ANCIENT TIMELINE OF CONCORDANCES 6 - Current Turn Away From Galactic Center: 2887 BCE to 727 BCE
"Bronze & Iron Ages" (Aries Age [Ram]). Writing.
IndoEuropean (IE) spreads over the rest of Europe = patriarchal.
3000-2000 Australia, America Bering & Atlantic, Bermuda found - SunGod
2000-1000 Europeans? travel to Ohio & Michigan - SunGod

    ++++++++++ Converted to BCE ++++++++++    

2887 - Aries became the constellation that rose in the east just before the sun (rose heliacally) on March 21

? The Aegean Bronze Age begins around 3000 BC when civilizations first established a far-ranging trade network. This network imported tin and charcoal to Cyprus, where copper was mined and alloyed with the tin to produce bronze. Bronze objects were then exported far and wide, and supported the trade. Isotopic analysis of the tin in some Mediterranean bronze objects indicates it came from as far away as Great Britain.[citation needed] -

2900 - Sumerian Dynastic period begins. [Ur major trading center] > until the rise of Babylon in the early 2nd millennium BC.) (Wikipedia)
2850 - Rabel cave in Luzon, Philippines - agriculture
2850 - 1550 SE Asia second cultural phase - soft geometric pottery

Presence of domestic horses in the Afanasievo culture of southern Siberia by the third millennium (Mallory, 162)
It is in the Gorgan region that the domestic horse first appears in the Near East about 3000-2250 BC. (Mallory)

Vučedol culture - 3000 - 2200 BC, centered in eastern Slavonia on the right bank of the Danube river, but possibly spreading throughout the Pannonian plain.čedol_culture (Copper Age)

2800 - the Maritime Bell Beaker form began to evolve in Portugal (Cunliffe) (OB, 268) - spread by maritime trade along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts and also to the western (but not eastern) British Isles (OB, 266, figure 5.12b)

2800 - Stonehenge: construction

2800-2500 - The Early Helladic is marked by the arrival in Greece of an agricultural population that probably did not speak an IE language, whose culture probably soon diverged from its origins in the Cyclades. Very little is known of this society except that the basic techniques of bronze-working were first developed in Anatolia, and cultural contacts with Western Anatolia were maintained. Their arrival coincides with the beginning of the Bronze Age in Greece. The Early Helladic period corresponds in time to the Old Kingdom in Egypt. Important Early Helladic sites are clustered on the Aegean shores of the mainland in Boeotia and Argolid (Lerna, Pefkakia, Thebes, Tiryns) or coastal islands such as Aegina (Kolonna) and Euboea (Lefkandi, Manika) and are marked by pottery showing Western Anatolian influences and the introduction of the fast-spinning version of the potter's wheel. The large "longhouse" called a megaron is introduced in EH II. The infiltration of Anatolian cultural models was not accompanied by widespread site destruction. No similar Early Helladic material has yet been positively identified in the interior of the Peloponnesus. - [see megaron in Africa in ?WG?]
Early Helladic I 2800-2500 ---- Early Helladic II 2500-2300 ---- Early Helladic III 2300-2100

2800-1060 Helladic period - Wikipedia

Early Harappan/Mature Harappan Transition 2800-2700 BC (Kumal, Nausharo, Kot Diji)
Mature Harappan 2700-1900 BC (Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, Shortgua, Lothal) -

2780 - start of Egyptian Sothic year cycle - The Sothic cycle or Canicular period is a period of 1461 ancient Egyptian years (of 365 days each) or 1460 Julian years (averaging 365.25 days each).
According to Roman writer Censorinus, the Egyptian New Year's Day fell on July 20 in the Julian Calendar in 139 AD, which was a heliacal rising of Sirius in Egypt. From this it is possible to calculate that the previous occasion on which this occurred was 1322 BC, and the one before that was 2782 BC. This latter date has been postulated as the time when the calendar was invented, but Djer's reign preceded that date. Other historians push it back another whole cycle, to 4242 BC.

2750 Legendary Gilgamesh rules Uruk, Enmebaragesi & Agga rule Kish -

2750 - Aryan Bak Sing tribes migrate from Sumer to Northern India and to China down the silk road. They also diffuse to other parts of the world setting up new civilizations, or improving old ones in Europe and the Americas.
[Mysteries of the Past, 1977, page 59: 2750 Avebury mound in Wiltshire.]

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 2: Night 1: Inner Assimilation - 2721 - 2326
2720 - Fifth date in Mayan calendar (November 15)
---------------------------------- H I S T O R Y B E G I N S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2700 - Iron Smelting at KenanTepe, Eastern Turkey.
2700 - 1450 Minoan culture - Bronze Age - arose on Crete -
2700 - Egypt metals (Diop)
2700 - 2137 Egypt: Old Kingdom
2700 - Egyptian hieroglyphic script was a complete set of uniliteral glyphs = writing
2700 - Elam - Wikipedia
2700 - Sumerian historic record opens; syllabic writing started to develop from the early pictograms.
"There was a complete set of uniliteral glyphs from at least 2700 BCE — that is, the hieroglyphic script contained an alphabetic subsystem within it."
2670 - 2570 3rd Dynasty Pharaohs began dispatching mining expeditions to Serabit el-Khadim in Sinai for turquoise.
2650 - Pharaoh Djoser step pyramid - Egypt

2627 - Peru: Caral - pyramids
2600 - The two greatest Indus Valley cities, Mohenjo-Daro and Harrappa, emerged.
2600 - various sites in the Indus Valley: able to perforate hard stones: harder tip drills??

2600 - Discovery of America via the Bering Sea, recorded at the petroglyphs of Dissignac, Brittany (SunGod)
2600 - Peru: Caral pyramids: cotton > fishing nets traded from the coast
2596 - 2525 Pyramid Texts inscribed on the tomb walls of the Fifth- and Sixth-Dynasty pyramids at Saqqara.
2550 - 2525 - Khafre: Sphinx head remodeled into a Pharaoh (Gods of Eden)

"At its peak, the Indus Valley civilization rivaled, and in some respects surpassed, the contemporary civilization of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Centered on its two great cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa . . ., its territories extended from the mouth of the Indus a thousand miles northeast to the upper part of the Ganges river system, and from the Gulf of Cambay nearly five hundred miles west along the shores of the Arabian Sea. . . . larger than Egypt and Mesopotamia put together, . . . from before 2500 to around 1700 B.C. "The people raised wheat, barley, peas, melons, and sesame, and were perhaps the first in the world to plant cotton; their domestic animals included cattle - both the humped, zebu type found in India today, and western-looking, straight-backed breeds - the buffalo, and, perhaps, the elephant . . . traded . . . Their cities included enormous granaries of mud-brick (adobe) faced with baked brick, great "baths" . . . . and the world's first sewage systems. At Lothal, at the head of the Gulf of Cambay, they built another remarkable and unique structure: an artificial basin for shipping, some 710 feet long by 120 feet wide."" [Mysteries of the Past, 1977, near page 240]

2525 - 525 almost constant wars among the Sumerian city-states for 2000 years. Sumerian cities were surrounded by defensive walls. The Sumerians engaged in siege warfare -

third millennium BCE - appearance of Hurrians in Kurdistan, kingdom lasted over 1000 years. [IE?]
2500 - Hurrians (also Khurrites) - N Mesopotamia and areas to the immediate east and west - agglutinative language -
2500 Orion pattern to Giza = lowest point of Orion

2500 Evidence of 'Fifth Ancient Civilization' Found in China

Chinese and Japanese archaeologists claim they have discovered in China's southwestern province of Sichuan evidence of the fifth ancient civilization, Japan's Kyodo News reported Monday, October 28 1996. The evidence is an earthen stage, unearthed during a joint archaeology project and estimated to date back 4,500 years. It was found among the remains of an ancient castle near the banks of the Yangtze River 56 miles (90 km) southwest of the city of Chengdu.

2500 - 1500 B.C., Austronesians spread south to the rest of the Philippine islands, Celebes (modern-day Sulawesi), Borneo, the Moluccas (modern-day Maluku), and Java. [wrong: can't be AD] -

2400 - 1900 BC - Qijia culture - early Bronze Age culture distributed around the upper Yellow River region of western Gansu (centered in Lanzhou) and eastern Qinghai, China. Extensive domestication of horses are found at many Qijia sites.

ca. 2500 - 2000/1700 - The Hattians - central and southeastern parts of Anatolia, Turkey.

