FasdUAS 1.101.10 k l WQ AutoFileUpload - automatically transfer files from the Finder to a remote server l  ;5 Copyright (C) 2004 John F. Whitehead   l   l D> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or l B< modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License l E? as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 l =7 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. l   l F@ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, l! !E? but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of "# "l$ $D> MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the#%& %l' '3- GNU General Public License for more details.&() (l* * )+, +l- -HB You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License,./ .l0 0B< along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software/12 1l3 3RL Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.245 4l6 6 578 7l9 9JD The GNU GPL is available at .8:; :l;<= <l> >/) AutoFileUpload, version 1.0, 23 Sep 2004=?@ ?lA AVP Documentation available at .@BC BlCDE DlF FJD--------------------------------------------------------------------EGH GlI IC= customize these three variables for your remote account infoHJK JlL LQK or leave any at their default values to cause you to be prompted each timeKMN MlO O]W or customize them all and create multiple versions of this script for each destinationNPQ PlRS RjT 0 remote_user TmU Uusername S default: "username"QVW VlXY XjZ 0 remote_host Zm[ [hostname Y default: "username"W\] \l^_ ^j` 0 remote_dir `ma a~ _$ default: "~" (home directory)]bc blcde dlf f-' nothing below here needs to be changedegh glhij ilkl kj m 0verbose mm  boovfals l4. change to true for verbose debugging messagesjno nlopq pi rs rItu .facofgetnullalis to 0 this_folderuv  flst vo 0 these_items skEwwxy xlyz{ zVC|} |k >~~ I  .sysodlogaskrTEXT m kePlease specify the username for the remote host (you may set this permanently by editing the script):  dtxt o 0 remote_user  btns v m Cancel m OK  dflt m r( n" 1 "  ttxt 1  rslt o 0 remote_user Z)> l)0 =)0 o). 0 remote_user m./  r3: m34 username o 0 remote_user }l = o 0 remote_user m username{ VD kP IPn .sysodlogaskrTEXT bPY bPW mPQ 82Please specify the address of the remote host for  oQV 0 remote_user mWX <6 (you may set this permanently by editing the script):  dtxt oZ_ 0 remote_host  btns v`h m`c Cancel mcf OK  dflt mij rox nor 1pr  ttxt 1op  rslt o 0 remote_host Zy ly =y oy~ 0 remote_host m~  r m hostname o 0 remote_host lHO =HO oHM 0 remote_host mMN hostname I .sysodlogaskrTEXT b b b b m .(Please specify the remote directory for  o 0 remote_user m @ o 0 remote_host m <6 (you may set this permanently by editing the script):  dtxt o 0 remote_dir  btns v m Cancel m OK  dflt m r n 1  ttxt 1  rslt o 0 remote_dir l +% empty dir should be same as home dir Z l = o 0 remote_dir m  r m ~ o 0 remote_dir l r b b b   b   b   o 0 remote_user m @  o 0 remote_host  m : o 0 remote_dir m / o 0 remote_path Z < =  o  0verbose m  boovtrue I8 .sysodlogaskrTEXT b4 b0 b* b& b !" !b#$ #m% %remote path is  $o 0 remote_user "m& &@  o % 0 remote_host m&)' ': o*/ 0 remote_dir m03( (/)* )l==*+, +O=-. -kC//01 0ZCq23 2HCP4 4lCO5 5ICO6 .coredoexboolobj 6nCK78 74DK~9 ~ cfol 9mGJ: : Done 8oCD} }0 this_folder 3ISm|{; |.corecrel****null{;z<= z kocl <mWZy y cfol=x>? x insh >o]^w w0 this_folder?v@u v prdt @KaiAAtBs t pnam BmdgC C Donesu1Dr DrrEF Ecr~GH GnrzIJ I4szqK q cfol KmvyL L Done Jorsp p0 this_folder Hmz}o o alis FlMn Mom m0 done_foldernr .m=@NNnull Finder.app0L7p()2(K MACSalisfTitaniumpH+ Finder.app8V CoreServicesq8v8Z a_/Titanium:System:Library:CoreServices:Finder.app Finder.appTitanium&System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/,OP OllklkPQR QYCSjTUi Sk>VVWX WrYZ Yn[\ [4h] h cobj ]og g0i \of f0 these_items Zoe e 0 this_itemX^_ ^r`a `Idbc d.sysonfo4asfe**** bob b 0 this_itemc alca co` ` 0 item_infoa_d_ dZ>ef^] e>gh go\ \ 0 this_item hli[ ioZ Z0 done_folder[ fk:jjkl krmn mloY onpq p1X X strq qlrW rnst s1V V psxp toU U 0 this_itemWY nluT uoS S 0 item_pathTlvR vQ:wxy wkzz{| {Z}~QP }= oO O 0verbose mN N boovtrue ~IML M.sysodlogaskrTEXT b b b m  scp -p -q -r  oK K 0 item_path m   oJ J0 remote_pathLQP| IIH I.sysoexecTEXTTEXT b b b m  scp -p -q -r  oG G 0 item_path m   oF F0 remote_pathHE O Q ID D.coremoveobj obj oC C 0 this_itemBA B insh o@ @0 done_folderA R?> ?.ascrerr ******** o= = 0err_msg> I< <.sysodlogaskrTEXT c b b  b m Could not move ' o; ; 0 this_item m   ':  o  : : 0err_msg m9 9 TEXT87 8 btns m OK7 mNE xR65 6.ascrerr ******** o4 4 0err_msg5 yI#:3 3.sysodlogaskrTEXT c#2 b#. b#, b#( m#& Could not scp ' o&'2 2 0 item_path m(+  ':  o,-1 1 0err_msg m.10 0 TEXT/. / btns m36 OK.R^]_ j0i Tm-- Un m, , nmbr n 2+ + cobj o* *0 these_itemsiR) lDD('(')q& l%$%$&#U[a"#!  !0 remote_user 0 remote_host 0 remote_dir  0verbose .facofgetnullalis " boovfalss .facofgetnullalis 0 this_folder  flst 0 these_items  0 this_folder 0 these_items 0 remote_path 0 done_folder 0i  0 this_item  0 item_info  0 item_path 0err_msgB %&'(N:CL  dtxt  btns  dflt  .sysodlogaskrTEXT  rslt  ttxt  cfol .coredoexboolobj  kocl  insh  prdt  pnam .corecrel****null  alis  cobj  nmbr .sysonfo4asfe****  psxp  strq .sysoexecTEXTTEXT .coremoveobj obj 0err_msg  TEXTFBhbbl l O,EcOb EcYh[OYORhbb%%baal l O,EcObaaEcYh[OYOab%a%b%a%baal l O,EcObaaEcYhOba%b%a%b%a%EObe*ab%a%b%a %b%a!%j YhOa"?a#a$/j % *a&a#a'a(a)a*l +YhOa#a,/a-&EUOka.-a/,Ekha./EOj 0EOa1,a2,EOebea3%a4%%j YhOa5%a6%%j 7Oa"-a'l 8WX9:a;%a<%%a=&a>l UWX9:a?%a@%%a=&aAl Yh[OYQOPascr ޭ