iqtester: HELP: iqtester - simulate an IQ Tester at Po'Folks Restaurant The board is numbered like this: 00 10 11 20 21 22 30 31 32 33 40 41 42 43 44 You begin with a piece in every hole except one. You remove pieces with "jumps" like in checkers. A win is when one piece remains. A "genius" win is when the last pices is n the original empty square. example usage: iqtester -n 300 -s 442 -m 0 1 > games01.txt meaning: Run 300 games of the IQ Tester simulator, making random choices of jumps. Use random number seed 442. Start with empty space 0,1 (0th row, 1st column). If game is won print out the moves.