

alphabet : [700-403 bc] Pelasgian characters used for Greek, and usually called Cadmean.  Diodorus Siculus told us that Orpheus used the Pelasgian alphabet, which originally consisted of 13 consonants, and presumably additional letters for vowels.[12]  In the time of Diodorus, there was some confusion as to whether the number of letters should properly be 12 consonants, or 13 consonants, and the controversy apparently focused upon the Pelasgian letter Ng.  The Cadmeans abandoned Ng as an independent letter, and replaced it with other conventions, such as the medial -gg-.[13]  Cadmus increased the count by 3 letters, making a Pelasgian alphabet of 16 consonants.  Cf. Cadmean alphabet [403 bc].
alphabet : [700 bc] Early Latin alphabet; the Palamedes alphabet with 15 consonants and 5 vowels.  Robert Graves proposed that the ‘Carmenta’ Pelegasian order of the consonants would have been:  B.L.F.S.N., H.D.T.C.Q., M.G.Ng.P.R.[14]
alphabet : [700 bc] Early Latin alphabet, written right to left, the famous Roman alphabet that adapted Etruscan characters to uses in Latin.  The Etruscan letters numbered 26, and were based upon Greek.  Originally Latin used only 21 letters, but these were expanded first to 23 letters, and then to 26 letters.  The order was at first right to left in the Semitic manner, but the Latins changed the order to left to right, about 600 bc.  Cf. Boustrophedon style.  295.

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 700 BC - 300 A.D. - Cooling trend in Europe.]

I am suggesting that the religious revolution which brought about the alphabetic changes in Greece and Britain was a Jewish one, initiated by Ezekiel (622-570 B.C.) which was taken up by the Greek-speaking Jews of Egypt and borrowed from them by the Pythagoreans. (WG pages 464-465) [Pythagoras of Samos born 580 - 572 BC, died 500 - 490 BC]

600 - Nagara, near Cambay (Khambhat) in W India, first developed the double-diamond drill - two large uncut diamonds inserted into the cutting edge of the drill tip to perforate hard carnelian beads.
600 - "Invasion of Britain by a Goidelic people, identified by their 'frill-comb-smear' pottery, who migrated from the Baltic coast of Germany, entered the Rhineland where they adopted the 'Hallstadt' Iron Age culture; forced to remain in the SE counties." (WG)

alphabet : [600 bc] Ogham alphabet, per Oxford University; Goidelic alphabet classed as Q-Celt, B.L.F.S.N., H.D.T.C.Q., M.G.Y(Ng).Z.R.,[15] where letter Y =NY =GN =NG.  The Ogham alphabet was originally written vertically bottom to top, typically along a wooden stave marked with a centerline.  The consonantal letters corresponded to the fifteen letters B.L.F(V).S.N., H.D.T.C.Q., M.G.Ng(Y).Z.R.  The 5 vowels were A.O.U.E.I., and the 6 diphthongs were AO.OI.UI.IO.AE.  The Ogham alphabet, originally consisted of 20 letters, as Q-Celtic Ogham, and later expanded to 25 letters, as P-Celtic Ogham.  Cf. Greek alphabet (24 letters).
alphabet : [600 bc] Ogham alphabet per Dr. Macalister; Ogham alphabet classed as Q-Celt; B.L.F.S.N., H.D.T.C.Q., M.G.NG.Z.R.[16]  This alphabet used by the continental Goidels, who migrated from the mainland to southeastern Britain, about 200 years prior to the Belgic invasions from Gaul that introduced the newer P-Celt alphabet in the fourth century bc (400 bc).
alphabet : [600 bc] B.L.F. alphabet, per Brynmor-Jones and Rhys; Ogham alphabet; Goidelic alphabet classed as Q-Celt, for it has letter Q, but no P; the B.L.F. alphabet of 20 letters, or 5 vowels and 15 consonants, namely B.L.F.S.N., H.D.T.C.Q., M.G.NG.FF.R.[17]  Note that letter F stands for a voiced fricative (F=V), whereas the double-letter FF stands for the unvoiced consonant (FF=F).  The Ogham alphabet was preserved in several stone inscriptions found in North Wales, South Wales, the Isle of Man, Ireland, and Scotland.  Cf. Goidelic alphabet, ‘Ogma Sun-face.

6th century - The first references to Dacian peoples are from Greek chroniclers. Greek traders were founding ports around the Black Sea coast. During the Hallstatt D period (6th century BC) the most advanced cultures are found further west, in Burgundy, Switzerland and the Rhinland.

586 BCE - Destruction of the First Temple, Jerusalem. Jews into Babylonian captivity.
alphabet : [586-516 bc] Square Hebrew; ketav meruba‘ [Aramaic]; Aramaic square script. Aramaic-style Square Hebrew evolved into the Hebrew alphabet we know today.  The Hebrew order of letters seems to represent the oldest of all North Semitic orders.  When written in the English-style, left-to-right order, the Hebrew consonants appear as: xxxxxxxx.  The right-to-left Hebrew order of consonants is: xxxxxxx.

