Links for Thinkers
The World Wide Web is an entity that makes possible the dissemination of unpopular or underfunded information. Drug information in the public sphere heretofore has been dominated by mass media with an interest in fanning the flames of fear on television and in the newspapers. More thoughtful discussion was marginalized. Places like the Well’s Drug conference sprung up as a refuge. Here are some other sites that come recommended by Well Drug conference habitues.
Heffter Research Institute
An effort to create a full time research facility devoted to impartial research on psychedelic substances.
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
A membership organization that funds research efforts by medical professionals into the potential benefits of psychedelic substances.
Neuropharmacological Activism
Drug Reform Coordination Network
What it sounds like.
The Lindesmith Center
Think tank on drug policy issues.
Council on Spiritual Priorities
A non-profit transdenominational religious, scientific, and educational organization. The Council’s primary activity at this time is the Entheogen Project, an initiative to study and support legal spiritual applications of entheogenic plant and chemical substances.
Some additional policy links:
- DrugText: The Internet’s center for substance use-related risk reduction
- Families Against Mandatory Minimums
- Forfeiture Endangers Americans’ Rights
- Marijuana Policy Project
- National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
Other Sites of Interest
Terence McKenna’s Page
He was a star of the entheogenic circuit.
Another McKenna page.
Novelty Report
And another
Sources for Books, In and Out of Print
Flashback Books