3.Improving External Attention

A. Pick target audiences likely to be specially interested in A-NZ.
For example, the SF Bay Area and Seattle share many sentiments with many A-Nzers. Consider developing a physical presence in these locales, where aspects of A-NZ would be
 always on show.

B. Use internal websites for external relations as well.

C. Restructure immigration laws to make it possible for stars
(i.e. attention-getters) to move to A-NZ and attract disciples who
 can become a nucleus of further attention-getting.

D. Create a nation-wide University of A-NZ, incorporating
existing universities, but with additional funds to attract visiting
and permanent professors who can draw top students and more
faculty stars to A-NZ. By using internal material economy for much of faculty “salaries,” such as free housing, food and internal travel, you won’t need to dip much into your foreign currency reserves to pay for this. By offering positions to faculty in trouble spots who might prefer a peaceful environment, you can help them as well as yourselves.

E. Start holding special short-term, high-level schools using clusters of talent already to be found in A-NZ (such as Nelson potters).

F. Figure how who you are distinguishes you from any other place, and do your best to get the world to know it. (E.g. you are at once Polynesian city dwellers, Scottish sheep farmers, highly educated Maoris, dedicated Greens, and offer a not-bad model of a good future for the planet.)