538 BCE, after fifty years of Babylonian captivity, Persian King Cyrus the Great permitted the Jews to return.

550 - 330 - Persian Empire - incursions into Greece in 490 and 480-79

Epicharmus of Kos (c. 540 - c. 450 BC)
It looks as if Epicharmus was the Greek who invented the Cadmean [Cadmus] alphabet of 16 consonants [+5 vowels],
(the 13-consonants of the Palamedes [Pelasgian, Phoenician] alphabet, less the Ng; plus Zeta, and Pi as a substitute for Kappa (Q); plus Chi'and Theta).
So Pi (or Kappa) and Zeta are likely to have been concealed letters of the Palamedes alphabet, as Quert and Straifare concealed letters of the Beth-Luis-Nion as CC and SS.
Epicharmian alphabet had 16 consonants—16 being the number of increase—and 21 letters in all,
21 being a number sacred to the Sun since Akhenaton. Epicharmus, as an Asclepiad, was descended from the Sun.
(It is uncertain as to who an Asclepiad was. Priests of an Asclepion in ancient Greece? The Asclepiadae could also have been a guild in honour of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing, separate from the healing temples and related to Hippocratic tradition.)

516 BCE Construction of the Second Temple completed during the reign of Darius the Great.

Austronesian from the Moluccas sailed W to Sumatra, the Malay peninsula and S Vietnam by 500 B.C. (See Champa)

500 B.C., the city of Carthage decided to venture south into the Atlantic as well as north. So a full-fledged expedition was fitted out and dispatched to explore the waters along the west coast of Africa and found trading posts there.
"The Carthaginians commissioned Hanno to sail past the Pillars of Hercules [the Strait of Gibraltar] and to found cities of the Libyphoenicians [Phoenicians residing in Africa . . .]. He set sail with sixty vessels of 50 oars and a multitude of men and women to the number of 30,000 and provisions and other equipment." So begins Hanno's account . . . [Mysteries of the Past, 1977, 170]

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 500 - Iron making begins in China.]

The Palamedes [Pelasgian] 13-consonant alphabet: B L N F S H D T C M G [Ng] R
There is no Ng in Greek, but Pelasgians was a non-Greek Language, which had nearly died out by the fifth century B.C.
but, according to Herodotus, survived in one of the oracle of Apollo Ptous, which was in Boeotian territory. Mys, sent by the son-in-law of King Darius of Persia to consult the Greek oracles, was attended by three Boeotian priests with triangular writing tablets. The priestess made her reply in the Carian dialect, which Mys understood, being a 'European', that is to say of Cretan extraction. In Hamitic languages the initial Ng is common, cf. map of Africa.

alphabet : [500 bc] Greek Ionic alphabet of 24 letters.

At some time, it seems, in the fifth century B.C. the [26] characters of the [Phoenician] Formello-Cervetri alphabet were borrowed by the Druids in Southern Gaul for the purpose of recording whatever was not protected by a taboo, and passed on by them into Britain and Ireland. The foreign letters which occur in it were added to an already existing secret alphabet, the Boibel-Loth, the letter names of which formed a charm in honour of Canopic Hercules.

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 492 - 330 Classical Age of Greece.]

"In 471 BC, Urbinia, one of Rome's highly revered Vestal Virgins, was brought to trial to answer terrible charges made by a slave that she had broken her vows of chastity and had performed holy rites while no longer a virgin. According to the Greek writer Plutarch, one of the two men accused with her committed suicide, while the other was beaten and executed. . . . After being found guilty and whipped with rods, she was bound securely and driven in a covered litter through the silent streets of a sorrowing Rome to a field beside the Colline Gate. There she was buried alive in a subterranean tomb, with only enough food and water to last her for 30 days, and left to die." [Quest for the Past, 90]

431–404 - Peloponnesian War, Greek military conflict, Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta.

400 - "First Belgic invasion of Britain—'La Tene' Iron Age culture. Mixture of Teutons and Brythons ('P-Celts')." (WG)
The God Bran possessed an alphabetic secret before Gwydion, with Amathaon's help, stole it from him at the Battle of the Trees in the course of the first Belgic invasion of Britain; that close religious ties existed between Pelasgia and Bronze Age Britain; and
that the Pelasgians used an alphabet of the same sort as the British tree-alphabet, the trees of which came from the north of Asia Minor. (WG)

In Chapter Twenty-Five I shall give reasons for supposing that though the Essenes adapted the Greek formula of Celestial Hercules to their cult of Moses as demi-god, and though they seem to have been disciples of Pythagoras, it was from a sixth-century B.C. Jewish source that the Pythagoreans derived the new sacred name of God that the tribes of Amathaon and Gwydion established in Britain about the year 400 B.C. (WG)

4th century - The Dacians were developing their their iron, silver and gold from the Transylvanian mines and soon began trading with the Greeks. Following Dromihetes successes against Alexander the Great, Burebista's reign formed a large Dacian state that probably extended beyond the current Romanian boundaries.

4th century BCE - ca. - Oldest surviving Sanskrit grammar is Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī ("Eight-Chapter Grammar"). WRITING
alphabet : [    ] Sanskrit Devanagari script, a syllabary fully vocalized with vowel markings.  Modern grammarians count 48 letters.  The script was purportedly invented by the Goddess Kali as an alphabetic syllabary in 50 signs, each of which represented one of the 50 skulls she wore as a necklace.  Devanagari was the basis for both of the Japanese syllabaries, namely katakana and hiragana. / Devanagari alphabet, the Sanskrit syllabary that evolved into a fully vocalized script based on true alphabetic principles.  Some believe that Devanagari arose on the Indian subcontinent independently, but others suggest that its origin may be traced to the same Semitic precursors of Hebrew and Arabic.  Devanagari is used to write Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Sinhalese, Burmese, and Thai or Siamese.  The common Hindi-Urdu language is written with two scripts:  Hindi uses Devanagari, whereas the same language called Urdu uses instead the Arabic alphabet.

