ANCIENT TIMELINE OF CONCORDANCES: Proposal for a new chronology of ancient history
2 - 154,314 to 24,714 - Ten cycles of Ice Ages and Warm periods? ("PALEOLITHIC")
"Since the current ice age, the Quaternary glaciation, started about 2.58 million years ago, the world has seen cycles of glaciation
with ice sheets advancing and retreating on 40,000- and 100,000-year time scales called glacials (glacial advance) & interglacials (glacial retreat)."
[which matches the turns toward and away from the galactic center]

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    ++++++++++ Converted to BCE ++++++++++    
    154,314 or 154,087 - Earth turned toward galactic center

148,000 - Two separate populations may have formed in the East and South of Africa . . . . On one side of this divide were the mitochondrial lineages now found predominantly in East and West Africa, and all maternal lineages found outside Africa. On the other side of the divide are lineages predominantly found in the Khoi and San (Khoisan) hunter-gatherer people of southern Africa. arid conditionsdriving a wedge between humans in eastern and southern Africa.


141,354 or 141,127 - Earth turned away from galactic center
148,000 - 128,000 Europe colder and more arid than present conditions -

Around 140,000 years ago most of tropical Africa became uninhabitable. Our ancestors were forced to seek refuge on coasts and highlands. CURTIS MAREAN: It looks like four to six potential locations in Africa that would still be supportive of hunter-gatherer populations. The genetic record shows us that we are all descended from a small population of approximately 600 breeding individuals.

At Pinnacle Point, South Africa, he has found caves used by early Homo sapiens' ancestors during the megadrought period. Here was a population that was broadening its diet away from meat, requiring ingenuity unknown among earlier ancestors.
CURTIS MAREAN: If you go out to collect shellfish at the wrong time, you're dead. You have to be able to time your access to the coastline so that you're here when the tides are right to collect those shellfish.
The best time to collect shellfish is at extreme low tides, and to predict those it helps to understand the cycles of the moon.
Those are the times that you want to be collecting shellfish, all the shellfish are exposed so this water, which you see here, is out there at that point, where that rock is. So the smart coastal hunter-gatherer knows how to use the moon to signal to them when to come to the coastline to collect the shellfish. (11/2009)




128,394 or 128,167 - Earth turned toward galactic center
128,000 - 113,000 warm and relatively moist phase -

138,000 and 108,000 - The last main period of increased rainfall. The climate during this time consisted of episodic wet events that enabled the deserts of the northeastern Sahara, Sinai, and the Negev to become more hospitable for the movement of early modern humans.

128,000 snail fossils northern Africa desert was a thriving savannah. "The artifacts provide a record that people were coming to the lake . . . Our climate data from this 130,000-year-old humid event suggest that this would have been a particularly good time for a northward migration through Africa following reliable water resources, since it seems to be the strongest humid phase in this region over the past 400,000 years."

133,000 - 88,000 BC - eastern Africa went through a series of massive droughts -

By 130,000 years ago, complete Neanderthal characteristics had appeared. [too late]

Stone tools found on an Eritrean fossil reef in eastern Africa suggest that early humans lived in coastal environments as far back as 125,000 years ago. "The stone tools from Abdur signal a new, widespread adaptive strategy in early human behaviour which spread from one end of Africa to the other between 115,000 and 125,000 years ago . . . The tool-bearing reef has a rich population of marine organisms such as clams, scallops, snails and oysters and the tools were used to harvest and eat these mollusks and crustaceans."

133,000-113,000 - A group of humans left Africa across a green Sahara, up Nile to Levant


115,434 or 115,207 - Earth turned away from galactic center
115,000 cooling and drying of the climate -
113,000-88,000 - global freeze: desert
(by 88,000 Levant branch died out) -

110,000-year-old putative Homo sapiens jawbone from a cave in southern China's Guangxi province.
If confirmed, the finding would lend support to the "multiregional hypothesis". This says that modern humans descend from Homo sapiens coming out of Africa who then interbred with more primitive humans on other continents. In contrast, the prevailing "out of Africa" hypothesis holds that modern humans are the direct descendants of people who spread out of Africa to other continents around 100,000 years ago. -




102,474 or 102,247 - Earth turned toward galactic center

The earliest sites outside of Africa with early modern humans are at Skhul and Qazfah caves in what is now Israel about 100,000 years ago.
Caves of Qafzeh and Skhul, Israel: remains of at least 11 modern humans. Most appeared to have been ritually buried. Artifacts simple: hand axes and other Neanderthal-style tools. In 1989, new dating techniques showed them to be 100,000 to 90,000 years old, the oldest modern human remains ever found outside Africa.

