1 ' REPORT.BAS 10 maxfiles=2:dim ti$(300),a$(300) 11 open"tests.ndp" for input as #1:tx=238:bm=0 12 if not eof(1) then input#1,a$,b:else close:goto 20 13 ti$(b)=a$:if b>bm then bm=b 14 goto 12 20 input"file",fi$:open fi$ + ".grd" for input as #1:input"organism",o$ 30 if not eof(1) then for z%=0 to tx+1:input #1,a$(z%):else close:stop 40 if a$(z%)<>"_" and ti$(z%) <> "" and instr(a$(0),o$) then b$=b$+a$(z%)+"|" 41 next z%:?b$:b$="" 50 goto 30