Alphabet : [486 bc] Old Persian script, a cuneiform syllabary of 36 characters that expresses an alphabetic system of 25 sounds.  The Achaemenid King Darius I (regnavit 521-486 bc) ordered the script to be devised so that he could have monuments inscribed in the manner of the Babylonian and Assyrian kings.  The first 3 characters were the vowels A, I, U, and the remaining characters were ordered with respect to the vowels, just as Sanskrit letters are ordered.  The script featured 5 additional characters for the words ‘king, country, earth, god, Ahuramazda.’  The numbers represented a simple decimal system based on tens and hundreds.
alphabet : [403 bc] Greek Ionic alphabet of Miletus, which Athens adopted in 403 bc; Classical Greek alphabet of 22 letters.  The original scheme of Greek consisted of merely the thirteen consonants,[18] B.G.D.Kh.L., M.N.S.PH.P., Z.K.R(Rh), and five vowels, and was later expanded to include fifteen consonants, by including T.Th., the unvoiced and aspirate forms of letter D.  The Greeks later added the two letters X.Ps.  Cf. Dorian alphabet [1000 bc].
alphabet : [403 bc, ABC]  Cadmean characters, rearranged into the ABC order, and exhibiting the vowel order A.E.I.O.U. (=; Greek letters derived from Phoenician, sometimes called Pelasgian characters.  Cadmus is believed to have increased the letters from their original number of 13 letters to 16 letters.[19]  Cadmean script was used in Boeotian Cadmea.[20]  Epicharmus of Sicily added the 2 letters Theta and Chi (Θ, Χ).  The Dionysian devotee Simonides purportedly modified the Cadmean alphabet to conform to the principles of some obscure religion,[21] and the changes of Simonides were formally adopted by the Archon Euclides in 403 bc.  Simonides devised the double-consonants Psi and Xi (Ψ, Ξ), distinguished the short Omicron (Ο) from the long Omega (Ω), and differentiated between the long Eta (Η) and short Epsilon (Ε).
alphabet : [400 bc] Late Etruscan alphabet, the final and classical form of the Etruscan alphabet, consisting of only 20 letters.  Etruscans made no use of letters B and D, because they made no differentiation between the voiced and voiceless stops B and P, D and T, and G and K.  When they also dropped the letters K and Q, the Etruscans used the letter C for both of the stops G and K.  Thus, the Etruscans abandoned the 5 letters B, D, G, K, Q, and one additional letter.
alphabet : [400 bc, later than b.l.n.] Ogham alphabet, classed as P-Celt; Belgic alphabet; B.L.F. alphabet in 20 letters, including the 15 consonants B.L.F.S.N., H.D.T.C.X., M.G.Y.ST.R,[22] where letter X appears as the Greek Χ or χ, in place of Q or P.

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 8: Night 4: Expansion - 355 - 40 CE/AD

350 - 300 - "Belgic into Ireland. Mixture of Teutons and Brythons ('P-Celts')." (WG)

323 - Alexander the Great of Macedonia died. Fighting broke out among his generals. Rhodes had sided with Ptolemy, and when Ptolemy eventually took control of Egypt, Rhodes and Ptolemaic Egypt formed an alliance which controlled much of the trade in the eastern Mediterranean.
305 BC Antigonus I Monophthalmus had his son Demetrius Poliorcetes invade Rhodes with an army of 40,000; however, the city was well defended, and Demetrius—whose name "Poliorcetes" signifies the "besieger of cities"—had to start construction of a number of massive siege towers in order to gain access to the walls. The first was mounted on six ships, but these capsized in a storm before they could be used. He tried again with a larger, land-based tower named Helepolis, but the Rhodian defenders stopped this by flooding the land in front of the walls so that the rolling tower could not move.
304 BC relief force of ships sent by Ptolemy arrived, and Demetrius's army abandoned the siege, leaving most of their siege equipment. To celebrate their victory, the Rhodians sold the equipment left behind and decided to use the money to build a colossal statue of their patron god, Helios.
292 and 280 BC - Colossus of Rhodes built (destroyed by earthquake 226 BC) - demanded more bronze than all mines, so:
Much of the iron and bronze was reforged from the various weapons Demetrius's army left behind, and the abandoned second siege tower was used for scaffolding around the lower levels during construction.

300s - 200s - Liaoning bronze dagger culture - Manchuria and in the Korean peninsula.

Mid-first millennium BC tin trade between the producers on the Atlantic coast (the Atabri/Cantabri of north-coast Spain, the Cornish and the Bretons) and the middlemen in southern France and Spain and the rest of the NW Mediterranean coast. [Cunliffe, OG]
350 Pytheas, of the Greek colony of Marseilles, odyssey may have opened up the tin trade (controlled by the Phoenicians at the Strait of Gibraltar) to the Greeks, most likely by using an alternative cross-country route just north of the Pyrenees to gain access to the Atlantic coast from the Mediterranean, thus bypassing Gibraltar . . . there are good waterways most of the way across, starting from Narbonne, moving up the river Aude and through the Carcassone gap to Toulouse, and then down the river Garonne to Bordeaux and the Gironde on the Atlantic coast . . . to reach the tin-producing areas from Cadiz, north along the coast as far as NW Spain. (OG page 41, quoting Barry Cunliffe, Facing the Ocean 2004]

Alexander the Great had conquered [Egypt] in 332 B.C., and in his wake waves of Greeks flooded in, gradually becoming the country's social upper crust. [Discovery of Lost Worlds]

In the second and third centuries B.C.E., the vernal equinox fell on the cusp of Aries/Pisces and the winter solstice fell on the cusp of Capricorn/Sagittarius.

