Tiger Beat

Friday, May 5, 2000

Mike Godwin's article on Jessica Litman's speech at CFP 2000.

Jon Katz's slashdot piece, Shut Down Metallica, Not Napster.
posted by steve rhodes 5/5/2000 2:12:44 AM

Thursday, May 4, 2000

The showdown between Disney and Time Warner has raised some debate about all of the media mergers of the last two decades, but there needs to more discussion about the public policy issues raised by this trend and by new technologies.

Jeff Chester of the Center For Media Education raised these issues in a piece for Alternet (which has just relaunched), Remember Community Access As Broadband Technology Rises .
posted by steve rhodes 5/4/2000 6:34:35 PM

Wednesday, May 3, 2000

When Nightline breaks out of the standard set-up piece followed by Ted interviewing a few people, it can do some amazing stuff from the documentaries Jay Allison did a few years ago to Robert Krulwich's work.

On Monday, Nightline began a 3 part series on Lesley-Diann Jones, an elementary school teacher in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The second part airs tonight. They have an overview of the series, a transcripts of first and second show (the transcripts will be up for about a week), and entries from a journal Jones kept.
posted by steve rhodes 5/3/2000 2:38:19 PM

Tuesday, May 2, 2000

On Sunday's episode of the X-Files, one of the plot threads (amid the Hollywood spoof) was a forger who sold documents to the Catholic Church that defied church teachings, so a priest bought them to keep the suppressed.

David Duchovny (who wrote and directed the episode) may have read about the case of Michael Hoffman who sold faked religious documents that undermined church teachings to the Mormon church which then surpressed them.

Cythia Cotts has a Press Clips column in the Village Voice on how an article on Michael Hoffman by Simon Worrall focusing on an Emily Dickinson poem he forged finally was published in the latest issue of the Paris Review. That article isn't online, but a shorter version of the piece was published in the British Guardian on April 8th and it makes pretty fascinating reading. Worral's agents are trying to option the article for a film and expand it into a book.

It would have been nice if the Voice had linked to the Guardian piece so people who aren't reading this weblog could easily find it.
posted by steve rhodes 5/2/2000 11:35:37 PM

The video by Indymedia on the IMF and World Bank protests, Breaking the Bank, is up in realvideo/ Part 1 and Part 2 are each half an hour. Also, see the This Modern World cartoon (in color) on the protests.

The British video colective Undercurrents has video up of the may day protests in london (though be careful my computer crashed when I tried to look at the video).
posted by steve rhodes 5/2/2000 4:15:18 PM

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