Special Meeting of the Waterfront Commission

July 8, 1998

North Berkeley Senior Center

1901 Hearst Street


1.         CALL TO ORDER


Chair WASSON called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM and called the roll:


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:         FELIX, KAWCZYNSKA, SMITH, THOMAS, Chair                                                             WASSON, WINDHAM, Vice-Chair WOLGAST, &                                                 WOZNIAK.




STAFF PRESENT:                             Lisa Caronna, Debra Chernin, Jay Kelekian, Gil Kelley, Heather McMillan, and Ed Murphy.




Public comment was held in session with the Planning Commission and after the presentation by staff and consultants.  Several persons spoke and expressed their opinions on the two design options for the proposed I-80 Bridge. 




            a.         Approval of Agenda


Chair WASSON moved the I-80 Overpass to an Action Item.


            b.         Approval of Minutes


Chair WASSON decided that the minutes of previous meetings would be held over to the next regular Commission meeting.


4.         ACTION ITEM


            a.         I-80 Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge


Gil Kelley and Debra Chernin presented a written report which described the two design options under consideration.  Consultants then proceeded to explain these two options in detail and to answer questions from the Commissioners and the general public.


After this presentation and public comment, the Waterfront Commission members met and discussed this issue among themselves.  Commissioner SMITH made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner KAWCZYNSKA that the Waterfront Commission recommends that the City Council adopt Option # 1 (the Curved Box Girder Bridge) as the design solution for the Bridge.  The motion passed by a vote of 6-2-0-1, with Commissioners Kawczynska, Smith, Wasson, Windham, Wolgast, and Wozniak voting in favor; Commissioners Felix and Thomas against; and Commissioner Jones was absent.


The Commission made this recommendation based on the following considerations:


a) The curved alignment of this option best enhances the natural environment of Aquatic Park and the waterfront area on the west side of the I-80 Freeway;


b) Views of San Francisco Bay and Berkeley would be maximized.


c) Option #1 would have lower maintenance costs;


d) Option #1 presents better sight lines for safety reasons; and


e) Option #1 presents a graceful and elegant architectural design which best meets the design guidelines adopted by the City for the project. 


Members commented that they are very supportive of the project.




Heather McMillan presented a written staff report on the status of various improvement projects planned for Aquatic Park.  After discursion, the Commission accepted the report.  No action was taken.


Commissioner Thomas left the meeting at 10:10 PM.






7.         ADJOURNMENT


Commissioner Felix made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Commissioner WINDHAM.  The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-0-2, with Commissioners JONES and THOMAS absent.