East Europe: 229 BC - Rome declared war on Queen Teuta of Illyria and after two wars took control of a number of coastal Greek cities. the Macedon empire now split giving separate Greek and Aegean states, but in order to contain the power of Macedon the Greek states sided with Rome. After Alexander's death the Celts expanded to Moravia and Thrace. 279 BC - divisions of Celts invaded the Greek peninsula, defeating Macedonia and Thessaly. Celts remained in the Balkans north settling in Greece, Bulgaria, Albania and Rumania. At the invitation of Nicomedes of Bithynia Celtic tribes moved to Asia Minor establishing a settlement in Turkey's central plains, Galatia. The Tectosages tribe in Ancyra (Ankara), the Tolistoboii tribe renamed Gordium to Vindia, and the Trocmi tribe settled east of the river Halys.

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 200 BC - 550 AD Silk trade between China and the Mediterranean.]
[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 200 BC - 550 AD Hopewell culture in midwest US, North America.]

2nd century - Macedon empire crushed by Rome and Greeks and soon Macedon was invaded by Rome. The Thracian Scordisci battled against Rome in Macedon. The Germanic Cimbri and Teutones moved close to Italy. The Romans won the support of most of the states of central and southern Greece by making it known that their aim was to drive Philip out of Greece and to confine him to Macedonia.

"The victorious end in 201 BC of a crucial war with Carthage left Rome practically undisputed mistress of the Mediterranean . . . Outbursts of unbridled enthusiasm like the rites of Dionysus . . . were celebrated every spring in Greece. But they were unknown in Rome before the early second century BC, when a young Greek priest imported the . . . ceremonies into central Italy, although the cult was well-established in the more Greek-influenced south of Italy as early as the fifth century BC. The Bacchanalians began holding secret meetings, usually in caves or cellars, at night."
In 186 BC a young Roman nobleman, Publius Aebutius complained to the senate. "That same night, the city's gates were closed, potential escape routes blocked, and a trap sprung on known and suspected adherents of the growing cult. A decree forbidding gatherings of Bacchanalians was drawn up and an inquiry . . . discovered that not only were the votaries of Bacchus indulging in every imaginable form of dissipation, but they were also committing all sorts of crimes, from the forging of wills to murder."
"During the weeks that followed . . . more than 7,000 people of both sexes were imprisoned. Of these, any found guilty of nothing worse than joining the cult were left to rot in jail; those who had committed unlawful acts (often of a sexual nature) were executed. Guilty women were handed over to their relatives, who were instructed to carry out the prescribed capital punishment in private, but girls who had no family were publicly executed along with men. It is possible that more people were killed in this campaign against an unwanted new "religion" than in any of the later attacks on Christianity. Christians, at least, would be given a chance to recant." "In 181 BC, an old-fashioned patrician named Cato induced the senate to pass laws imposing high taxes on such foreign luxuries as fine carriages, perfums, silk clothes, and highly educated slaves - one of the most popular imports from the East."
They met at night. [Quest for the Past]

150 B.C. - 132 A.D. Sinai, Southern Judaea and the Edomite Dead Sea region: region in which the Essene communities were settled.

125 - Greek astrologer Hipparchus

The separate Dacian tribes occupying most of modern Romania were unified under Burebista (60 - 44 BC) during which time Greek artisans were used in the building of the fortifications and hill forts and their rule was expanded south and west threatening Roman lands. Burebista's capital at Sarmizegetusa was high in the Carpathian Mountains of South Transylvania and was protected by a series of fortresses on the surrounding steep valley sides. After Burebista's death the the Dacian tribes fragmented again.

conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar in 58-52 B.C. . . . Within a hundred years Roman roads and Roman towns and the large-scale Roman farms, slave-run to feed the towns, had spread over the new provinces of Gallia and were beginning to spread over the newly conquered province of Britannia. The Celtic languages disappeared from the mainland of Europe, and today languages derived from Latin are spoken in the former Celtic lands. [Breton, the Celtic language of Brittany, was later reintroduced from southwest England.] [Discovery of Lost Worlds]

55 - Caesar's first landing in Britain (OG, 323)

50 B.C. - 45 A.D. "Second Belgic invasion of Britain. Atrebates from Artois, bead- rimmed bowls. Capital at Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester) in North Hampshire; conquest extended from Western Surrey to the Vale of Trowbridge in Wiltshire." (WG)

The Romans secured the Adriatic coast in BC 35 to BC 33, but the mountainous regions of Illyria were more difficult to penetrate. With the aim of securing a land route from Europe to the Middle East along the Danube and Romans took the Pannonian and Moesia. There is a Roman record stating that Gatae (from the modern southern Romania) were allowed to move to Moesia south of the Danube.

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 27 - 476 A. D. Roman Empire]

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 100 - Greeks and Romans use water mills to grind grain.]

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 100 - 700 A. D. Teotihuacan civilization.]

