TIME GUM If you've always wanted to roam the corridors of time, To meet Shakespeare, Attend the original Olympics, Or bumble around with dinosaurs, And you're the kind of person who prefers hiking to driving, Then I recommend Time Gum. Some flavors let you chew your way straight into the past That you've always read about in history books While others take you crookedly into other pasts Of dragons And wizards And fairy-tale princesses And still other flavors give you the future. I could say more about futures, But some people feel it's like telling the ending To a movie you haven't seen yet, Or opening your Christmas presents early And having nothing to do on Christmas morning But sit around wishing you'd waited, So I won't. In some ways Time Gum is very mysterious. Like, nobody knows when or if It was, or will be, or would have been invented. But most futures are full of warehouses full of it So nobody really worries about it. Some people wonder if it's safe. The main danger is cheap imitations That aren't really Time Gum at all But just regular gum with drugs in it To make you think you're on a time trip When you really aren't. It seems, however, That dealers in such bogus wares Often suddenly find That their grandparents had no children, And their parents didn't either, And neither will they, probably, So it's never really been a problem. Still, it's safer to buy from someone you trust. Just ask your friends to recommend someone. Chances are they can, Since Time Gum is not as rare As you might think. F'rinstance, If you've ever endured banquet speeches That seemed to drone on and on forever, Or been enjoying a concert When it ended all too soon, Chances are that some of the lumps Stuck to the underside of your seat Are, or were, or will be, or might have been, Time Gum. Thomas G. Digby written 2340 hr Oct 26 83 entered 0415 hr Nov 22 83 format 14:05 12/22/2001