From: Michael Bailey To: Subject: [SD SIG]Visualization Conference in San Diego Next Week Sender: IEEE VISUALIZATION CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO IN OCTOBER The 2001 IEEE Visualization conference will be held in San Diego, October 21-26. This is a great conference for anyone using computer graphics in biology, chemistry, networking, engineering, medicine, aerospace, mathematics, the environment, or education, or for anyone whose job is to explore and mine data. The conference will be held in the conference center of San Diego's Paradise Point Hotel, so it is convenient and inexpensive to attend for San Diegans. There will be Papers, Panels, Case Studies, Works-in-Progress studies, Tutorials, and an Exhibition. As a bonus, two great symposia will be co-located with the conference: * Symposium on Information Visualization ("InfoVis") * Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics ("PVG") Conference registration gets you into the Papers, Panels, Case Studies, Works-in-Progress studies, and the Exhibition. Tutorial registration gets you into each symposium as well. There is even an Exhibits-Only registration if all you want to do is see the companies that exhibit there, although the technical program is first-rate and definitely worth attending Advance Program and Registration information can be found at the conference web site: This is a great opportunity for the San Diego computational science research and development community -- hope to see you there ! ------------------------------------------------------------ Mike Bailey, PhD Senior Principal Scientist, San Diego Supercomputer Center Adj Professor, UCSD Computer Science / Mechanical Engineering Office: 858-534-5142 FAX: 858-534-5152 E-mail: Web: ** U.S. Mail: ** ** Fed Ex, UPS: ** PO Box 85608 10100 John Hopkins Drive San Diego, CA 92186 La Jolla, CA 92037 _______________________________________________