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 50 - Construction of Antikythera machine.]

0 - A.D. / AD

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 9: Day 5: Budding - 40 CE/AD - 434

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 50 A.D. - Nazca markings laid out in the Andes.]
[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 50 A.D. - Tollund man buried in Danish bog.]

Conflicts between the Thracian tribes, such as the Odrysians in the eastern plains and the Bessi in the mountainous west, were drawing Rome into their conflicts and in 46AD Thrace was annexed into the Roman Empire. The reunification of Dacian tribes under Decebal and a couple defeats of the Roman armies led to war in 101AD.

Rome wars with Dacia 101-2 and 105-6 taking the area of modern Oltenia, the Transylvanian plain, and the Banat. Treasures from the defeated Decebal were used to pay for the Trajan Column in Rome which records this battle. Names on inscriptions suggest the Roman culture came in with immigrants from Illyria and elsewhere possibly attracted by the mining or agricultural wealth. With these people came the Latin language, but how far the native Dacians were Romanised is not known.

106-271 Rome leaves Dacia following raids from Germanic tribes.

132 A.D. - Hadrian suppressed the Essene Order.
Essene version of the Boibel-Loth brought to Ireland by Alexandrian Gnostics who were the spiritual heirs of the Essenes.
Gwion's Hanes Tallesin: Boibel-Loth alphabet originally consisted of 20 mystical titles of a single Protean male deity, corresponding with his seasonal changes . . (WG)

alphabet : [ad 132, earlier than BLF]  B.L.N. alphabet, Beth-Luis-Nion alphabet; B.L.N.F.S., H.D.T.C.M., G.P.R., A.O.U.E.I.  The BLN alphabet featured 13 consonants and 5 vowels.  The Irish candidate for ollaveship was required to master 150 cypher alphabets.  It appears that the Thirteen Precious Things, Thirteen Kingly Jewels, and Thirteen Wonders of Britain were mentioned in the Mabinogion as examples of cypher alphabets.[24]
alphabet : [ad 132]  Boibel-Loth alphabet, Babel-Lot, the Essene series of letters, before the time of Gwion.  Emperor Hadrian suppressed the Essenes in ad 132.  As reconstructed by Robert Graves, the order should read, Babel, Lot, Ephron, Salem, Ne-esthan, Hur, David, Telmen, Kohath, Caleb, Moriah, Gad, Gomer, Jethro, Reu, or B.L.F(ph).S.N., H.D.T.K.C., M.G.G(ng).J.R.  Interestingly, a list of five tribes mentioned in Genesis happens to present a list of vowels when the initial letters J are removed:  Jacab, Jose, Jura, Jesu, Jaichin, the Hebraic versions of Jacob, Joseph, Jerah, Joshua, Jachin, standing for the vowels A.O.U.E.aI.  These twenty letters appear to have been a list of all the tribes and clans of Israel, with the exception of these four:  (1) Babel, home of the wise, (2) Mount Moriah, holy to Jehovah, (3) Salem, the city of god, and (4) Ne-esthan the Serpent, sacred to god.  Supposedly, Gwion altered this list to include names from the New Testament, the Book of Enoch, and the mythologies of Rome and Wales.  The formula was apparently based upon a Canopic Greek calendar adopted by the Greek-speaking Jews of Egypt.[25]  Cf. B.L.F. alphabet.

Runic inscriptions . . . appear to have been loosely derived from one of the northern Italian or Etruscan alphabets of the 1st century AD. Runic inscriptions were employed widely over northern Europe from about AD 150 to 900, and still earlier is the solitary evidence of the Negau helmet, discovered in Yugoslavia . . . 7th to 2nd century BC.[Mallory, 84]

Austronesian from Celebes (modern-day Sulawesi) and Borneo, reached Madagascar by 200 A.D -

"The first steps in the development of the stirrup took place in India. In sculptures of the second century B.C. we see horses girt with a loose surcingle under which the rider sticks his feet. Later a tiny stirrup appears, large enough for him to insert in it his big toe. [adequate in warm climates] . . .