98,000 - First Paleolithic evidence in upper Egypt -

90,000 years or older - Three archaeological sites at Katanda on the Upper Semliki River in the Western Rift Valley of Zaire have provided evidence for a well-developed bone industry. Artifacts include both barbed and unbarbed points as well as a daggerlike object, with abundant fish (primarily catfish) remains. (1995)



89,514 or 89,287 - Earth turned away from galactic center

There's a large gap in the record for Asia and Europe, between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago, a period in which the Middle East seems to have been occupied by Neanderthals.





76,554 or 76,327 - Earth turned toward galactic center

The people of Pinnacle Point (South Africa sea cave) were not just harvesting shellfish. They were also hunting on the plains behind the coast and gathering berries and roots. Right at about 71,000 years ago, they make a shift to making stone tools on this silcrete, in the form of long thin blades. Before flaking it, the people here were heating this material in the fire and, through heating it, improved its flakeability. And that was at about 71,000 years ago, about 40,000 years older than that has been found anywhere else in the world. The technology of our ancestors was expanding from the single all-purpose hand ax to a variety of lighter specialized tools. JOHN SHEA: Then they starting making these kinds of things, they made tools with special little points for perforating tasks: this. They made others with special chiseled ends for carving tasks. Specialized tools allowed our ancestors to get more out of their environment.

JOHN SHEA: And, at this point, we begin to see people treating stone tools as symbols. They're making them more complex than they need to be to accomplish a particular cutting task. So, at this point, stone tools are no longer just tools for cutting things, they're instruments of carrying social information about their owners.
NARRATOR: The first evidence of decorative art, made from a naturally occurring mineral called red ochre, has been found at Blombos, another cave along the South African coast.
CHRISTOPHER HENSHILWOOD (University of Bergen): We found a chunk of ochre. And when we brushed up the surface of the ochre, we realized there was actually a design on the one side. We could see a cross-hatched pattern that had lines zigzagged across the surface of this flat ground surface and also had lines across the top, through the middle, and along the bottom. A symbolic image in 75,000 year-old levels.
NARRATOR: At Blombos, they've also found shells with holes drilled in them, believed to have been used for necklaces. So our ancestors were now wearing ornaments and probably painting their bodies, as well. (11/2009)

About 80,000 years ago, modern humans entered a "dynamic period" of innovation. (South African cave sites) In addition to ocher carving, the Blombos Cave yielded perforated ornamental shell beads. Pieces of inscribed ostrich eggshell: Diepkloof. Hafted points at Sibudu = used throwing spears and arrows. Fine-grained stone transported from up to 18 miles away = trade? Bones of hunted eland, springbok and seals. At Klasies River, traces of burned vegetation = clearing land to encourage quicker growth of edible roots and tubers? Sophisticated bone tool and stoneworking technologies date from 75,000 to 55,000 years ago.
76,000 - Beads made from the shells of estuary mollusc Nassarius kraussianus, found 20 kilometres away at the Blombos cave, 300 kilometres east of Cape Town in South Africa. Also thousands of pieces of ochre, a coloured clay in a range of shades of colours from red to black, used for decorating and maybe curing hides, and cosmetic purposes. = trade covering at least 30 km.
68,000 - Blombos Cave, Africa. stone with etched a geometric design in the flat surface—simple crosshatchings framed by two parallel lines with a third line down the middle. The scratchings on this piece of red ocher mudstone are the oldest known example of an intricate design made by a human being.

68,000 - Kalahari Desert:Tsodilo Hills (largest concentration of rock paintings) - oldest ritual site, python cave -

68,000 - Neanderthals in Europe had a concept of navigational direction: Deliberate orientation of Neanderthal/Mousterian ritual and burial sites according to the position of the sun i.e. Neanderthal-Mousterian site at La Ferrassie in Dordogne region of France.

