The Project Itself

The work on the project was strenuous, repetitive, and often frustrating. Daily trap checks, long telemetry shifts, and assorted gruntwork were the primary roles of the volunteers. It makes one realize the genius of Earthwatch in providing these projects with workers who will slave happily away because they're so excited even to be there in the first place. It certainly worked on me.

A typical JBB trap check team, which would then split up into two subgroups.
Much of each day was spent hiking through the forest to find and check the traps.
Chicken goes in the trap, trap goes in the forest. Fossas in the forest...
The chicken was held in place behind sticks up to an inch thick. A fossa will reduce those sticks, literally, to matchwood.
A fossa will also do this to a chicken. Note the head in the lower left. The fossa in question also managed to do this without setting off the trap.
A camera trap, in context. Trip the beam next to the camera, and it goes off. The project got a couple shots of scared poachers that way.
The lowest point of the project, when we found Caesar's collar, clearly cut off a corpse.
And the highest point, when we captured the only fossa for our team, Quintus. Don't miss his movie here.
As I approached the cage, Quintus squirmed over on his back so that all his sharp parts would be pointed at me.
This was our only new capture, a wild cat named Heathcliff.
Shawn loads the blowgun to subdue Heathcliff.
Shawn lifts the thoroughly drugged Heathcliff out of the trap.
Shawn and Robin transporting Heathcliff back to camp.
Luke samples, tests, and thoroughly documents Heathcliff.
Some weird white guy poses with the collared and extremely stoned Heathcliff.
If he weren't higher than a weather satellite here, he would be clawing me raw.


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