10 MAXFILES=3 11 DIM C$(4000), C1$(4000) 12 tx=368:c=0:gs=0:o2=0:o1=0:q=0 20 INPUT"file 1";F1$:OPEN F1$+".grd" FOR INPUT AS #1 30 INPUT "file 2";F2$:OPEN F2$+".grd" FOR INPUT AS #2 40 input"crit-low";cl 42 OPEN "cmp" FOR OUTPUT AS #3:CH=0 50 PRINT"":IF NOT EOF(2) THEN FOR I%=0 TO TX+1:INPUT#2,C$(I%):NEXT I%:o2=o2+1:ELSE PRINT#3,"chi square =" CH:PRINT "chi square =";CH/o1:print "organisms=";o1/o2,o2,o1/o2+o2:CLOSE:BEEP:SYSTEM 70 IF NOT EOF(1) THEN FOR I%=0 TO TX+1:INPUT#1,C1$(I%):NEXT I%:o1=o1+1:ut=0:ELSE CLOSE 1:OPEN F1$+".grd" FOR INPUT AS #1: PRINT" "F1$" vs "C$(0);" ";q/(o1/o2):q=0:GOTO 50 80 T=0:rem IF C$(0)=C1$(0) THEN GOTO 70 81 FOR Z%=1 TO TX+1 82 IF C$(Z%)="ND" or C$(Z%)="" or C$(Z%)="_" OR C1$(Z%)="" or C1$(Z%)="_" THEN GOTO 100 83 if z%=69 or z%=70 or z%=67 or z%=68 or z%=71 or z%=72 or z%=143 or z%=142 or z%=362 or z%=361 or z%=360 or z%=288 then goto 100 84 UT=UT+1:gosub 2000 100 NEXT Z%:goto 4000 101 C=T/UT 110 IF C >= cl THEN PRINT "!";:gosub 1000:ELSE PRINT "."; 114 CH=CH+ C:q=q+c:GOTO 70 1000 PRINT#3,c","C$(0)","C1$(0)","T","UT","F2$","F1$:gs=gs+1:return 2000 if inSTR(C$(Z%),C1$(Z%))THEN T=T+1:return 2010 if (z%=159 or z%=160 or z%=95) and (c$(z%)<> "" and c1$(z%)<> "") then goto 3000 :else return 3000 if abs( val(c$(z%)) - val(c1$(z%)) ) <=.2 then t=t+1 3010 return 4000 if ut = 0 then c = 0 : goto 114 4010 if ( c$(30)<>"" AND c1$(30) <> "" ) AND (inSTR(C$(30),C1$(30)) = 0 ) then ut = 0: c = 0 : goto 114 4012 rem if ( c$(14)<>"" AND c1$(14) <> "" ) AND (c$(14) <> c1$(14)) then ut = 0: c = 0 : goto 114 4020 goto 101