Isaac and Jeffrey’s Extraordinary MUSE Page

Isaac and Jeffrey’s Extraordinary MUSE Page

This page hopes to provide you with all the tools necessary to learn about Muses, how to connect to them and how to begin enjoying them. To this end we encourage you to explore the following links. Have fun!

You can visit the WeLLmuse Conference page. If you are a WeLL member, you can email to obtain a character. Before going to the WeLLmuse, you might want to take a look at the WeLLmuse QwikStart Guide. If you are feeling particularly adventurous, you can download MUSE server code.


The Musenet is an account on that is running TinyFugue, a program that allows connection to multiple muses at once. Some of these worlds are: OeanaMUSE BridgeMUSE , and MariMUSE Another great MUSE is microMUSE. Unfortunately, guest access is no longer allowed at micro, as a result of Guests who could not keep their behavior consistent with a project whose target audience is children.

The world MicroMUSE is automatically shown at entrance. Since you cannot connect to Micro as a guest you could: send mail to and ask for a trial character. New characters are expected to become available in mid-October, 1994. To go to another MUSE, wait till the MicroMUSE screen shows up, and type: /world OceanaMUSE or /world BridgeMUSE or /world MariMUSE.

Are you ready to start? Click Here to go to MUSENET. When it asks for “login:” enter “guest” . To quit, wait till the MicroMUSE screen shows up, and type /quit.

Info on other MU* types

Tech and Academic Reports relating to MU*’s