2400-2200 Akkad - Wikipedia

2400 and 2250 B.C. - Ebla city archives: still being translated.
"The tablets, which are still being intensively studied, reveal that Ebla in the middle of the third millennium B.C. was the capital of a huge and unsuspected Canaanite empire, a superpower to rival that of Egypt and Mesopotamia. [Plus] "Biblical" personal names and place names - including the name of Abraham!
"A-bra-mu . . . E-sa-um . . . Ish-ma-ilu . . . Sa-'u-lum . . . Da-'u-dum . . .Is-ra-ilul
"place names . . . Hazor, Gaza, Lachish, Megiddo, 'Akko, Sinai . . . Sodom and Gomorrah . . . Urusalima
"the third and greatest of the six kings of Ebla between 2400 and 2250 B.C. . . . Ebrum . . . Eber in Genesis, the great-great grandson of Noah, the great-great-great-great grandfather of Abraham . . . [Discovery of Lost Worlds]

(2400) The Maritime Bell Beaker - Cunliffe Atlantic facade trade and culture network through which metal-mining and possibly Celtic languages were introduced to the British Atlantic fringe. (OB, 268)
(third millennium - 'Beaker People' appeared all over the coasts and up the rivers of western Europe)
The distributions of so-called Maritime Bell Beakers, a distinct form of pottery traded along the Atlantic and western Mediterranean coasts of France, Britain, Spain and northern Italy in the early third millennium BC are remarkably coincident with the map of inscriptional evidence for celtic languages over two thousand years later. (OB)
= markers for an Atlantic facade trade and culture network through which metal-mining and possibly Celtic languages were introduced to the British Atlantic fringe from 4,400 years ago.
So although the original genesis of Bell Beakers, as a general pottery type, was in north-west Europe, they evolved in the different parts of the west and eventually entered Britain as two broad types, reinforcing the now long-standing west/east division. Whether celtic languages arrived at this time or were already established as a trade network language in the earliest megalithic phase is a matter of speculation. I prefer the latter view. Both these routes of entry of beakers to the British Isles had some connection with the use of copper. For the Atlantic coast there was the attraction of the copper mines in Ireland and Wales, while for the east coast there was no local copper and prestige items had to be traded probably from the Balkans, where the copper age had started long before, during the Early Neolithic. (OB, 268)

2400 - 2200 The beginning of the Irish Bronze Age: several centuries of unalloyed copper production, contemporary with the use of Beaker pottery.
2400- 2000 Ross Island ... Co. Kerry ... the mines were in operation (Cunliffe in OB)
The first of the mythological invasions would have been at about the same time as the very earliest copper mining in Ireland, at Ross Island. (OB)
Cunliffe notes that 'the earliest [Irish] metallurgy seems to be coeval with the appearance of the earliest beakers' (OB)

2400-1900 Yemen megalith -

[t]he main source of copper in the northern part of the Atlantic zone in the third and second millennia [nc] was Ireland ... Two major mining complexes have been located in the south ot the country, together spanning the period from c.2400 to 1500 BC ... The earliest so far known is at Ross Island ... Co. Kerry ... the mines were in operation from 2400 to 2000 BC ... (OB, 103)

"Invasion of Britain by a bronze-weaponed, broad-headed, beaker-making, avenue-building people from Spain by way of S France & the Rhine. Further immigration of long-heads from the Baltic, and from SE Europe by way of the Rhine. Cremation and the less ostentatious though better furnished round barrows were introduced. The leaf-shaped arrow-heads persisted, as in France burials until early Imperial times; but the characteristic type was barbed & tanged in shape of fir-tree."(2000 - 1500) (WG) (WRONG - it was earlier]

2350 - Well researched and documented evidence of the final collapse of the great Bronze Age Civilizations, due to massive global cometary debris explosions, specifically affecting the area from the Mediterranean to India, leading to global changes in climate, and further desiccation of the main deserts. Sumer as a political entity ceases to exist.

2350 Sargon of Agade defeats Umma & takes over Sumer & Akkad & creates significant political & economic empire -

2334 - rice temper in pottery Gua Sireh cave in Sarawak (Borneo).

2334 - 2279- Sargon of Akkad (2270–2215) conquest of Sumerian city-states (Uruk), then later Mari, Yarmuti and Ebla as far as the Cedar Forest (Amanus) and the silver mountain (Taurus) -

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 3: Day 2: Germination - 2326 - 1932

23rd century - Hurrians' own inscriptions and texts in north Mesopotamia which date as early s the 23rd century BC, all speak for an additional non-I-E presence on the eastern borders of the Indo-Europeans of Anatolia. To their south were the lands of the Semites and (formerly) Sumerians, again non-I-E speakers. The natural conclusion to be drawn from all of this is that the Indo-European-speaking Anatolians were intrusive into central Anatolia and were unlikely to have emigrated from directly east or SE of this region where major non-I-E populations are historically attested. . . . foreign loanwords in Hittite and Luwian . . . I-E Anatolians had already undergone considerable assimilation to the culture of the non-I-E Anatolians before they appear in history. [In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology and Myth - J. P. Mallory 1989]

2278 - 2217 relatively peaceful, no wars in Middle East ??
Under Gutian ensi of Lagash, Gudea, ca. 2075 BC (short), Lagash had a golden age.

The Hattians of north-eastern Anatolia, the predecessors of the Hittites: In close touch with the sources of copper, silver and, to a lesser degree, of gold . . . The treasures found in the royal tombs of Alaca Höyük, together with later discoveries at Horoztepe and Kayapinar HûyÄk, i.e., in the fertile district of Tokat--Amasya, show that they were skilled workers in metal and could turn that skill to good account. Gold vessels, jugs and goblets, are decorated with elaborate geometrical patterns in repoussé work, the shapes and to some extent the patterns being taken over from pottery originals; personal ornaments are executed in gold filigree or in granulated technique. Very remarkable are the animal figures solid-cast in copper and sometimes inlaid with silver, sometimes partly plated by dipping the copper core in an alloy of silver and lead; these oxen and stags are highly conventionalized but still vigorous and true to nature; here again a bulls' head in burnished clay with incised detail shows a similar style in a different medium. Animal figures are in many cases associated with the 'standards' of cast copper, flat circles, half-circles and squares filled in with an open network of criss-cross bars, swastikas, etc., through which may come a stag or a bull; an example from Horoztepe [which is certainly a sistrum] has a procession of deer, ibexes and lions round its rim. Horoztepe has also produced a copper statuette of a nude woman suckling an infant; two rather more crude female figures and one of a child come from a tomb at Alaca Höyük; in all of them there is a very definite feeling for the human body, a naturalness of posture and a softness of curves quite unusual in the primitive figurines of the Middle East; but those are qualities which, like the sympathetic realism of the animal figures, will be recognized again in later Hittite art. The Alaca Höyük tombs date from about 2200 B.C. [Woolley, so old dating?]

2400 - 2200 - the Archer found buried near Stonehenge, who was born in the central Europe near the Alps, lived (OB, 267)

The Andronovo culture, or Sintashta-Petrovka culture is actually a collection of similar local Bronze Age cultures that flourished ca. 2300–1000 BCE in western Siberia and the west Asiatic steppe.
The geographical extent of the culture is vast and difficult to delineate exactly. On its western fringes, it overlaps with the approximately contemporaneous, but distinct, Srubna culture in the Volga-Ural interfluvial. To the east, it reaches into the Minusinsk depression, overlapping with the area of the earlier Afanasevo culture.[2] Additional sites are scattered as far south as the Koppet Dag (Turkmenistan), the Pamir (Tajikistan) and the Tian Shan (Kyrgyzstan). The northern boundary vaguely corresponds to the beginning the Taiga. In the Volga basin, interaction with the Srubna culture was the most intense and prolonged, and Federovo style pottery is found as far west as Volgograd.
Towards the middle of the 2nd millennium, the Andronovo cultures begin to move intensively eastwards. They mined deposits of copper ore in the Altai Mountains and lived in villages of as many as ten sunken log cabin houses measuring up to 30m by 60m in size. Burials were made in stone cists or stone enclosures with buried timber chambers.
In other regards, the economy was pastoral, based on horses and cattle, but also sheep and goats, with some agriculture in clear evidence.
The Andronovo culture is strongly associated with the Indo-Iranians and is often credited with the invention of the spoke-wheeled chariot around 2000 BCE.[3]
Sintashta is a site on the upper Ural River. It is famed for its grave-offerings, particularly chariot burials. These inhumations were in kurgans and included all or parts of animals (horse and dog) deposited into the barrow. Sintashta is often pointed to as the premier proto-Indo-Iranian site, and that the language spoken was still in the Proto-Indo-Iranian stage.[4] There are similar sites "in the Volga-Ural steppe".[5]
The identification of Andronovo as Indo-Iranian has been challenged by scholars who point to the absence of the characteristic timber graves of the steppe south of the Oxus River.[6] Sarianidi (as cited in Bryant 2001:207) states that "direct archaeological data from Bactria and Margiana show without any shade of doubt that Andronovo tribes penetrated to a minimum extent into Bactria and Margianian oases".

