Tiger Beat

Saturday, February 24, 2001
An interesting lesson in how journalism happens.

On Feb. 14, David Kirkpatrick published a piece in the New York Times on the paperback edition of Dave Eggers' book. Eggers wasn't pleased with the article and listed his complaints and published the email exchange he had with Kirkpatrick (10,000 words in all).

Inside publishes a story on the controversy. Slate publishes a summary of Eggers' complaints (with commentary).

Kirkpatrick responds on the medianews.org letters page.

Saturday, February 10, 2001

The Washington Post Magazine has an intresting piece on Michael Jordan.

Sunday, February 04, 2001

If Matt Drudge is right and the story on Fox News was bumped from the cover becuase of the magazine's relationship with msnbc, that is wrong.

But the cover they ran on addiction is more interesting to most people.