For the next and vital step we must move to China. "From the second century A.D. on, Buddhist missionaries flooded eastward from India to China. They must have brought with them material borrowings from India as well as spiritual. And one of these may very well have been the toe-stirrup, which then inspired the Chinese to devise a version that could accommodate the whole foot. . . . as early as the latter years of the Han dynasty, which ended in A.D. 220.
"From China the invention quickly made its way to Korea and, by the middle of the sixth century, to Japan. . . . It did not appear in Persia until the seventh century and only reached the Arabs at the end of that century, when their armies, in the course of fighting against the Persians, became acquainted with it. It finally arrived in central Europe by the beginning of the eighth. From that time on European artists began to portray horsemen with their feet resting in stirrups, and European writers began to speak of "climbing" on or off horses, not "leaping."
"The first people to exploit the potential of the new device were the Franks. When their king Charles Martel faced the Saracens at the celebrated Battle of Poitiers in 732, he commanded a force of infantry wielding javelins and battle-axes. A few decades later, although there were still plenty of foot soldiers, the striking force of the Frankish army was its cavalry, heavily armored and equipped with long lances. The lance had, in the earliest versions, a spur below the blade and in later versions, a crosspiece - additions which point to a new method of handling the weapon. The ancient cavalryman's spear, with only his muscle behind the stroke, rarely sank into an enemy deep enough to get stuck. But a Frankish knight, anchored in stirrups, could hold his lance under his arm and let it hit with the full force of the horse's charge without losing his seat - and such a blow could very well hopelessly embed the point. The spur and crosspiece prevented this.
"The shift from infantrymen to lance-bearing cavalrymen brought in its wake a fundamental transformation of Frankish society. It took money, lots of it, to field these new mobile warriors. The armor was costly enough, but an even greater outlay was required for the specially bred heavy war horses they needed, heavy specimens that stood fifteen hands (five feet) or more high. And they had to have not one but several, since horses, despite their iron coats, did get killed or wounded and spares had to be available. Furthermore, no cavalryman went without a squire, and he had to be mounted. Over and above the initial expense was the upkeep; horses, as in earlier times, were not cheap to feed. In France of the eighth century A.D. the number of men who could afford all this fell far short of the army's needs.
"Charles Martel's solution was drastic and direct. The church owned rich estates; he ruthlessly confiscated these and divided them up among his followers in return for their sworn promise to serve in his cavalry when called upon; they became his vassals living upon his benefice, his knights.
"Inevitably these men soon formed a chosen class separate from and elevated above the ordinary free men who filled the ranks of the infantry. Since their prime obligation was to fight, since for this reason alone had they been graced with economic privilege, they gave over the larger part of their time and energy to rendering themselves fit for their assignment; they exercised, trained, practiced - indeed, they raised the pursuit of their special kind of arms into a veritable way of life. When there was no actual fighting to do, they ran mock battles, tournaments, the medieval counterpart of today's war games." [Discovery of Lost Worlds]

200-375 Visigoths invade ?Dacia? -

"A pagan was free to worship any god, to partake of burnt offerings or pour libations for deities of all kinds, Egyptian or Greek or Syrian or hte state gods of the Roman Empire. Christians could not. Their religion forbade them to worship any pagan gods, including the god of Rome. And so, when the Emperor Decius in A.D. 250 decided to launch a government-sponsored persecution, he issued an order that all his citizens and subjects were to take, as it were, a loyalty test, were to give public proof of their religious devotion. . . . In each [community] a commission administered the test to everyone without exception, even priests and priestesses of the pagan cults." [Discovery of Lost Worlds]

270-567 Goths and Gepids: The Goths and Gepids were Germanic peoples from southern Scandinavia who migrated south to around the Black Sea in the C3 AD. The frequent incursions of the Ostrogoths (from modern Ukraine) and the Visigoths (from around the Danube) into the Roman Empire caused the Romans to abandon Dacia (270). The Gepids occupied the area East of the Tiza (modern Hungary) where they remained within the Hun kingdom. After the fall of the Huns they briefly ruled much of modern Romania until they were forced out by the Ostrogoths. They were subsequently crushed by the Romans and disappeared from history.

alphabet : [ad 295]  Ogham Craobh alphabet, evidenced in the alphabetic inscription at Callen, County Clare, Ireland.  The order is B.L.N.T.S., H.D.T.C.Q., M.G.Ng.Z.R.[26]

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 300 - 900 Maya civilization]

Austronesian from Melanesia and Micronesia settled Easter Island by 300 A.D. -
Austronesian from Melanesia and Micronesia settled Hawaii by 400 A.D. -

375-453 Huns: The rule of the Goths was ended by the Huns (375), a Turkic tribe coming from the plains east of modern Russia. The Huns under the leadership of Attila were a major military force in central Europe and their rule covered much of modern Hungary and Transylvania. The Gepid leader, Ardaric, was the most favoured ally of the Huns. After Attila's death the Huns left Europe.

Vestal Virgins finally suppressed by the Emperor Theodosius in AD 394, when the Roman Emperor Constantine legally recognized Christianity. [Quest for the Past]

alphabet : [ad 400]  Arabic alphabet, developed as a branch of some earlier, North Semitic alphabet, and has been continuously used to write Arabic, Persian, and Urdu, in all parts of the Islamic world.  The alphabet is used in southern Europe, the Near East, Middle East, Africa, and parts of Asia.
alphabet : [ad 405] Armenian alphabet, invented by Saint Mesrob in ad 405.

alphabet : Prior to the runes, there were forerunner alphabets called Urrunen.  The oldest surviving Runic inscriptions date from ad 500-800.  Most of the extant inscriptions were written ad 1100-1200.  We have some 2,500 Swedish inscriptions, some 60 Norwegian inscriptions, and about 50 Anglo-Saxon inscriptions.

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 10: Night 5: Destruction - 434 - 829

430-453 Hun empire - The short lived Hun Empire was established in the area we know as Hungary. Germans admitted by the Romans in the areas of Pannonia and Moravia soon took control of the west Roman lands and expelled the Huns back to the Steppes.

alphabet : [ad 500] Formello-Cervetri alphabet in 26 letters, or 4 more letters than the 22 letters of Classical Greek.  This seemingly Semitic form of the Greek alphabet was discovered etched on two vases, one in Caere, and another in Veii, Italy.  Both alphabets were written ‘backwards’ in the right-to-left order of the Semitic syllabaries.  Cf. Etruscan, Early Latin.

