BayCon Photos &c.

These photos are the first bunch I took with my shiny new digital camera. Some of them are a bit blurry, as I was still learning the parameters of the device. The full-size versions are different sizes, depending on how much detail I thought a given image should have.


Who ya gonna call?
This man is carrying an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back.
This thing was homemade, built from scratch. Damn I love geeks.
This is not the droid you're looking for.
Sharp-looking dame.
Grizzled, tough, battle-scarred space commandos, in the lobby of a national chain hotel. Cons...
This was this guy's first-ever costume. His name is "That guy we hate."
Didn't the Power Rangers beat this guy up once?
Best Professional Costume, BayCon 2001
The SF Bay Area always attracts... you know, that type.
The fighting gals from The Mummy Returns
The original Jack & Sally beat the original Snowmane. History repeats itself.
I didn't ask if they have a boob bounce mode.
Take a bite out of fire... wait, no, that hurts. Wrong dog.
"Those movies are about how the brother man dresses cooler than the white man, even in a galaxy far far away."
When you're in trouble, and good help is hard to find...
Bravely fighting the stereotype of vampires as sexy

If I could, I would dress like that all the time. No, not the scruffy guy in the background.

This is a ritual of our tribe. It's called "What we did instead of going to the prom."
Just say no to crack, people! Or at least stop bending over the table every five damn minutes! We're eating here!
There's a brat on the loose. She's believed armed and incorrigible.
...and possibly horny.
Full weird-but-cool points to this guy. The sheep is apparently for luring Scotsman.
"Why yes, inspector, the room did show signs of a struggle."
Remainder of table intentionally left blank. And by "intentionally" I mean "lazily".      
Cornfed all-American Good comes face to face with cadaverous goateed Evil. As usual, Evil is dressed snazzier.
Robynne looking fine. How fine? Damn fine.        


The Matrix

These were a series of shots we took while fighting in a topographically interesting location. The full-size versions are quite big, as Adam wants to play with them in Photoshop. Kudos to J.D. for the photography.

There is no spoon.
Adam looks enormously cool. I look... constipated or something.
"You are using Bonetti's defense against me!"
"I thought it wisest, considering the surreal terrain."
"Naturally you must expect me to attack with Capo Ferro!"
"Naturally, but I find that being a crazed zombie werewolf cancels out Capo Ferro, don't you?"
My pose would look cooler if Adam's didn't look vaguely dismissive.
The laws of god, the laws of gravity, he may keep that will and can...
I told you already, there ain't no damn spoon!
Saw it coming a block away. Punk.
Bring that spoon up again and I swear I'll slap you.
"...and when I'm done with you, I'll fight those giant kneecaps!"



A few random things I took pictures of and thought people would want to see.

My nephew Azamat, aged 14 months.
Dolls built for a famous dollhouse, based on the people who frequented the real house in its day. Note Gertrude Stein at lower right.
More of the dolls. They're basically Edward Gorey drawings gone 3-D.
Very large, intricately detailed dollhouse, one of many in the museum's collection.