Bakn My level: 7 5%
1HBlunt 20 32 Feeble (Level +1) * 4 200 Awful 0 10
Pierce 30 40 Very Bad (Level +1) * 5 200 Feeble 11 20
2H Blunt 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 180 Very Bad 21 30
H2H 10 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 200 Bad 31 40
Throw 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 113 Below Average 41 50
Average 51 70
Abjuration 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 235 @9 Good 71 80
Alteration 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 235 @9 Very Good 81 90
Conjuration 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 235 @9 Excellent 91 100
Divination 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 235 @9 Master 101 +
Evocation 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 235 @9
Channel 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 200 @9 Conjuration 15 30 Sicken
Meditate 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 185 @12 Alteration 9 10 Minor Healing
  Abjuration 9 10 Inner Fire
Defense 30 35 Very Bad Level * 5 210 Evocation 30 75 Spirit Strike
Offense 30 35 Very Bad Level * 5 200 Divination 9 12 Flash of Light
Kick 19 40 Feeble (Level +1) * 5 180 @5
Dodge 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 125 @10
Dual Wield 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 210 @17
Block 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 150 @25
Riposte 0 32 Awful (Level +1) * 4 150 @40
Swimming 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 200
Sense Heading 17 40 Feeble (Level +1) * 5 200
Fishing 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 200
Alchohol 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5
Pottery 0 n/c Awful
Smithing 0 n/c Awful
Tailoring 14 n/c Feeble Thread(15),Bandages(21), Patchwork/Cord(26)
Brewing 0 n/c Awful
Baking 0 n/c Awful
Bind Wound 0 40 Awful (Level +1) * 5 200
Abilities Things to look forward to
HP 92 83 5 Kick
AC 67 59 9 Minor Heal, Inner Fire, Flash, Warder!
ATK 50 1000 10 Dodge, Weapons hit for 14 (was 10)
12 Meditate
Strength 130 0 130 15 Sicken, Strengthen, Scale Skin
Stamina 127 10 137 17 Dual Weild
Agility 75 0 75 20 Double Attack, Damage Cap Gone!
Dexterity 70 0 70 22 Light Healing, Drowsy
Wisdom 102 0 102 25 Block
Intelligence 60 0 60
Charisma 42 15 57 Things I got
1HB 8 38 0.211 FS MS
Needs shuriken Pierce 3 24 0.125 Newbie Dagger
H2H 6 44 0.136 Rusty Ulak (!)
Captain Tarief 4 Darkclaw Scales for the bracer (AC 4) 2HB 9 36 0.250 FS Great Staff
Hunting Leather 4 Hopper Scales for the boots (AC 5)
w/STR (Sleeves 2) 4 Shredder Scales for the sleeves (AC 5) H2H 5 24 0.208 Quest Claws
Pierce 6 28 0.214 Forged Spear
Spiritist Karina 4 ? Jawbones for the bracer (AC 4) 1HB 5 30 0.167 Flint Hammer
Rebirth Leather 4 ?Thick? Jawbones for the boots (AC 5) Pierce 8 35 0.229 Flint Head Spear
Various +'s 4 Sharp Tooth Jawbones for the sleeves (AC 5)
4 Rotted Jawbones for the legs (AC 6) 1HB 7 34 0.206 Firefall Claw Club
4 Darkened Jawbones for the gloves (AC 5) 1HB 6 35 0.171 Deathmaw Claw Club
1HB 5 30 0.167 Shredder Claw Club
Captain Alim 3 Shredder Claws for the Shredder Claw Club (5/30-.167 Tegi+2)
Claw Clubs 3 Deathmaw Claws for the Deathmaw Claw Club (6/35-.171 Poison+2)
Bane's 3 Firefall Claws for the Firefall Claw Club (7/34-.206 Fire+2)
+ Wood. Prac. Flail 1 Claw Beast Talon for the Claw Beast Talon Club (5/30-.167 STR+3 STA+3)