Fortune 100 top U.S. companies 1960

  1. AT & T                         20.8
  2. General Motors             11.2
  3. Standard Oil N.J.            7.9
  4. Ford Motor                      5.4
  5. Great Atlantic & Pac Te  5.0
  6. General Electric              4.3
  7. Sears, Roebuck               4.0
  8. U.S. Steel                        3.6
  9. Socony Mobil Oil           3.1
  10. Gulf Oil                           2.7
  11. Texaco                            2.7
  12. Chrysler                          2.6
  13. Swift                               2.5
  14. Pacific Gas & Electric    2.4
  15. Safeway                          2.4
  16. Western Electric             2.3  
  17. Du Pont                           2.1
  18. Bethlehem Steel              2.0
  19. Standard Oil Ind.             2.0
  20. Westinghouse Electric     1.9
  21. Kroger                             1.9
  22. Armour                            1.9
  23. General Dynamics           1.8
  24. Shell Oil                          1.8
  25. Consolidated Edison       1.7
  26. Boeing Airplane              1.6
  27. National Dairy Products  1.6
  28. Goodyear Tire                 1.6
  29. Standard Oil Calif.          1.6
  30. Union Carbide                 1.5
  31. El Paso Natural Gas        1.5
  32. American Elect. Power   1.5
  33. Tennessee Gas Trans      1.4
  34. J.C. Penney                      1.4
  35. Radio Corp America       1.4
  36. Proctor & Gamble           1.4
  37. International Harvester    1.4
  38. Public Service El & Gas 1.3
  39. Southern Company          1.3
  40. IBM                                 1.3
  41. Lockheed Aircraft           1.3
  42. So. Calif. Edison             1.3
  43. Sinclair Oil                     1.2
  44. Columbia Gas System     1.2
  45. Montgomery Ward          1.2
  46. Firestone Tire                 1.2
  47. Phillips Petroleum           1.2
  48. Continental Can               1.1
  49. American Can                 1.1
  50. GTE                                1.1
  51. United Aircraft                1.1
  52. Republic Steel                 1.1
  53. General Foods                 1.1
  54. North American Avia      1.0
  55. International Paper          1.0
  56. Armco Steel                    1.0
  57. Philadelphia Elect           1.0
  58. Cities Service                 1.0
  59. Amer. & Foreign Pwr     1.0
  60. Niagara Mohawk Pwr     1.0
  61. Detroit Edison                 1.0
  62. U.S. Rubber                     1.0
  63. Borden                              .9
  64. Eastman Kodak                 .9
  65. Pennsylvania RR               .9
  66. General Public Util           .9
  67. Consumers Power             .9
  68. Texas Eastern Trans          .9
  69. Douglas Aircraft               .9
  70. F.W.Woolworth                .9
  71. American Motors              .9
  72. Americn Stores                 .9
  73. Alcoa                                .9
  74. Southern Pacific                .8
  75. Burlington Industries         .8
  76. Goodrich                           .8
  77. National Tea                     .8
  78. New York Central RR       .8
  79. Jones & Laughlin Steel      .8
  80. American Natural Gas       .8
  81. IT&T                                 .8
  82. Federated Dept.                 .8
  83. Texas Utilities                   .8
  84. Middle South Utilities       .8
  85. United Gas                        .7
  86. Caterpillar Tractor            .7
  87. Anderson Clayton              .7
  88. Consolidated Natural Gas .7
  89. National Steel                   .7
  90. Sun Oil                              .7
  91. Reynolds Tobacco            .7
  92. Allied Chemical                .7
  93. Dow Chemical                  .7
  94. Inland Steel                       .7
  95. Olin Mathieson Chem.       .7
  96. Continental Oil                  .7
  97. Bendix                               .7
  98. American Tobacco            .7
  99. General Tire & Rubber     .7

100. Corn Products                   .7

This is a combination of Industrials, Utilities, Transportation and Merchandising firms.  Banks and Insurance companies didn’t have enough revenue to make the list. Dollars are in billions.