2230 Gutian invasion disrupts unity of Sumer & Akkad -
2200-1900 - Middle East climate change (to dryer) (August 20, 1993 Oakland Tribune) - 300-year drought drove people out of northern cities in Mesopotamia
2200 - Oldest Chart of the Atlantic Ocean, recorded at the petroglyphs of Kercado, Brittany (SunGod)
2200 - The Southern Crossing from Portugal to Central America, recorded at the petroglyph of Chao Redondo, Portugal (SunGod)
2200 - The Northern Crossing from Portugal to America, recorded at the petroglyph of Chao Redondo, Portugal (SunGod)
2200 - A Nautical Center for Crossing the Ocean, recorded at North Salem, New Hampshire, North America (SunGod)
2200 - The Discovery of Bermuda, recorded at the Devil's Head Petroglyphis, Harmony, Maine (SunGod)

22nd - 20th centuries - central rule in Egypt broke down. John Darnell found contemporary references to an Egyptian named Bebi, General of the Asiatics. They speculate that, In the course of reunifying his fragmented realm, the reigning pharaoh attempted to pacify and employ roving bands of mercenaries who had come from outside Egypt to fight in the civil wars. Under Bebi's command, there must have been a small army of scribes in the military whose job it was to keep track of these "Asiatics". Scribes apparently came up with an easy-to-learn Egyptian shorthand to enable the captured troops to record their names and other basic information.The Egyptian alphabet was a utilitarian invention for soldiers and merchants. They developed a Semitic script in which the first sound of the Semitic name of an Egyptian glyph came to be the value of that glyph: i.e. the name of the hieratic glyph for house changed from Egyptian pr to Canaanite bayt, and the glyph came to stand for /b/. House and most of the other letters were not uniliteral glyphs in Egyptian: the Semitic alphabet is not derived from the existing Egyptian alphabet, but rather from the full set of hieratic hieroglyphs. [writing] -
Phoenicians say Taautus (Thoth, inventor of writing), founded Egyptian civilisation

2175 Gudea rules Lagash -
2160 - The centralized power of Memphis fell. Egypt divided.

2150 Gutian dynasty of Sumer
ca. 2150 - 2000 Stonehenge II -
2134 - 1786 Egypt: Middle Kingdom
2110 Ur-Nammu of Ur unifies Sumer & Akkad -

2100 - Uai Bobo in Timor - agriculture

This period is generally taken to coincide with a major shift in population from southern Iraq toward the north. Ecologically, the agricultural productivity of the Sumerian lands was being compromised as a result of rising salinity. Soil salinity in this region had been long recognised as a major problem. Poorly drained irrigated soils, in an arid climate with high levels of evaporation, led to the buildup of dissalved salts in the soil, eventually reducing agricultural yields severely. During the Akkadian and Ur III phases, there was a shift from the cultivation of wheat to the more salt-tolerant barley, but this was insufficient, and during the period from 2100 BC to 1700 BC, it is estimated that the population in this area declined by nearly 3/5ths.

2100 - 1700 chariot: [also see: Archaeology magazine, March/Aprl 1995]
2100 Tying of the horse to the Chariot in Northern Kazakhastan by the Sintashta and Petrovka culture -
The Sintashta and Petrovka cultures are a sub-culture of the larger Andronovo Culture . There is evidence of the Andronovo Culture’s continued presence in the Southern Russia/Northern Kazakhstan area till 1000 BC. Interestingly, the Sintashta & Petrovka Sub-Cultures, who buried chariots and gave us the evidence, lasted from 2100-1700 BC. And even more interestingly, the Fedorovo sub-culture show evidence of cremation and fire worship dated 1500-1300 BC.

------------------------- Indo-Europeans expansion into western-central Europe start = Patriarchal ----------------------------------------------
2100-1550 - The Middle Helladic begins with the wide-scale settlement in Greece of a people whom archaeologists title the Minyans; a group of monochrome burnished pottery from Middle Helladic (and EH III) sites was conventionally dubbed "Minyan" ware by Troy's discoverer Heinrich Schliemann. Until about 1960, Gray Minyan ware was often identified as the pottery of northern invaders who destroyed Early Helladic civilization ca. 1900 BCE and introduced Middle Helladic material culture into the Greek peninsula; excavations at Lerna have revealed the development of pottery styles to have been continuous. In general, painted pottery decors are rectilinear and abstract until Middle Helladic III, when Cycladic and Minoan influences inspire a variety of curvilinear and even representational motifs. The Middle Helladic period corresponds in time to the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. Settlements draw more closely together and tend to be sited on hilltops. Middle Helladic sites are located throughout the Peloponnese and central Greece (including sites in the interior of Aetolia such as Thermon) as far north as the Spercheios River valley. Malthi in Messenia is the only Middle Helladic site to have been thoroughly excavated, but Lerna V will be the type site when it is fully published (Rutter).

2000–1500: Catacomb culture north of the black sea. The chariot is invented, leading to the split and rapid spread of Iranian and Indo-Aryan from the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex over much of Central Asia, Northern India, Iran and Eastern Anatolia. Proto-Anatolian is split into Hittite and Luwian. The pre-Proto-Celtic Unetice culture has an active metal industry (Nebra skydisk).

Achaens entered Greece & founded Mycenae [2200]-
ca 1900 - "The first Greeks to invade Greece were the Achaeans who broke into Thessaly, patriarchal herdsmen who worshipped an Indo-European male trinity of gods." They mixed with existing population, Pelasgians ("seafarers").
(WG,chapter 4)

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 4: Night 2: Resistance - 1932 - 1538

Assyria a large kingdom: Old (20th to 15th c. BC), Middle (15th to 10th c. BC), Neo-Assyrian (911–612 BC).

2030 Elamites disrupt unity of Sumer & Akkad -
2020 Ishbi-Erra the Amorite ruler of Isin seeks to rebuild unity in the land

2000 - Third sudden drought leading to the rapid drying up of many of Africa's lakes, leaving layers of dead fish in the sediments.


2000 - Discovery of America, recorded at Stonehenge, England, Britain (SunGod)

Barley was introduced into China proper 2000 B.C., the same time it was brought into Britain. (The Key)

Max Mallowan, British archeologist: shell (Cypraea vitellus) from Indian Ocean found in 4000 BC Chagar Bazar, in landlocked northern Syria" (mid-1930s). "A large, organized trading network was flourishing in the area 2000 BC. One of the most important trading centers was "Ur of the Chaldees.Trade was in the hands of the alik-Dilmun, a group of seafaring merchants, who took the manufactured products of Ur, particularly cloth and readymade clothes, to a city called Dilmun (or Telmun), where they bartered them for copper, red gold, lapis lazuli, ivory and items made from it, eye paint, timber, and "fish-eyes" (pearls?)
"For a long time archeologists have suspected Dilmun to be on the island of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf . . . British archeologist Geoffrey Bibby . . . . discovered the remains of an ancient port on the north coast. Among the many artifacts uncovered there were soapstone stamping seals used to register the contents of a cargo or shipment of goods. . . . an expert on classical archeology in Aarhus, in Denmark, [suggested] that these seals were identical to some found during the excavations in the 1930s at Ur."But even more remarkable was the discovery of similar seals found amid the ruins of the city of Mohejo-Daro in the Indus Valley . . .
"Trade records found at Ur mention two places, Magan and Meluhha . . . It is thought that Magan was on the north shore of the Persian Gulf, in present-day Iran, and that Meluhha, from where Ur received its shells and ivory, is farther away on the coast of the Indian Ocean in the Indus Valley. . . . Five small stone weights, made of polished chert, a flint-like quartz, found in Dilmun were identical in type and weight to those known to have been used in Mohenjo-Daro and its sister-city of Harappa. . . . [Quest for the Past, page 32]

Around 1900 BC the Tuatha De Danann, skilled artisans, replaced the Firbolgs and supplied another series of nine kings, who ruled Ireland for a further two hundred years, until 1700 BC. (OB)
= NEW DATES: ca 400 years earlier than traditional:

2000 - 1400 - Wessex, already the ritual centre of England during the Neolithic, continued its dominance during the Bronze Age,
with lavish, rich individual burials replacing communal graves. (OB, 272)
2000 - 1500 - precious metals joined the Neolithic trade routes, with items such as gold lunulae (ornaments in the shape of a crescent moon) moving from Ireland to Cornwall and Brittany. (OB, 273)

2000 - 1000 break-up of Mon-Khmer branch of Austro-Asiatic

Elamite invasion and sack of Ur during the rule of Ibbi-Sin (ca. 1940 BC), Sumer came under Amorite rule. [ ?=? END OF SUMER?]
The Amorites were member of an ancient Semitic-speaking people who dominated the history of Mesopotamia, Syria, and Palestine from about 2000 to about 1600 BC. They were troublesome nomads and were believed to be one of the causes of the downfall of the 3rd dynasty of Ur (c. 2112-c. 2004 BC).
During the 2nd millennium BC the Akkadian term Amurru referred not only to an ethnic group but also to a language and to a geographic and political unit in Syria and Palestine. At the beginning of the millennium, a large-scale migration of great tribal federations from Arabia resulted in the occupation of Babylonia proper, the mid-Euphrates region, and Syria-Palestine. They set up a mosaic of small kingdoms and rapidly assimilated the Sumero-Akkadian culture. It is possible that this group was connected with the Amorites mentioned in earlier sources; some scholars, however, prefer to call this second group Eastern Canaanites, or Canaanites.
Almost all of the local kings in Babylonia (such as Hammurabi of Babylon) belonged to this stock. One capital was at Mari (modern Tall al-Hariri, Syria). Farther west, the political center was Halab (Aleppo); in that area, as well as in Palestine, the newcomers were thoroughly mixed with the Hurrians. The region then called Amurru was northern Palestine, with its center at Hazor, and the neighboring Syrian desert.

