Bumper Stickers for the Year 2000

Only the Amish
are Y2K compliant.
(C) ABS 1999

We can always hope
that Tipper swallows.
(C) ABS 1999

In case of Rapture
the party is at my place.
(C) ABS 1999

Will author web sites for food.
(C) ABS 1999

Thinking that the Millenium
begins January 1, 2000
is like thinking you're one year old
when you were born yesterday.
(C) ABS 1999

Why aren't the
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
against this war?
(C) ABS 1999

Explain to me again
why the space station doesn't spin.
(C) ABS 1999

Last update 17-Apr-1999 by ABS.