Austronesian from the Moluccas Melanesia sailed E to the islands of Micronesia (500 A.D.) -

500 A.D. - Pole Star became Polaris (handle of Big Dipper points to it)

"Sometime around the year AD 500, a camel driver in China . . . [invented the] horse collar. . . . horses - like the camels for which the collar was originally designed - had already been in harness for thousands of years, but it was not until the introduction of a rigid, padded collar, properly fitted to the shoulders, so as to protect the neck, that their capacity as beasts of burden could be fully exploited. Always before they had been harnessed with a soft collar around the neck which pulled tight when they began to move and pressed down on the windpipe and jugular vein. To avoid being throttled, they had to throw back their heads in a way that looked supremely attractive, as shown in classical art, but was so inefficent that horses in ancient times were never able to draw a plow . . . [Quest for the Past]

547-574 The Lombards, originally from Scandinavian, moved to Moravia, then established a kingdom in Pannonia. The Avars with the Lombards destroyed the Gepid kingdom. The Lombards invaded Italy and where they established their second kingdom.

552-796 The Avars, another Asian-Turkic tribe from the east, took control of parts of southern Russia and Eastern Europe from the Huns and Slavs. They occupied most of modern Hungary with their empire stretching from the Black Sea to the Baltic, but in the C8 their empire shrank and was finally crushed by Charlemagne (805).

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 600 - 1400 Mississippian culture in North American South and Midwest.]

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 600 - Earliest windmill - Iran.]

6th century The Slavs of northern Europe start their migrations into the Balkans. By the C6 the Slavs were the largest European race. Their early origin is not known, but from 1AD they were thought to have lived in the marshes east of Russia. Following the dissolution of the Hun Empire the Slavs made a rapid expansion populating modern Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Romania. Little remains of Slavic Romania apart from some place names and possibly the voivode, administrative regions, of the Romanians inherited by the Magyars in Transylvania. The early Slav settlement into Byzantium lands can be traced from toponyms as being along the Timok and Morava rivers and across from Niš to Sofia.

644 - "the Muslim armies ruled Egypt, Palestine, and Persia. The conquests continued under Othman the Unfortunate"
656 - 661 - "by the time of Ali's caliphate, the Islamic domains extended from the Atlas Mountains in North Africa to the Black Sea and the mountains of Afghanistan. . . Less than thirty years after the death of Muhammad, Islam ruled more of the earth than Rome had at its height."

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 700 - 1200 Little Climatic Optimum in Europe.]

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 800 - Viking expansion begins.]

- - - - - - - - - - -
"Could there be something marked by [the date of Epiphany], January 6, that has a significance in the larger pattern of precessional mythology?
In the second and third centuries B.C.E., the vernal equinox fell on the cusp of Capricorn/Sagittarius. A thousand years later [800-900 AD], due to precession, the winter solstice fell in the middle of Sagittarius. As it is now, another thousand or so years later, it [the winter solstice] falls on the cusp of Sagittarius/Scorpio. January 6 is fifteen days after the winter solstice, and around 1100 fell on the former winter solstice point, the cusp of Capricorn/Sagittarius. The Feast of Epiphany is then marking the same precessional era . . ."
"The millennial notions of the era seemed to have been sparked by nothing this significant point. When the cusp moved across the Epiphany, as happened in the twelfth century, a crop of new millennial prophecies emerged both in the Jewish kabbalistic groups and in the Christian communities. Both the Elijah the Prophet visits . . . and . . . Joachim of Flores . . . " [The Mysteries of the Great Cross at Hendaye]
- - - - - - - - - - -

Austronesian from Melanesia and Micronesia settled New Zealand by 800 A.D -

alphabet : [ad 700] Arabic Kufic alphabet, a bold and formal script devised near the end of the seventh century.

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 11: Day 6: Flowering - 829 - 1223

alphabet : [860 ad] Cyrillic alphabet, which Greek missionaries from Constantinople invented for the use of Slavic Christians.  Saint Cyril was such a missionary, and has been credited with having invented the Cyrillic

Five Magyar tribes and two Kun tribes entered the Danube basin in 896, settling within modern Hungary. Although these tribes had co-existed with Turkic peoples in the Steppe for a long time, their language structure is distantly related to the Ugrian peoples which includes the Finns, Estonians, and peoples of Siberia. In the following centuries the Magyars extended their rule in all directions forming the country now called Hungary after its previous rulers, the Huns. «

alphabet : [ad 900 Lt, ABC] the letters alpha (A), beta (B), et cetera; the accepted order of the Roman letters that derived immediately from Etruscan, and remotely from Greek; alphabētos [Lt]; grammata [early Gk].  The church father Tertullian (died ad 230) seems to have been the first to use the word alphabētos, and Saint Jerome popularized it.  The Greeks eventually adopted the Latin word alphabet to replace their native word grammata.

alphabet : [ad 900, ABC] Alap-Braut-Curi alphabet, invented by Nemninus the Briton.[27]  The letters appear in the ABC Latin order, but some minor alterations seem to indicate some clever formulae linked to the Greek and the Ogham alphabets.  The order is:  A.B.C.D., E.F.G.H., I.K.L.M.N., O.P.Q.R.T.S., U.X.E.Z., AE.ET.EU.AU.EI., with two unexplained syllables Kenc, Elau.[28]  Robert Graves reconstructed the Greek letter names in this manner:  (A) Alap, Braut, Curi, Dexi; (E) Egin, Fich, Guidir, Huil; (I) Jechuit, Kam, Louber, Muin, Nihn; (O) Or, Parth, Quith, Rat, Traus, Sung; (U) Uir, Jeil, Ofr, Zeirc; (AE) Aiun, Estiaul, Egui, Aur, Emc; (+) Kenc, Elau.

