Rosetta Stone

Last update: 05-Jan-1998

Please email me with corrections and suggestions!

How To Do Just About Anything On Any Common Operating System
Action Mac OS 7.x UNIX DOS Windows 3.1 Windows NT 3.51 Windows NT 4.0 Windows 95
get help Apple Menu -> About Application-> Help man topic

man -k keyword

man man
??? ??? ??? Windows NT Explorer: Help -> Help Topics ???
directory listing use Finder ls

ls -l | more

ls -CF

DIR/?/? alphabetical paged
use File Manager use File Manager (?) use Windows NT Explorer use file manager
find file Finder: File -> Find File ??? cd searchdir; find . -print | grep pattern ??? File Manager: File -> Find... ??? File Manager: File -> Find... ??? Windows NT Explorer: Tools -> Search File Manager: File -> Search... ???
determine disk usage Finder: ??? cd dirname; du -a . | sort -nr | more ??? File Manager: ??? File Manager: ??? Windows NT Explorer: select a disk, folder or file, then get Properties with right mouse button menu File Manager: ???
rename a file Finder: ??? mv oldname newname ??? File Manager: ??? File Manager: ??? Windows NT Explorer: select a folder or file, then double-click to highlight its name, then type the new name ??? File Manager: ???
move a file Finder: ??? mv sourcefile destinationfile ??? File Manager: ??? File Manager: ??? Windows NT Explorer: select a folder or file, then drag the file to a new location File Manager: ???
copy a file Finder: ??? cp sourcefile destinationfile

cp sourcefile1 sourcefile2 sourcefile3 destinationdir
??? File Manager: ??? File Manager: ??? Windows NT Explorer: select a folder or file, then hold down the Control key and drag the file to a new location File Manager: ???
delete a file or directory Finder: drag it to the Trash Can; Special -> Empty Trash rm filename

rm -i pattern [type y to confirm each]

rmdir empty_directory

rm -rf dirname [WARNING! recursively deletes]
??? File Manager: ??? File Manager: ??? Windows NT Explorer: select a folder or file, then press the Delete key and then answer yes in the confirm dialog File Manager: ???
list all my processes ??? BSD: ps -ef | grep usrname

SysV: ps -aux | grep userame
??? ??? ??? Control-Alt-Delete -> select Task Manager ???
list all system processes ??? BSD: ps -ef

SysV: ps -aux
??? ??? ??? Control-Alt-Delete -> select Task Manager ???
kill a process ??? kill -9 processnumber ??? ??? ??? Control-Alt-Delete -> select Task Manager -> ??? ???
shut down system Finder: Special -> Shut Down init 0 or halt -0 (???) power off ??? ??? Start: Shut Down -> Shut down the computer ???

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