1900s-1400s Assyria - Wikipedia

Late Harappan 1900-1500 BC (Lothal, Bet Dwarka) -

1800 Iron age in India -

1800 SCANDINAVIA bronze age? -
1800 BC: Beginning of the Nordic Bronze Age in the period system devised by Oscar Montelius.

1900 Tuatha De Danaan arrive in Ireland
1800 Kings of Ireland = writing
1800 "first wave of Celts arrived in Britain"

1800 BCE - the Egyptian Wadi el-Hol script discovered in 1999 by John and Deborah Darnell [writing]

1800/1500 - 900 - Peru: first ceramics

Graves: "1800 BC" zodiac: goat at winter solstice, waterman, fish, ram at spring equinox, bull, twins, crab at summer solstice, lion, virgin, scales at fall equinox, scorpion, bowman(page 380-381) - the zodiac that is still in popular use

1793 - Pole Star became Kappa Draconis to approximately 1000 BC. However, because it is so much dimmer than nearby Kochab (Beta Ursae Minoris), Kochab was considered the pole star during that time instead.

------------------------------------- Hittites & Hyksos -----------------------------
Around 1800 BC, for reasons yet unknown to archaeologists, tin became scarce in the Levant, causing a decline in bronze production. Copper, also, came to be in short supply. As a result, pirate groups around the Mediterranean, from around 1800-1700 BC onward, began to attack fortified cities in search of bronze, to remelt into weaponry.
1800-1100 Hittites, including Alaca Huyuk, Turkey
18th century - Hittites, who spoke an Indo-European language, established a kingdom centered at Hattusa in N-central Anatolia.
The Hittites displaced the previous occupants, the Hattians (who spoke a non-Indo-European language) -
1795 Rim-Sin of Larsa defeats Isin & takes over Sumer & Akkad -
1786 - first horse-drawn war chariots rolled into Egypt ( = Hyksos?)
1770 BC: Babylon, capital of Babylonia becomes the largest city of the world, taking the lead from Thebes, capital of Egypt.
1766 - 1763 - wars between the city-states of Babylon (& code of Hammurabi) -
1760 Hammurapi of Babylon defeats Larsa & takes over Sumer & Akkad -

c. 1750 BC: Nomadic shepherds, the Aryans, enter India from Central Asia and the Russian steppes.
c. 1750 BC: Vedic period starts in India.
1750 - Cretans had colonized the Peloponnese
1749 BC – 1712 BC: Mesopotamian Rebellions.
1730 - Hyksos establish themselves at Avaris in Egyptian Nile delta.
?1724 - Hurrian and Hittite conquests start ???
1720 Shift of Euphrates River & collapse of life at Nippur & some other cities of Sumer -

In the taiga and forest-steppe zone, an important network of contacts stretched from the Ural mountains to the Altai, and gave rise to a common north-Eurasian metallurgical tradition based on the hollow casting of bronzes - This was the ancestor both of the Chinese bronze-casting tradition for ritual vessels of the Shang and Chou periods, and of advanced types of hollow-cast weapons and tools (spearheads, axes) in northern Europe. A further impact on Chinese technology was the incorporation of the steppe chariot-complex in the later Shang period.
Early second millennium BC - Seima-Turbino metallurgy, from the Urals to the Altai, typical products (e.g. socketed spearheads), found as far apart as the eastern Baltic, Bessarabia, the Baikal region and China.

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977]
1700 - there was a large disturbance in Crete, probably an earthquake, or possibly an invasion from Anatolia. The Palaces at Knossos, Phaistos, Malia, and Kato Zakros were destroyed.
[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: Minoan civilization declined by 1400]

The change-over from copper to Bronze took place around 1700 BC.
1700 - Irish legend has all the so-called mythological cycle of invasions from the Continent done, which is the time of some of the earliest copper-mining in Ireland at Mount Gabriel in Cork. (OB)
1700 - 1500 - A later more extensive series of mines was opened at Mount Gabriel... west Cork... were in use over [Cunliffe in OB]
The last of the legendary invaders were the Milesians (Gaelic) and from Spain and possibly ultimately from Asia Minor. (OB)
1700 - copper-working from copper mines on the rocky promontory of Great Ormes Head started - north coast of Wales, near Llandudno. This is the small town of Abergele, the British location with the highest Neolithic genetic input. Was this a Spanish colony? (OB, 269)

Abergele, already mentioned as the British location with the highest Neolithic genetic input, on the north coast of Wales, situated near Llandudno. Until the nineteenth century, the nearby rocky promontory of Great Ormes Head had working copper mines. Recent archaeological excavations at Ormes Head reveal evidence of copper-working going back
more or less continuously to the Early Bronze Age, 1700 BCE. (OB, 269-270)
A later more extensive series of mines was opened at Mount Gabriel... west Cork... [They] were in use over about the two centuries from 1700 to 1500 BC ... Finally we must turn to [north] Wales, where some thirty mining sites are now known ... [F]our ... were in operation in the first half of the second millennium. (OB, 103)

alphabet : [1600 bc] Phoenician, North Semitic: `abcdefghjiklmoqrsuwxyz = 22.  First appeared at Byblos. Similar to the syllabic Proto-Byblian script of the Canaanites (never deciphered).  Phoenician gave rise to Syriac, Arabic, Hebrew, and all the European alphabets. Two thirds of the letters from Egyptian hieroglyphs, one third from the Cretan script.[2]  The earliest Phoenician inscription found to date was written on a potsherd discovered at Bethshemeth, Palestine dating from the 16th century B.C. .[4]
The Byblos syllabary, also known as the Pseudo-hieroglyphic script, Proto-Byblian, Proto-Byblic, or Byblic, is an undeciphered writing system, known from ten inscriptions found in Byblos. The inscriptions are engraved on bronze plates and spatulas, and carved in stone. They were excavated by Maurice Dunand, from 1928 to 1932, and published in 1945 in his monograph Byblia Grammata. The inscriptions are conventionally dated to the second millennium BC, probably between the 18th and 15th centuries BC.

The earliest known alphabetic inscriptions are called Proto-Canaanite and date from 1700 - 1500 BCE. Proto-Canaanite, which may have been an adaptation of Egyptian hieroglyphics, developed into the first true alphabetic writing system: Phoenician. The Phoenicians occupied an area that is part of modern Lebanon, Syria and Israel. Their 22 letter alphabet consisted of pictures of objects but, rather than using the pictures to represent whole words as with pictographs, each letter represented the first sound of the word for the object. The Phoenician alphabet, like earlier Egyptian hieroglyphics, included only consonants, not vowels. This alphabet developed into old Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek and, eventually, the Roman alphabet we use today.

The Proto-Canaanite alphabet is a consonantal alphabet of twenty-two acrophonic pictorial glyphs, found in Levantine texts of the Late Bronze Age (from ca. the 15th century BC), by convention taken to last until a cut-off date of 1050 BC, after which it is called Phoenician.