988 - Al Azhar Mosque in Cairo became the world's first university
965 - 1040 Abu Ali Hasan Ibn al-Haitham (Alhazen), Arab physicist, father of modern optics

alphabet : [ad 1000] Arabic Naskhi alphabet, the cursive form of Arabic, which became the parent of modern Arabic letters.

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 1000 - Viking settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland.]

1096-99 First Crusade [Quest for the Past, 1984]

ca 1100, January 6 (Epiphany) fell on the former winter solstice point, the cusp of Capricorn/Sagittarius.

1118 or 1119 - Templars
1127 - Kalachakra introduced in Tibet (Hendaye page 335)

1147-49 Second Crusade [Quest for the Past, 1984]
1189-92 Third Crusade [Quest for the Past, 1984]
1191 - Tamujin began his rise to become the Genghis Khan of the Mongol horde (Hendaye page 185)
1183 -1202 - visions of Joachim of Flores
[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 1200 - Easter Island statues erected.]
1202-04 Fourth Crusade [Quest for the Past, 1984]
1215 - Isaac "the Blind" led Kabbalistic community from Provence, where they were being persecuted, to Girona in the Pyrenees
1216 - predicted "end of the world" (precession of the equinoxes)

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 12: Night 6: Fine tuning - 1223 - 1617

When the cusp moved across the Epiphany, as happened in the twelfth century, a crop of new millennial prophecies emerged both in the Jewish kabbalistic groups and in the Christian communities. Both the Elijah the Prophet visits that sparked the publication of the Bahir, and the prophecies of Joachim of Flores are connected to this secret event. Joachim, in fact, dated the beginning of the third segment of this zodiacal age to 1260, which is just a little over ten degrees of precession from the next cusp/winter-solstice alignment, which is currently in progress. The sudden and almost desperate boom in cathedral building appears designed to climax at the end and beginning point of Joachim's ages, 1260. Certainly, in the case of the almost incredible twenty-six-year rebuilding of Chartres Cathedral, some prominent but unspoken deadline forced the completion of the work. The cathedrals of Our Lady, perhaps, were intended to house the spirit of the new age, the age of the Holy Spirit according to Joachim of Flores.

12th & 13th centuries - winter solstice fell in the middle of Sagittarius.
1260 - Joachim of Flores dated the beginning of the third segment of the Age of Pisces to 1260, which is just a little over ten degrees of precession from the next alignment. The sudden and almost desperate boom in cathedral building appears designed to climax at the end and beginning point of Joachim's ages, 1260. [Cross at Hendaye]
1260 is just a little over ten degrees of precession from the next cusp/winter-solstice alignment, which is currently in progress.
1214-92 Roger Bacon

alphabet : [1269] Mongolian hP’ags-Pa script, invented in China about 1269.
In China, the thirteenth century Mongol conquest disrupted farming and trading, and led to widespread famine. The population dropped from approximately 120 to 60 million.[24] The 14th century [black death] plague is estimated to have killed 30% of the population of China.[25].
In Europe, the Medieval warm period ended sometime towards the end of the fourteenth century, bringing harsher winters and reduced harvests. In the years 1315 to 1317 a catastrophic famine, known as the Great Famine, struck much of North Western Europe. The famine came about as the result of a large population growth in the previous centuries. [26]

October 1347- a fleet of Genoese trading ships fleeing Caffa reached the port of Messina in Sicily. By the time the fleet reached Messina, all the crew members were either infected or dead. Looting of these lost ships also helped spread the disease.
From there, the plague spread to Genoa and Venice by the turn of 1347–1348.
From Italy the disease spread northwest across Europe, striking France, Spain, Portugal and England by June 1348, then turned and spread east through Germany and Scandinavia from 1348 to 1350. It was introduced in Norway in 1349 when a ship landed at Askøy, then proceeded to spread to Bjørgvin (modern Bergen). Finally it spread to north-western Russia in 1351.
[Quest for the Past, 1984: MAP of Black Death spread, page 285]

In 1357 Flamel was offered a book which he recognized as the book in the dream. This ancient volume was called -The Book of Abraham the Jew- and Flamel quickly realized that it contained formulas for transmutating metals, but he could make no sense of its strange symbols. The book also included a curse on all who read it, excepting only priests and scribes. Flamel, himself a scribe, felt safe and he sought the help of alchemists to penetrate its secrets, but to no avail.
"By 1378 Flamel realized that his only hope lay in finding a Jew who could understand the book. This was not easy, because the Jews had been persecuted and most have been driven away from France. However, he eventually met an elderly converted Jew named Maitre Canches, who grew increasingly excited as he examined Flamel's copy of the book. He declared it to be the lost book of the -cabala-, a religious philosophy based on ancient scriptures that had been developed by rabbis. He began to explain the mysterious symbols but before the work was finished, he fell sick and died. [Quest for the Past]

alphabet : [1400, Middle Ages] Ogham alphabet, P-Celt, O’Sullivan’s B.L.N. alphabet, had 13 consonants, the same number of consonants as the B.L.N. alphabet, but omitted the Q and Z, and included the Ng for letter P.[23]
alphabet : [1400, Middle Ages] Ogham alphabet, Q-Celt, O’Flaherty’s B.L.N. alphabet in 13 consonants, including the letter Q, but excluding the letter P.