58,000 - arrow that was fired from the earliest known bow. Discovery has pushed back the origins of bow-and-arrow technology by 20,000 years. The bow, probably made of wood and long since decayed, was used at a time when Neanderthals in Europe were using large spears in duels with woolly mammoths and other large prehistoric game. The bone arrow, just 5cm long, was excavated by Wadley at the Sibudu cave, near the coastal town of Ballito in KwaZulu Natal.

71,000 - 63,000 repopulation. Boats from Timor into Australia & also from Borneo into New Guinea. Kota Tampan.
The Bradshaw Foundation , in association with Stephen Oppenheimer -

73,000 - 68,000 a supervolcanic event at Lake Toba, on Sumatra, reduced the world's human population to 10,000 or even 1,000 breeding pairs (Toba catastrophe theory)
72,000-71,000 - Mt Toba, Sumatra erupted, causing 6-year winter & ice age lasting 1000 years, with population crash to less than 10,000 adults. Volcanic ash up to 5m deep covered India & Pakistan.

68,000 - [the number of humans] perhaps dropped to as few as 2,000. The isolated African groups started to meet up again with each other, and then grew in numbers and moved to an expanding area.





Humans nearly
die out - greatly
reduced DNA

63,594 or 63,367 - Earth turned away from galactic center

There's a large gap in the record for Asia and Europe, between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago, a period in which the Middle East seems to have been occupied by Neanderthals.

  68,000 -
cold, arid maximum [site]





50,634 or 50,407 - Earth turned toward galactic center

83,000 A group crossed the mouth of the Red Sea, prior to travelling as beachcombers along the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula toward India. All non-African people are descended from this group.
63,000 - 50,000 "warming" -
63,000 - 50,000 humans move north through the Fertile Crescent returning to the Levant (edge of Black Sea)
Sixty-thousand years ago, our ancestors emerged with new technology and new culture. Thousands of years of drought had forced them to change. They were ready to explore the world. As the climate improved, they started to stream out of Africa. (11/2009) [These are all too early.]

58,000 - 48,000 - North Sea: 28 Neanderthal flint axes on the sea bed off the East Anglian coast found with other flint artefacts, a large number of mammoth bones, teeth and tusk fragments, and pieces of deer antler. 8 miles off Great Yarmouth, the most northerly point in the North Sea that Neanderthal tools have been discovered.

Neanderthal characteristics disappeared in Asia by 50,000 years ago.

50,000 - common ancestor existed between Indian population and Aboriginal Australians = did take coastal route thru India [ESTIMATED FROM DNA]

50,000 - 43,000 mini-ice age.
            Aurignacian Upper Paleolithic moved from Turkey into Bulgaria, Europe (to sw France).
            The new style of stone tools moved up the Danube into Hungary then Austria.

280,000 [sic] - 45,000 - Ostrich beads and numerous other artefacts, including ochre pencils, carved bone and stone tools, the Loiyangalani River Valley, in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. Indicate symbolic thought. (2004)

45,000 - Americas: Boqueirao de Pedra Furada, deep rock shelter, NE Brazil: signs of human habitation.

[43,000 on: after the mini-ice age:]
43,000 - 38,000 East Asian groups moved west through central Asia steppes (Pakistan to central Asia;
            Indo-China through Tibet into Qing-hai Plateau;
            south China to central China and as far north as Korea, then to Japan).

            From Europe into Spain & also to Haua Fteah (North Africa).

42,000 to 38,500 years ago -Tianyuan Cave, Zhoukoudian, near Beijing, China Oldest securely dated modern human skeleton in China and one of the oldest modern human fossils in eastern Eurasia. A few archaic characteristics, particularly in the teeth and hand bone. This morphological pattern implies that a simple spread of modern humans from Africa is unlikely, especially since younger specimens have been found in Eastern Eurasia with similar feature patterns. (2007)

Mungo Man (discovered 1974), Mungo Lake, Australia. His remains were covered with red ochre, earliest known incidence of such a burial practice. 60,000 - 40,000 years old.
There is much debate over the dates of the earliest Australian sites, with some arguing that the oldest sites in the Northern Territory are around 54,000 years old, with many preferring the estimates of "Mungo 3" at Lake Mungo which is believed to be around 42,000 years old. The arrival of humans in Australia is popularly placed at around 60,000 years ago, but with few sites in nearby South-East Asia and New Guinea older than around 40,000 to 50,000 years, most archaeologists now estimate around 45,000 years as likely.