1700-1100 BC Shang dynasty, China
"The early Chinese bronzes date from the sixteenth century B.C. . . . However, by 1300, Chinese smiths were turning out exquisite cast-bronze ritual vessels which are far superior to contemporary work found elsewhere. . . [Mysteries of the Past, 1977, near p190]
Metallurgy: "Recent excavations at Ban Chiang in the northeastern part of Thailand have brought to light . . . iron objects which seem to have been made about 1600 B.C. . . . " [Mysteries of the Past, 1977, near page 190]
[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 1600 - Beginnings of Bronze Age in China]

1627-1600 New absolute dating for the explosion of Santorin/Thira volcano in the Mediterranean -

c. 1700 BC: Indus Valley Civilization comes to an end but is continued by the Cemetery H culture
1700 BC — Belu-bani became the King of Assyria.
c. 1700 BC — beginning of the Late Minoan period on Crete
c. 1700 BC — Lila-Ir-Tash started to rule the Elamite Empire.
c. 1698 BC — Lila-Ir-Tash the ruler of the Elamite Empire died. Temti-Agun I started to rule the Elamite Empire.
1691 BC — Belu-bani, the King of Assyria died.
c. 1690 BC — Temti-Agun I, the ruler of the Elamite Empire, died. Tan-Uli started to rule the Elamite Empire.
1690 BC — Libaia became the King of Assyria.
1680s BC — Egypt: Start of Sixteenth Dynasty.
1680s BC — Egypt: Development of leavened bread (date approximate).
1670s BC — Egypt: Start of Fifteenth Dynasty.
1673 BC — Sharma-Adad I became the King of Assyria.
1661 BC — Iptar-Sin became the King of Assyria.
1650s BC — Egypt: Start of Seventeenth Dynasty.
c. 1655 BC — Tan-Uli, the ruler of the Elamite Empire, died.
1649 BC — Bazaia became the King of Assyria.
1633 BC — End of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth dynasties of Egypt, start of the Fifteenth dynasty.
1627 BC – Beginning of a cooling of world climate lasting several years recorded in tree-rings all over the world.[1] It might have been caused by the Minoan eruption of Thera[2] or the Avellino eruption of Mount Vesuvius.[3]
1625 BC — Samsu-Ditana becomes King of Babylon (middle chronology).
? 1620- Hittite-Hurrian Wars
1621 BC — Lullaia becomes the King of Assyria.
1620 BC — Mursili I becomes King of the Hittite Empire (middle chronology).
1615 BC — Shu-Ninua became the King of Assyria.
1601 BC — Sharma-Adad II became the King of Assyria.
All from:

The Gilgamesh Epic proper, dates from around 1600 B.C., at the end of the Old Babylonian period, and was composed in Akkadian. (The Time Falling Bodies Take To Light - William Irwin Thompson)

1600 - last evidence of Harappan civilization at Harapa, Indus Valley.

The last known construction at Stonehenge was about 1600 BC -
1600 - 1400 The oak-cult came to Britain from the Baltic = Beth-Luis-Nion with Duir as the principal tree was not elaborated before 1600 B.C. = Eastern Mediterranean agricultural year, beginning in the autumn, related to the solar year beginning at the Winter solstice. (WG)
The recent discovery in the great barrow of Loose Howe on the Cleveland Moors of a primary burial with no less than three boat dug-outs must henceforward stand at the head of the series and serve to show how the same rite took hold among the seafarers on both sides of the North Sea between about 1600 and 1400 B.C. (WG)

Barry Cunliffe . . . makes a geographic reconstruction of the mid-first millennium BC tin trade between the producers on the Atlantic coast (the Atabri/Cantabri of north-coast Spain, the Cornish and the Bretons) and the middlemen in southern France and Spain and the rest of the NW Mediterranean coast. His reconstruction identifies two separate rival networks. [Cunliffe: Facing the Ocean 2004]
The Punic/Phoenician state consortium to which Himilco belonged ran the southern and older of these two networks. The locations of Punic pottery suggest that it stretched mainly from Cadiz, north along the coast just as far as NW Spain.
Since this western Mediterranean consortium also controlled the Straits of Gibraltar, the rest of the Mediterranean traders - in particular the Greeks - were prevented from using this gateway to the tin-producers. (OB, 41)

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: Destruction of Thera]

In the dark age between about 1600 and about 1100 BC, the language of the Amorites disappeared from Babylonia and the mid-Euphrates; in Syria and Palestine, however, it became dominant. In Assyrian inscriptions from about 1100 BC, the term Amurru designated part of Syria and all of Phoenicia and Palestine but no longer referred to any specific kingdom, language, or population.

1600s BC — Egypt: End of Fourteenth Dynasty.
1600s BC — The creation of one of the oldest surviving astronomical documents, a copy of which was found in the Babylonian library of Ashurbanipal: a 21-year record of the appearances of Venus (which the early Babylonians called Nindaranna).
1600s BC — The end of the Indus Valley civilization.
1600s BC — The overthrow of the ruling Amorite dynasty in Aleppo, Syria.
1600s BC — The date of the earliest discovered rubber balls.
1600s BC — Egypt conquered by Asian tribes known as the Hyksos — see History of ancient Israel and Judah.
Unetice culture
Settlers from Crete moved to Miletus sometime in 16th century BC. -

1600 - 1100 BC. Mycenaean civilization in Greece. [Mysteries of the Past, 1977: Flowering of Mycenaean civilization to 1200]
The Mycenaean civilization flourished between 1600 BC and the collapse of their Bronze-Age civilization around 1100 BC. The collapse is commonly attributed to the Dorian invasion, although several other theories have been advanced as well (natural disasters, climate change).
From the sixteenth century B.C. onward three or four attempts were made to simplify the various syllabaries then current in the near East into pure alphabets. The most successful of these was the Phoenician, from which the 'Cadmean' Greek characters derive.

1600 - last evidence of Harappan civilization at Harapa, Indus Valley.
1600 - Gilgamesh Epic - at the end of the Old Babylonian period, and was composed in Akkadian.
1600 - The last known construction at Stonehenge
1600 - 1400 The oak-cult came to Britain from the Baltic = Beth-Luis-Nion with Duir as the principal tree was not elaborated before 1600 B.C. = Eastern Mediterranean agricultural year, beginning in the autumn, related to the solar year beginning at the Winter solstice. (WG)

1610-1569 Hyksos Pharaoh Aaqenenre = Agenor -
1571-1546 Hyksos Pharaoh Khamudy Aasehre = Cadmus (son of Agenor)
< CAN'T BE CORRECT, Hyksos already gone.

1595 Hittite raid disrupts unity of Sumer & Akkad -
? 1595 Hittite sack of Babylon

1575 - Hyksos kings defeated and run out of Egypt by Pharaoh Ahmose, reigns to 1550 (Gods of Eden)

Sharuhen was an ancient town in the Negev Desert, between Rafah and Gaza. Following the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt in the early 1500s BCE, they fled to Sharuhen and fortified it. The armies of Pharaoh Ahmose I seized and razed the town after a three-year siege. The destruction of Sharuhen was merely the first stage of a new policy of pre-emptive warfare waged by the Egyptians. Because the Egyptians of the 17th Dynasty felt deeply humiliated by the 15th and 16th Dynasty rule of the Hyksos (ca. 1655 BCE-ca. 1580 BCE), the Theban dynasty launched an ambitious war, led by Seqenenre Ta'a II, against the foreign king, Apep, to reclaim lost territory. Though his own campaign to expel the Hyksos from Egypt failed, and he himself was killed in battle, his son, Kamose, launched an attack on the Hyksos capital of Avaris. It was his much younger brother, Ahmose I, however, who finally succeeded in recapturing Avaris, razing it, and expelling the Hyksos rulers from Egypt altogether. The profound insult of the foreign rule to the honour and integrity of Egypt could be corrected, and its reoccurrence prevented, only by extending Egypt's hegemony over the Asiatics to the north and east of Egypt. Ahmose I engaged in a retaliative three-year siege of the Southern Palestine citadel of Sharuhen, thereby launching an aggressive policy of pre-emptive warfare. His success was continued by his successor but one, Thutmose I, who extended Egyptian influence as far as the Mitanni kingdom in the north and Mesopotamia in the east, thereby creating what was to become the most extensive empire in the ancient world.
Baines, John; Malek, Jaromir; Cultural Atlas of Ancient Egypt; Checkmark Books; Oxford; 2000
Bunson, Margaret R.; Encyclopedia of ancient Egypt; Facts on File; New York; 2002
Quirke, Stephen; Spencer, Jeffrey; The British Museum Book of ancient Egypt; Thames and Hudson, New York; 1992

The Late Helladic is the time when Mycenaean Greece flourished, under new influences from Minoan Crete and the Cyclades. Those who made LH pottery sometimes inscribed their work with a syllabic script recognizable as a form of Greek. LH is divided into I, II, and III; of which I and II overlap Late Minoan ware and III overtakes it. LH III is further subdivided into IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC. The table below provides the approximate dates of the Late Helladic phases (LH) on the Greek Mainland.
Late Helladic I 1550-1500 ----- Late Helladic II 1500-1400 ----- Late Helladic III 1400-1060

1575 - 1308 New Kingdom (Egypt)
1567 - Egypt expel Hyksos

? 1560- Campaigns of Babylon
1550 - Amenhotep I reign starts

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 5: Day 3: Sprouting - 1538 - 1144

1528 Amenhotep I reign ends
1528 - 1510 Thutmose I -
extended Egyptian influence as far as the Mitanni kingdom in the north and Mesopotamia in the east, thereby creating what was to become the most extensive empire in the ancient world.
1510 - 1490 Thutmose II
1500s- new date for Homer's Iliad / Trojan War (Troy). - NYT January 28, 1985 (Line of Song Provides a Clue on Ancient Troy) & February 3, 1985 (And Now, an Update On the Trojan War) - Prof. Emily T. Vermeule, a classicist at Harvard, and other
scholars have been arguing that the line"mourning her destiny, leaving youth and manhood behind her" does not scan in Greek
unless one assumes that it was originally sung in an archaic Greek that disappeared by the 15th or 14th century B.C.

For the past two decades, archeologists working on the Aegean coast of Turkey have discovered increasing evidence at Miletus, Iasos and elsewhere that Mycenaean Greeks occupied the area as early as the 15th century B.C., two to three centuries before the dates that Greek historians traditionally as signed to the Trojan War. NYT January 28, 1985

1500 - end of Hurrians in Kurdistan (see above)
1500 - Lapita trading thought to have started
1500 - A guidepost for river travel in America, recorded at the Three Rivers Petroglyph, Frost Valley, Neversink River, New York, North America (SunGod)
1500 - A Copper Trading Route, recorded at Kennebec River, Embden, Maine, North America (SunGod)
1500 - Casma Valley, Peru - "earliest city in Americas"

1500 B.C. - 500 A.D. - (at the time of the Greeks) the pole star was beta Ursae Minoris (Wikipedia)

[This is considered the Middle Bronze Age - ]
1500 BCE - the Proto-Sinaitic script discovered in the winter of 1904-1905 by William Flinders Petrie
(1800) - oldest alphabet, Proto-sinaitic, found in the Sinai desert in 1905 by Sir William Flinders Petrie.
            Script resembling Hebrew letters, from the site of an Egyptian temple dedicated to a goddess.
            Surrounding the area were rocks upon which Petrie found farther evidence of this alphabet.
            "According to biblical tradition, Abraham learned the great ancient secrets from
            Shem, the son of Noah, also known as Melchizedek. He was the righteous king of Ur and Salem,
            which is not thought to be Jerusalem. The most important mysteries of the work of creation concern the significance
            of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and their relationship to astrology and the mysteries of the calendar, or time itself.
            Attributing this wisdom to Abraham and Melchizedek places its origin in the eighteenth century B.C.E.,
            the time of the rise of the New Kingdom in Egypt as well as the appearance of Vedic scholars in India."
With the discovery of the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet, scientists discovered the missing link between Egyptian hieroglyphs and the Proto-Canaanite script. This discovery reinforced the earlier hypothesis of Phoenician's Egyptian origin. The Proto-Sinaitic script was in use from ca. 1500 BC in the Sinai and the Levant, probably by early West Semitic speakers. In Canaan it developed into the Proto-Canaanite alphabet from ca. 1400 BC, adapted to writing a Canaanite (Northwest Semitic) language. The Phoenician alphabet seamlessly continues the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, by convention called Phoenician from the mid 11th century. Phoenician became the widespread form of Proto-Canaanite; previously, the script had been restricted to recording only Canaanite languages.

alphabet : [1500-1400 bc] Ugaritic alphabet, a cuneiform system in 30 letters.  Identified at Ugarit, Syria, in 1929.
The Ugaritic alphabet is a cuneiform abjad (alphabet without vowels), used from around 1500 BC for the Ugaritic language, an extinct Northwest Semitic language discovered in Ugarit, Syria, in 1928. It has 31 letters. Other languages (particularly Hurrian) were occasionally written in it in the Ugarit area, although not elsewhere.

1500–1000: The Nordic Bronze Age develops pre-Proto-Germanic, and the (pre)-Proto-Celtic Urnfield and Hallstatt cultures emerge in Central Europe, introducing the Iron Age. Migration of the Proto-Italians into the Italian peninsula (Bagnolo stele). Redaction of the Rigveda and rise of the Vedic civilization in the Punjab. The Mycenaean civilization gives way to the Greek Dark Ages -

N Syria: Mitanni - by 15th-14th centuries BC had expanded their power from the shores of the Mediterranean to the Zagros mountains thus coming into conflict with both the Hittites to the W and Egyptian control of the Euphrates.
Mitanni spoke Hurrian (also in E Anatolia and N Syria). Non-I-E but use of Indo-European vocabulary in diplomatic correspondence in foreign archives such as Bogazkoy (Hittite) and El Amarna (Egyptian). [Mallory]
By the thirteenth century the Mitanni kingdom collapses. [Mallory]

1500 - 600 "Uninterrupted development of Bronze Age culture. Cross-channel traffic without large-scale invasion. Invasion of North Britain by Picts. The language spoken in Britain thought to have been 'proto-Celtic'." (WG)
1490s - Eleusinian mysteries celebrated? - origin Egyptian? (Shamanic Wisdom)
1490 - 1461 Hatshepsut
1490 - 1436 Thutmose III

1450 end of Minoan culture - Bronze Age - Crete -

alphabet : [1450-1400 bc] Mycenaean Linear Script B, 88 phonetic signs deciphered by Ventris and Chadwick in 1953.  Crude forms of this script appeared in Cyprus, Caria, and Lycia.  (Iliad, VI, 168 ff. : Bellerophon left Argos and handed the King or
the Lycians a tablet covered with signs.)
alphabet : [1450-1400 bc, late Minoan] Cretan hieroglyphs, 54 signs [6] 

1440 BCE The Egyptian reign of Amenhotep II, during which the first mention of the Habiru (possibly the Hebrews) is found in Egyptian texts [14]. Recently discovered evidence (see Tikunani Prism) indicates that many Habiru spoke Hurrian, the language of the Hurrians. The Habiru were possibly a social caste rather than an ethnic group[11][15], yet even so they may have been incorporated into early Israelite tribal groups [16].

1436 - 1413 Amenhotep II
1413 - 1405 Thutmose IV - c. 1400-1350 RISE OF MOSES
1405 - 1367 Amenhotep III

The fall of Knossos took place circa 1400s BC. Subsequently Crete was controlled by the Mycenaeans from mainland Greece.

14th century - The Hittite empire reached its height, encompassing a large part of Anatolia, NW Syria south to mouth of the Litani River and E into upper Mesopotamia.

1400 - 1200 - Korphos-Kalamianos on the shores of the Saronic Gulf in the western Aegean Sea about 60 miles SW of Athens.
"We don't know exactly why, but some portion of the settlement is now submerged in the Saronic Gulf," Pullen said. "We can say that in the Bronze Age the configuration of the coastline at Kalamianos was very different from that of today. "It is rare indeed to locate an entire town built during the Late Bronze Age that shows this level of preservation."

In 1929 a library of tablets was discovered in the North Canaanite city of Ugarit (Ras Shamra). They were written in a thirty-letter alphabet - a cuneiform imitation of Proto-Canaanite - quite close to Canaanite and so to Hebrew, and dated to about 1400 BC. By the mid-eleventh century BC the twenty-two letters of the later Proto-Canaanite had become the standardised Phoenician script. = Ugaritic
At Ugarit on the coast-where the northern portion was called Phoenicia-archaeologists in 1929 found the royal palace of a Canaanite state that flourished between 1400 and 1200 B.C., complete with cuneiform tablets in the northwest Semitic tongue of Ugaritic. They contained the archives of official correspondence, including a treaty with the Hittites written in Akkadian and showing that the Canaanites were under Hittite domination. There were also poems, including an epic about a hero named Kret, who was granted a son by divine favor and who went to recapture his bride from the fortress of a king who had spirited her away.
alphabet : [1700 bc] Early Canaanite alphabet: many undeciphered inscriptions found in Palestine 1929.  Cf. Proto-Byblian script.
alphabet (writing) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia: The Early Canaanite theory is based on several undeciphered inscriptions also discovered since 1929 at various Palestinian sites; the writings belong in ...

14th century BC - Oldest remains of sea ships found at Red Sea Coast 27 February 2006: A joint team of archaeologists from the university of Boston and Naples unearthed the world's oldest remains of sea ships and cargo goods from the land of Punt. Archaeologists found five rock-cut rooms that served as storage for nautical equipment. Two well-preserved oars and pottery dated to the 14th century BC may have been used during Hatshepsut's expedition to Punt, which, thusfar, was only known from the inscriptions in Hatshepsut's funerary temple at Deir el-Bahari. Other inscribed material bears the full titulary of Amenemhat III, hinting at the possibility that the caves were already used for expeditions to Punt long before Hatshepsut's day and age.

1380 -1350 "Small segmented blue faience beads manufactured in Egypt were imported into Wiltshire, Britain, in large quantities."
1370 - 1365 volcanic eruption on Mediterranean island of Thera (Santorini) (new dates - Graham Phillips)
1367 - 1350 AKHENATEN Pharaoh of Egypt / Tell El Amarna
1350 - 1347 Smenkhkake - c. 1350 - MOSES EXILED TO SINAI
? 1350 Assyria starts taking on all of them: Hurrian, Babylon, Mitanni, Mesopotamia & Anatolia (only HIttites continue)
1347 - 1339 Tutankhamun
1339 - 1335 Aye
1335 - 1308 Horemheb (first Pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty)

1320 - return of 'phoenix' to Heliopolis at end of Sothic 1460 years > Akhenaten (Robert Bauval) (so he's wrong about Akhenaten)
1311 - Krishna's Submerged City of Dwarka (of Mahabharata) - (Discovery Channel) Asia Rising 2001
1308 - 1307 Ramesses I - 1307? - EXODUS FROM EGYPT
1308 - 1291? - Seti I - campaign against Shasu (descendents of Hyksos)

1300s - Uluburun Shipwreck discovered off the south coast of Turkey in 1982 - evidence of Late Bronze Age Mediterranean trade

Sanscrit Rig-veda, composed not later than 1300 B.C. [Sanskrit] (WG)
Philological and linguistic evidence indicate that the Rigveda was composed in the Sapta Sindhu (a land of seven great rivers) (corresponding to the Punjab region of present-day northern Pakistan and northwestern India), roughly between 1500–1000 BCE (the early Vedic period).

The Greek language . . . earliest evidence is to be found among the over 3,000 clay tablets recovered from Knossos on Crete, and from Mycenae and Pylos on mainland Greece. The majority . . . written in a syllabic script . . . Linear B. . . . date from about the 13th century BC . . . written in a primitive form of Greek, frequently termed Mycenaen. [Mallory, 66]

ca. 1300–1190 BC Troy - most likely setting for Homer's Illiad & Greek-Trojan War - [see more]

-------------------------------- Iron Age - Near East (1300-600 BC) - ------------------------------------------

By the thirteenth century BC all of the Hurrian states had been vanquished by other peoples. The heart of the Hurrian lands, the Khabur river valley, became an Assyrian province. It is not clear what happened to the Hurrian people at the end of the Bronze Age. Some scholars have suggested Hurrians lived on in the country of Subartu north of Assyria during the early Iron Age.

Bronze was much more abundant in the period before the 12th to 10th century and Snodgrass[6][7] suggests that a shortage of tin, as a result of the trade disruptions in the Mediterranean at this time, forced peoples to seek an alternative to bronze. That many bronze items were recycled and made from implements into weapons during this time, is evidence of this.

The Olmec flourished in the Gulf Coast region of Mexico, ca. 1250–400 BCE - "Earliest writing in Americas" = Cascajal block.

1200 - ca. " 'Danuna', according to contemporary Egyptian inscriptions, invaded Northern Syria in company with the Slierdina and Zakkala of Lydia, the Shakalsha of Phrygia, the Pulesari of Lycia, the Akaiwasha of Pamphylia, and other E Mediterranean peoples. To the Egyptians these were all 'Peoples of the Sea'-—the Akaiwasha are Achaeans—forced by the pressure of the new
Indo-European horde to emigrate from the coastal parts of Asia Minor as well as from Greece and the Aegean islands." (WG)
1290 - 1224 Ramesses II

1270-ca. - non-Celtic language Picts, sailing from Thrace; landed in Wexford Bay Ireland, battled the Danaans; went on to Northern Britain (Albany). Praciced exogamy, totemism, public coition, cannibalism, tattooing, women in battle - common to:Thessaly before the Achaeans, s Black Sea coast; Gulf of Sirte, Libya; Majorca (Bronze Age Libyans); NW Galicia. (WG)
1267 ? Israel enters Canaan, Fall of Jericho

Artifacts unearthed in Egypt's eastern Nile Delta show glass was made there from raw materials around 1250 B.C. The artifacts were found at the site of Pharaoh Ramses II's capital city. The remains reveal the earliest known glassmaking site anywhere in the world and the only one dating from the Bronze Age. The finds also show for the first time the methods used to make early glass.
. . .
the next earliest known glassworks, in Rhodes, Greece, dates to around 200 B.C.

1225 - Greek date for the Argo expedition to Colchis (Herodotus)
1224 - 1214 MERENPTAH (re-deafeated Hyksos?)
1200 - Sanchoniatho, Phoenicia's oldest known historian, lived

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 6: Night 3: Assimilation - 1144 - 749

1200 - approximate start of Iron Age (Wikipedia) [Mysteries of the Past, 1977: First iron making in Asia Minor]

Austronesian from the Moluccas sailed E to Melanesia islands (1200 B.C.) -

The Philistines . . . entered Palestine [indeed, Palestine is named after them] around 1200 B.C. as part of the great invasion of the Sea Peoples from Anatolia [Turkey], who overran Lebanon and Canaan and were only repulsed at the frontiers of Egypt in an epic land-and-sea battle by Rameses III, pharaoh of Egypt. The defeated Philistines were resettled in the coastal cities of Palestine as garrison troops for Egyptian strongholds - Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gaza, Ekron, and Gath . . ." [Discovery of Lost Worlds]

1187 BCE The attempted invasion of Egypt by Sea People. Amongst them were a group called the P-r-s-t (first recorded by the ancient Egyptians as P-r/l-s-t) generally identified with the Philistines. They appear in the Medinet Habu inscription of Ramses III[20], where he describes his victory against the Sea Peoples. Nineteenth-century Bible scholars identified the land of the Philistines (Philistia or Peleshet in Hebrew meaning "invaders") with Palastu and Pilista in Assyrian inscriptions, according to Easton's Bible Dictionary (1897). Other groups than the Philistines, were the Tjekker, Denyen and Shardana, and the vigorous counter-attack by Pharaoh Rameses III saw most Canaanite sites in what was later to be Israel and Judah destroyed. Later in the reign of this Pharaoh, Philistines and Tjekker, and possibly also Denyen, were allowed to resettle the cities of the coastal road which became known in the Biblical Exodus account as "the Way of the Philistines". The name is used in the Bible to denote the coastal region inhabited by the Philistines. The five principal Philistine cities were Gaza, Ashdod, Ekron, Gath, and Ashkelon. Modern archaeology has suggested early cultural links with the Mycenean world in mainland Greece. Though the Philistines adopted local Canaanite culture and language before leaving any written texts, an Indo-European origin has been suggested for a handful of known Philistine words.

After ca. 1180 BC, the Hittite empire disintegrated into several independent "Neo-Hittite" city-states, some surviving until as late as the 8th century BC.

With the collapse of the Mycenaean palatial civilization by the 12th century BC, written evidence for Greek disappears [Mallory, 66]
1100 - Collapse of Mycenean empire, commonly attributed to the Dorian invasion.

ca. 1550 - 1100 - Stonehenge IIIc [end of activity] -

Gorgon myth: Perseus is taking the bag to Tartessus, the Aegean colony on the Guadalquivir; Gades, the principal city of Tartessus, was founded 1100 B.C., thirteen years before the foundation of Utica in North Africa. Gades (Cadiz) is built on Leon, an island of Tartessus; the older city was on the western shore and included a famous temple of Cronos mentioned by Strabo. It is likely that the island was once, like Pharos, both a sepulchral island and a trading depot.
The Phoenicians worshipped Cronos as Moloch and Hercules as Melkarth.
Pherecydes guessed that Hercules had an ancient shrine on the eastern shore. The shrine of Hercules was set up by the colonists of 1100 B.C. Strabo quotes Poseidonius for holding that the Pillars of Hercules were two pillars set up before his shrine. (WG)
So it is likely that the pre-Phoenician Hercules of Tartessus was Palamedes, or the lion-skinned God Ogmios: whom the Irish credited with the invention of the alphabet that they 'had out of Spain' and whom Gwion, in his Elegy on 'Ercwif, celebrates as a planter of alphabetic pillars. (WG)

1100 - Ballintober bronze sword was traded out from Ireland to SE Britain and to the Seine and Loire Valleys. (OB, 273)
+ perhaps skills: west Central Europe created the Hemigkofen sword type, which found its way down the Rhine and across to East Anglia and the Thames Valley. (OB, 276)

The Phoenician alphabet is a continuation of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, . . . taken to originate around 1050 BC. - (Has 22 letters, 4? vowels)

As early as the tenth century B.C. the Phoenicians had planted important colonies in the west, notably Carthage in Tunisia and Gadir (Ca/diz) in Spain. [Mysteries of the Past, 1977, 170]

1000 - Bronze Age gold hair rings made in Ireland trans-shipped in Wessex on their way to destinations on the Rhine. (OB, 273)

1000 - carp' s tongue swords, a long bronze sword with a slotted hilt, originating in Brittany, start to appear along the Atlantic coastal fringe, penetrating up major rivers from western Germany to western Iberia. Also common in England, but concentrated
in the east and south-east of the country and quite far up the Thames. (OB, 273)

1000 - Bronze Age barbecues with elaborate articulated roasting spits and cauldrons appear along the Atlantic coast. The distribu-
tion includes not only western Iberia, north-west France and Ireland, but also south-east England and the Thames. (OB, 273)

alphabet : [1000 bc] Proto-Byblian script, the pre-historical syllabic script used by the Canaanites of Phoenicia since the second millenium bc, but never deciphered.  It probably became the basis for Phoenician.  Cf. Early Canaanite alphabet, Palaio-Sinaitic alphabet.
alphabet : [1000 bc] Greek alphabet in 24 letters.  According to Hyginus, the Fates originally invented the initial 7 letters, or the 5 vowels and 2 stops called Alpha, Omicron, Upsilon, Eta, Iota, Beta, and Tau (Α, Ο, Υ, Η, Ι, Β, Τ, or A.B.H.I.O.T.V.).  Palamedes son of Nauplius invented 11 other letters, making a total of 18 letters.  Epicharmus of Sicily added to Greek the 2 letters Theta and Chi (Θ, Χ), letters 8 and 22, making 20 letters in total, but some accounts tells us that he invented instead Psi and Pi (Ψ, Π), letters 23 and 16.[9]  Simonides the Dionysian devotee added four letters to the Greek alphabet, namely Omega, Epsilon, Zeta, and Psi (Ο, Ε, Ζ, Ψ), or letters 24, 5, 6, and 23, but some say he added instead, Omega, Epsilon, Zeta, and Phi (Ο, Ε, Ζ, Φ), or letters 24, 5, 6, and 21.[10]  Thus, by counting the original 7 letters with the additions made by Palamedes (11 letters), Simonides (4 letters), and Epicharmus (2 letters), we arrive at the modern count of 24 Greek letters.  The Greek alphabet formed the bases for the Etruscan, Oscan, Umbrian, and Roman alphabets.  Cf. Pelasgian alphabet, Cadmean alphabet, Dorian alphabet.
alphabet : [1000 bc] Aramaic syllabary, the writing system that gave rise of Square Hebrew or ketav meruba‘ ‘square script’ and ketav ashuri ‘Assyrian writing.’  Aramaic was a language spoken in several small kingdoms in Syria and northern Mesopotamia, and the center of Aramaic speech was at Dameshek, now Damascus.  When the Assyrian Empire was reëstablished from the ninth century bc, Aramaean political power gradually disappeared, and Dameshek fell to the Assyrians in 732 bc.  However, Aramaean culture survived and spread eastward with the Aramaean exiles.
alphabet : [1000 bc] Ras Shamra alphabet, based on cuneiform.  It might have been invented in imitation of the Phoenician system.[8]  Cf. Palaio-Sinaitic.
alphabet : [1000 bc]  Palaio-Sinaitic alphabet, based on cuneiform, and classed with the Ras Shamra.[11]  Semites living in Palestine and the Sinai Peninsula used this alphabet, but it has never been deciphered.  Cf. Early Canaanite alphabet, Proto-Byblian script.
alphabet : [1000-900 bc] Dorian alphabet of 24 letters, the Greek alphabet that became the parent to all of the Italian alphabets, namely Etruscan, Umbrian, Oscan, Faliscan, and Latin.[7]  Dorian Greek letters evolved from an adaption of the North Semitic alphabet.  Cf. Ionic alphabet [403 bc].

1000 BC–500 BC: The Celtic languages spread over Central and Western Europe. Proto Germanic. Homer and the beginning of Classical Antiquity. The Vedic Civilization gives way to the Mahajanapadas. Zoroaster composes the Gathas, rise of the Achaemenid Empire, replacing the Elamites and Babylonia. Separation of Proto-Italic into Osco-Umbrian and Latin-Faliscan. Genesis of the Greek and Old Italic alphabets. A variety of Paleo-Balkan languages are spoken in Southern Europe. The Anatolian languages are extinct.

1000 B.C. - "At this time east and central Europe, from the Black Sea to the Pyrenees, was inhabited by peoples with a fairly uniform culture, which archaeologists have called the Urnfield culture. . . . lived in small villages of round or square wooden houses, all of much the same size; the men wore a wrap-around kilt or sarong, with a cloak above, the women a long or short skirt and a blouse, all of plain woolen weave; they farmed a small area of uniformly sized fields, plowing with an ox-drawn plow that had no moldboard and did not turn the sod, and when they died they were cremated and the ashes were buried in a pottery vessel in large communal cemetaries, the urn fields which have given the culture its name. . . . Bronze working was widespread, with exploitation of the copper of Ireland and the Carpathians, and the tin of Cornwall, long-swords of bronze, an innovative in Europe, are commonly found. But they appear to have been an egalitarian population, with no great extremes of wealth and poverty, and with no signs of large-scale wars or empire building." [Discovery of Lost Worlds]

[Mysteries of the Past, 1977: 1000 B. C. - 200 A. D. - Adena culture in Ohio, North America]

Austronesian from Melanesia and Micronesia sailed to Polynesia by 1000 B.C. -

1000 - 500 heliacal setting of Taurus ALSO occurred around the time of the spring equinox (March 21)
1st century - heliacal rising of Taurus began to occur around April 5.

970 BCE, David's son Solomon became king of Israel.[12]
By 980 BCE Solomon began to build the Holy Temple known as the First Temple.

Upon Solomon's death (c. 930 BCE), the ten northern tribes split off to form the Kingdom of Israel.

900 - 200 - Chavin de Huantar, Peru

850 - An Egyptian Expedition to America, recorded on the Orient Tablet, Eagle Neck, Orient, Long Island, New York, North America (SunGod)
800- "settlements of iron-weaponed visitors in south Britain." (WG)
eighth century BCE - Eleusinian mysteries celebrated

"about 800 B.C. . . . signs of outside interference appear among the Urnfield peoples. Scattered among the thousands of burial urns of this period are found a few, perhaps sixty in all, containing bronze horse trappings, especially bits, of [the] type [known elsewhere]. They are the horse-bits, with ornamental cheekpieces, depicted on Assyrian reliefs from the eighth century B.C. in northern Mesopotamia . . . , new in Assyria also, [no] doubt . . . introduced from the north, from the Cimmerian and Scythian horsemen who at this time were contending for grazing grounds north of Armenia and north of the Black Sea. It would seem that a very small number of these warrior horseman, Cimmerians and possibly even Scyths, penetrated into Europe in this century. They were probably originally mercenaries, perhaps even veterans from the Assyrian armies. But they rapidly attained positions of some prominence among the peoples whom they served. From about 700 B.C. we find their burials." [Discovery of Lost Worlds]

[Reappearance of Greek writing] Introduction of the [Greek] alphabet sometime between 825 and 750 BC. [Mallory, 66]

alphabet : [800-700 bc] Early Hebrew, a Phoenician syllabary in 22 symbols.  The original Hebrew script was forgotten, and superseded by Aramaic script during the Babylonian Exile (586-516 bc).
alphabet : [800 bc]  Etruscan alphabet in 26 letters, based upon Greek, and evidenced by the Marsiliana Tablet in Florence, and some 11,000 inscriptions found elsewhere.  The alphabet was first based on the 22 letters of Hebrew, with the Greek addition of 4 letters, making 26 letters total.  The Etruscan script was superseded by the Roman or Latin alphabet of 21 letters.  The Latin alphabet later grew to 23 letters, and then 26 letters.  Early Greek, Etruscan, and Early Latin were uniformly written right to left, in the manner of Semitic writing.

Mayan Sacred Calendar:
National Underworld: Heaven 7: Day 4: Proliferation - 749 - 355

800 - 600 Hebrew First Temple period -



Writing / Alphabet
2700 - Egyptian hieroglyphic script was a complete set of uniliteral glyphs = writing + alphabet

2700 - Sumerian historic record opens; syllabic writing starts to develop from early pictograms.

Indus Harappa script - Scientific American - March 1983

22nd - 20th centuries: Egyptian alphabet

2000 Cretan hieroglyphs

1900 - Linear A script
[Cyrus Gordon: Minoan (Linear A) was Phoenician (Northwest Semitic) ] = syllabary

1800 Wadi el-Hol = Egyptian alphabet = first known alphabet



1800 Hittite alphabet - 13 consonants - not agglutinative





<<< 1700

1600 Shang China script




1500 Proto-Sinaitic script [writing, alphabet]

1500 Ugaritic alphabet

1500-1400 Mycenean, Cretan script [writing]