It started out as Pixel Theater. That's what I originally wanted to call the moving image part of HotWired, but Louis thought "kino" was cool, and "kino" actually is cool, but I just had to do a Pixel Theater. However, my latest painting looks like a vector into a previously unknown new dimension of its own. It isn't hard to spot vectors moving into previously unknown new dimensions of their own. Ninety percent of the process is letting go of not knowing. If you want to avoid trouble and stay in your right mind, avoid eye contact with vectors moving into previously unknown new dimensions of their own. I remember that the first thing they tried to teach me in school was that it's best to avoid eye contact with vectors moving into previously unknown new dimensions. Treat everything like Disneyland: just look around for the signs, get in line, don't look behind the scenes, buy what they sell you, keep it moving, keep it orderly, then leave.

I docked in today with the intention of tweaking my latest, which told me it wanted to be called "deoxyphotonucleic acid," and when I looked at it, the words, "The Rheingoldian Gallery of Photonucleic Art" popped into my mind. So I've blown off an entire day that I would have otherwise devoted to pursuing a mildly reality-based goal. "Deoxyphotonucleic acid" is the first in the series. At the moment, I haven't a clue to what the next one is, or when it will arrive. Together, we can all stay tuned for the next episode.

Deoxyphotonucleic Acid (70K)

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