Regular Meeting of the Waterfront Commission

March 11, 1998

Hs Lordships Restaurant

199 Seawall Drive 


1.         CALL TO ORDER


Chair WASSON called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.  Secretary Marchetti called the roll:


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:         KAWCZYNSKA, SMITH, Chair WASSON, &                                                         WINDHAM, Vice-Chair WOLGAST, & WOZNIAK






STAFF PRESENT:                             Lisa Caronna, Patricia Jeffery, Gil Kelley, Buckley Lai, Cliff Marchetti, and Ed Murphy. 




Commissioner KAWCZYNSKA read a letter from Cameron Woo stating his opposition to the Boy Scouts national policy which denies gay people and atheists membership into its organization.   


Bob Nakaji, operator of the Bait Shop at 225 University Ave., told the Commission that someone broke into the shop.  He said he wanted to put in a security gate.  Staff suggested that it would review the request and report back at the next meeting.


Commissioner Jones arrived at 7:15 PM.


Mike Senferer, Greg Bozazii, Pete Savagman, Gene Evans, Patricia Francis-Lyon, Jim Ader, and Tom Luten all spoke in favor of providing berths at no charge to the Sea Scouts.


Councilmember Woolley stated that the City had an obligation not to assist organizations which discriminate against people.




            a. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting Held on February 11, 1998


Chair Wasson requested a change in the minutes of February 11th in Section 3. a. so that she is identified as the Chair instead of as the Vice Chair.  Ed Murphy noted that the word "not" should be inserted in the last sentence of the 1st paragraph on page 4 concerning the loss of parking.  With these changes, Commissioner SMITH moved approval of the minutes.  Commissioner WINDHAM seconded the motion and it was approved by unanimous vote:

7-0-0-2, with Commissioners THOMAS & FELIX absent.



            a. Approval of Minutes of Special Meetings Held on February 4th and 26th, 1998


Commissioner SMITH moved a motion to approve the minutes of both the February 4, 1998 and February 26, 1998 special meetings on the Marina Master Plan.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner JONES and approved by a vote of: 7-0-0-2, with Commissioners THOMAS & FELIX absent.


            b. Approval of the Agenda


Commissioner SMITH made a motion to approve the agenda.  Commissioner KAWCZYNSKA seconded the motion, subject to the following change:


            1) Move item 5. h. re: the Marina Budget to an Action Report.


The motion was then approved by a vote of: 7-0-0-2, with Commissioners THOMAS & FELIX absent.




            a.         Non-Profit Berth Policy


Chair WASSON asked if a representative of the Sea Scouts could explain why the City should provide berths at no charge given the national policy of the Boy Scouts to discriminate against gays and atheists.  She stated that the Commission had continued this item for a month to allow time for the Sea Scouts to explore a possible waiver to this policy.  Pete Saugman, Skipper of Sea Scouts' Northland boat, presented a video which explained the services provided by the two Sea Scout vessels, the Northland and the Farallon.  After discussion, the Sea Scouts asked to continue this item until the next regular Commission meeting to allow them time to discuss the matter with the Boy Scouts organization.  The Chair agreed to the request. 


            b.         Sign at Radisson Hotel


Staff introduced the item and said that the Design Review Committee had given its preliminary approval and was waiting input from the Commission.  He distributed a copy of the Marina's design guidelines and said that the proposed sign conformed with the guidelines.  Steve Howe, a representative from the Radisson Hotel further explained the colors and after discussion, Commissioner SMITH moved approval and Commissioner WINDHAM seconded the motion.  It was unanimously approved by a vote of: 7-0-0-2, with Commissioners THOMAS & FELIX absent.  Mr. Howe stated that the temporary sign for the restaurant would be removed within 30 days.


            c.         Cal Sailing & Cal Adventure License Agreements


Staff presented a report summarizing the main points of the two proposed agreements.  Rob Anderson, Director of the Cal Adventure Program said that he agreed with the proposed rent increase.  Commissioner Smith then made a motion to recommend to Council that it approve of the proposed Cal Adventure license agreement on the terms presented in the staff report. Commissioner KAWCZYNSKA seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by a vote of: 7-0-0-2, with Commissioners THOMAS & FELIX absent.  Rebecca Hausmann, Commodore of Cal Sailing Club, said the Club needed more time to examine the agreement and requested a month's continuance.  The Chair agreed.  




            a.         Marina Master Plan


Gil Kelley, Director of the Planning Dept., made a brief presentation on the purpose and scope of the Marina Master Plan.  He urged the Commission not to expand the scope of the work to include the entire waterfront.  After discussion, Chair WASSON referred this item to the Commission's special meeting set for March 18th.  Pat Jeffrey discussed the goals of future special meetings set for March 18th and March 28th and presented the preliminary budget.  No action was taken. 


            b.         Annual Reports from Cal Sailing & Cal Adventure


Rob Anderson and his staff with the Cal Adventure program gave a detailed report on its activities.  The Commission expressed its support and thanks for all the good community work provided by the staff and the program.  Rebecca Hausmann said that she would present its report at the next Commission meeting.  The Chair agreed.


            c.         Launch Ramp Parking Lot


Staff presented a preliminary report and budget.  Cliff Marchetti said that there were not enough funds to pave the entire lot.  He said that the dry storage area would have to be moved to accommodate the paving project.  Staff will present a report at the next meeting.


            d.         F & G Dock Project


Mr. Marchetti reported that the project would start in May and be completed in October. 


            e.         Salt Water Fire Service


Deputy Chief Bard did not attend.  No report was given.


            f.          225 University Ave. Property


Ed Murphy stated that the Council approved hiring a broker to market the property. 

Mr. Marchetti said that bids are being received to repair the roof and that temporary measures will be taken to patch the leaks once the rainy weather is over.


Commissioner Jones left at 10:55 PM.


            g.         Marina Ten Year Budget & Project Status Report


Cliff Marchetti presented a report on the proposed Marina budget for FY 1998-99.  Commissioner SMITH said he was outraged that he had not been involved in this revised budget, especially after closely working with staff in preparing a budget format and figures over the past year.  He said it was extremely rude for staff to then substantially change the budget that he and the Commission had worked together on, without so much as a courtesy phone call.  And as a further insult, this revised budget was then submitted to the City Manager as the Department's budget without even sharing it with him or other Commission members. 


Commissioner SMITH then left the meeting at 10:05 PM.


The Commission further discussed the budget and staff said that it would meet with Commissioner Smith and discuss his concerns.  No action was taken. 


            i.          Sewer Lines


Lisa Caronna said the City was going to spend about $1.7 million on sewer lines, including the ones serving the Marina.  She will send a report to the Commission. 


            j.          Status Report on Off-leash Dog area


Ed Murphy distributed the Environmental Initial Study, related information, and a schedule for public review.  The Commission agreed to have a joint public meeting with the Parks & Recreation Commission on March 30th. 


            k.         Report on Past Commission Actions


Staff presented the report and the Commission received it without comment.


6.         OTHER REPORTS


            a.         Occupancy Report - The report was received without comment.



7.         Comments from the Chair - None.



8.         ADJOURNMENT


Commissioner WINDHAM made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Commissioner KAWCZYNSKA and adopted at 11:15 PM by unanimous vote: 5-0-0-4.


