WELL 2004 Tomatofest

(smash) & (rose-vita)’s
September 18, 2004
Celebrate tomatoes. That was the idea: let’s get together and share tomatoes (and things which complement them) from our gardens. As it turned out, many of our gardens had already peaked, and we were concerned that we would not have enough. Fortunately, Diana (Mrs. (snitil)) saved the day with 5 buckets of ‘maters – enough to taste, and enough for the tomato-deprived to take some home. About 30 people enjoyed the sun and the fruits, about half from the WELL, and about half (smash) & (rose-vita)’s NOTW friends.

As always, my feeble mind misplaces names, so please let me know of corrections.

More than enough!

More than enough!

Laramie, (kathbran), Mrs. Ramanathan, and (peoples)

Laramie, (kathbran), Mrs. Ramanathan, and (peoples)

Diana, Yolanda, and (snitil)

Diana, Yolanda, and (snitil)

Ingrid, Mumble, and Laramie

Ingrid, Mumble, and Laramie

Todd, Ingrid, and Mumble compare tomatoes

Todd, Ingrid, and Mumble compare tomatoes

Laramie, Margo, (karish), (peoples), Johnnie

Laramie, Margo, (karish), (peoples), Johnnie

Laramie and Yolanda at the Gazpacho table

Laramie and Yolanda at the Gazpacho table

Suku, Margo, (needtono), and Beau but note Harry the cat watching Beau from the fence

Suku, Margo, (needtono), and Beau
but note Harry the cat watching Beau from the fence

Go on! Have some more!

Go on! Have some more!

More pictures (by (karish))

Laramie and Johnnie contemplate tomatoes.

Some tomatoes.

Some more tomatoes.

Home made apple juice, gazpacho, bruschetta, tomato pie.

Laramie tells a story of tuna rustlers.

Contemplating chocolate.

Johnnie, , , Laramie, , (mostly hidden), Ken, Bev


photos by (smash) and (rose-vita)

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(peoples) and some peppers. Oh, and a ladle through her head.

(peoples) and some peppers. Oh, and a ladle through her head.