58,000 - 40,000 The earliest evidence of human settlement in New Guinea has emerged from an uplifted coral terrace at the Huon Peninsula's Bobongara (Fortification) Point. During an era of lower sea levels the shelf would have been part of the New Guinea coastline. Bobongara's artifacts are estimated to be 40,000 years old and date as far back as 58,000 BC. At that time . . . NG, Australia, and Tasmania formed a single landmass called Sahul.

38,000 (older than) - Enkapune Ya Muto (EYM) rock shelter in the central Rift Valley of Kenya: sealed social alliances and prevailed over others by giving token gifts, beads. Site "contains perhaps the earliest example of what we think of as an Upper Paleolithic stone-tool technology, and then later in time, ostrich eggshell-bead technology -- the earliest evidence for ornamentation." In one of the oldest layers, Ambrose found "possibly the oldest example of Later Stone Age or European equivalent Upper Paleolithic stone-tool technology. The blade-based tools are at least 46,000 years old, but may be as much as 50,000 years old -- older than the oldest previously known industry of its kind, from Israel."

  > "highly unstable phase" with generally more moderate climates
to 20,000 [site]

Modern humans:
migration from Africa
to the Levant:


First fully-accepted evidence that modern humans had migrated out of Africa
as far as Australia
(40,000 years ago)
---------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------ DIVIDED INTO ZODIACAL PRECESSION: ------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ----------------------------------

37,674 or 37,447 - Earth turned away from galactic center
37,674 or 37,447 BCE - Leo became the constellation that rose in the east just before the sun (rose heliacally) on March 21

48,000 - 28,000 - Third major migration into Europe, modern humans -
Around 50,000 years ago, early modern humans appear again and flow back into Europe.
48,000 - via Bosporus into Europe -
Around 38,000 BCE, modern humans entered Europe, probably via two routes: from Turkey along the Danube corridor into eastern Europe, and along the Mediterranean coast.
38,000 - anatomically modern humans effectively replaced Neanderthals across continental Europe (Met Museum)
[35,000 - 30,000 - Disappearance of Neanderthal man - Mysteries of the Past, 1977]

38,000 - 23000 Central Asians moved west towards eastern Europe & north into the arctic circle,
             & also joined East Asians [in move] into northeast Russia and arctic.

38,000 (by) - Papuans had made the (shortened) sea-crossing from islands of Wallacea & Sundaland (Malay Archipelago) to New Guinea.

By 35,000 years ago, modern humans were firmly established in most of the Old World.
35,514 or 35,287 BCE - Cancer became the constellation that rose in the east just before the sun (rose heliacally) on March 21

35,000 years ago - Aboriginal tools found on a Pilbara mine site in Western Australia — among the oldest so far discovered in Australia.

33, 354 or 33,127 BCE - Gemini became the constellation that rose in the east just before the sun (rose heliacally) on March 21

34,000 - 32,000 - human jawbone from a Romanian bear hibernation cave. "Earliest known modern human fossil in Europe."
33,000 - “El Mundo” 2005: Human fossil mandible discovered in 2003 in a cave in Western Carpathians (Muntii Apuseni), identified by Romanian and American paleontologists as being the oldest remains of modern man found in Europe . . . large number of pieces, with very different anatomical characteristics . . .

31,194 or 30,967 BCE - Taurus became the constellation that rose in the east just before the sun (rose heliacally) on March 21

30,000 - coastal plain joined Japan to the Asian mainland. But they could not have trekked to Okinawa. Yet, bones of child on Okinawa. Boats?

