Crab Fest 2003
Cooking home page

First to arrive: Mr. Peoples (not pictured because he’s taking the picture), peoples (with arm raised), kathbran, Joan (Mrs. ronks) and ronks.

aronan, with a fabulous grain salad

(Mrs. ronks)


Janice (NOTW) and ode

gower and Valerie (NOTW)

jloree (at right) with kathbran and aronan in the background


Around the table clockwise, from lower left corner:
pbs, wiggly, frako, Valerie, gower, flash (w/ red suspenders), jenslobodin, ode, Janice (NOTW), oz, wellelp, static, reet, ronks, kathbran, teeny tiny top of aronan’s head, Mr. Peoples’ forehead, jloree, atmed, back of axon’s head.

(clockwise around table from lower right) aronan (in purple shirt), Mr. Peoples, gower, NOTW Joan (Mrs. ronks), flash, jenslobodin, ellen, margew, ode, Janice, oz, wellelp, static, reet, ronks.

(clockwise, from lower left) Joan, peoples (standing, in red shirt), Shaunita (Mrs. flash), flash, Jen, Ellen, Marge (obscured by salad bowl), ode (obscured by Janice), oz, wellelp, reet obscured by ronks, back of kathbran’s head.

wellelp, static

reet and ronks

aronan and Mr. Peoples

reet gets frisky

… peeps just looks dreamy-eyed …

… and flash tries to explode poppers with brain power.

Finally, we’re just too full to go on, and Mr. Peoples wants us all to go outside for a group shot.

But first kathbran needs to put on lipstick.

Everybody (except Mr. Peoples, who took the photo)

oz and axon enjoy a bit of Freudian action

Schultz the Tripedal Dog!