April in Paris, 2004

I turned 55 in March of 2004. How could I turn 55 without ever having seen Paris? Clearly this needed to be rectified. I made my plans and booked a flight.

Paris was gorgeous. Tulips and wisteria were in bloom, along with myriad other spring flowers. Temperatures were mid 70s (F) most days. Pink was the mode; shop windows were rife with Barbie dolls and puffy pink cotton-candy clouds complimenting their wares. I had 10 glorious days of museum-going, sight-seeing, strolling and eating. Lots of strolling and eating. It was an excellent vacation.

First, the Big Three:

I also saw lots of museums and plenty of other art.

Everything about Paris was fascinating to me, from the modes of transportation to the
gardens and playgrounds. I went to a flea market, too. But best of all, of course, was the food!