30,000 - 27,000 - Aurignacian (Gimbutas, 331)
30,000 - Cave art i.e. Chauvet cave in France (Met Museum)

31,000 - 30,000 - last Neanderthals discovered: Vindija Cave in Croatia -
Neanderthals, forced into mountain strongholds in Croatia, the Iberian Peninsula, the Crimea and elsewhere, became extinct 25,000 years ago.
The last Neanderthal expired probably in southern Spain, where the most recent skeletons have been found about 26,000 BCE. (Daughters of Eve, 125)
Neanderthal characteristics disappeared in Europe by 30,000 years ago.
The youngest Neanderthal finds include Hyaena Den (UK), considered older than 30,000 years ago, while the Vindija (Croatia) Neanderthals have been re-dated to between 32,000 and 33,000 years ago. No definite specimens younger than 30,000 years ago have been found; however, evidence of fire by Neanderthals at Gibraltar indicate that they may have survived there until 24,000 years ago. Cro Magnons or modern human skeletal remains with 'Neanderthal traits' were found in Lagar Velho (Portugal), dated to 24,500 years ago and controversially interpreted as indications of extensively admixed populations.[6]
29, 034 or 28,807 BCE - Aries became the constellation that rose in the east just before the sun (rose heliacally) on March 21

26,874 or 26,647 BCE - Pisces became the constellation that rose in the east just before the sun (rose heliacally) on March 21
27,000 - 20,000 Gravetian Perigordian (Gimbutas, 331)
(25,500–23,500) Apollo 11 cave, South Africa (Met Museum)

Canada: Bluefish Caves, Cinq-Mars's team discovered a chipped mammoth bone fashioned into a small harpoon point. Radiocarbon dating 28,000 years old. Even older mammoth bone flakes found by another Canadian team at nearby Beringian sites. Means people were in the Americas long before the [last] Ice Age. (Radiocarbon dating puts the age of the mammoth bone flakes found by the Archeological Survey of Canada team at 40,000 years old.)

Wisconsin glaciation - began about 30,000 years ago, reached its greatest advance 21,000 years ago, and ended about 10,000 years ago -
35,000-10,000 years ago - Sea levels 300 feet (about 100 metres) lower than today's. British Isles and Sicily attached to Europe, northern Adriatic was dry land, Black Sea landlocked, North America and Asia joined where Bering Strait now separates them. Drier as well as colder, which discouraged dense woodlands but favored rich grasslands. Prairies of Europe supported bison, woolly rhinoceros, woolly mammoths, giant elk (now extinct); reindeer and silver arctic fox roamed as far south as Pyrenees. ". . . dwellings were quite extensive tent-like structures, with sunken floors, stone bases to their hide walls, and cunningly corrugated fireplaces that produced great heat when tested by modern archeologists. In Russia, evidence suggests that some may have been joined together like a series of interconnecting igloos made of fur." "Archeologists have found no sign of dental decay in any of their skeletons." [Quest for the Past, 12]


Migration into Europe
of modern humans

End of Neanderthals,
modern humans become the only remaining human species?

By 30,000 years ago -
India - M > Mx (3)

Mongolia - M > D, My;
N > A, B, F

SE Asia - Mz, Nz, P, Q

Mideast - N > I, U, H, JT;
R > U (to the east)

"30,000 years ago - end of ice age"

Many guesses on dates for first migration out of Africa (all too late):
88,000 - 83,000 - ancestor of all non-Africans crossed Red Sea, followed beaches of Arabian Peninsula toward India.
83,000 - 73,000 - from Sri Lanka continued along Indian Ocean to western Indonesia (still attached to Asia),
             along coast to Borneo and on to South China. In Africa: Blombos.
78,000 - 58,000 - modern humans went to Asia.
On the basis of the fossil record in the Middle East, it has been proposed that modern humans expanded from Africa into the Levant approximately 100,000 years ago. The presence of modern humans in the Middle East would reflect a brief episodic occupation not followed by further expansion, and only an exodus approximately 60,000 years ago would have led to the peopling of Eurasia -
Tools found at Jwalapuram, a 74,000-year-old site in southern India, match those used in Africa from the same period. Although no human fossils have been found to confirm the presence of modern humans at Jwalapuram, the tools suggest it is the earliest known settlement of modern humans outside of Africa except for Israel's Qafzeh and Skhul sites.
58,000 - 48,000 - Humans migrated from East Africa to western India. Today a 20-mile stretch of choppy water separates Africa from the Arabian Peninsula, the Bab el Mandeb. 90,000 - 10,000 years ago, the strait got as narrow as 2.5 miles across. Could our modern human ancestors have rafted out of Africa, crossing the mouth of the Red Sea years ago to reach Saudi Arabia? (Boats?)
48,000 - Dispersal of peoples from Africa.

By 43,000 BCE, or possibly earlier, modern humans had settled Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia.